666 Guns



Those three numbers resonate with most of us as a sign of something bad, something evil, something we don’t want to associate with. When Ronald and Nancy Reagan bought a house in California during his eight-year presidency, they didn’t like the fact that the three-digit address number was 666. Being president, he was able to get the address changed. That way he avoided any suggestions of a link with the dark side, in spite of the Iran-Contra affair–a shadow over his presidency. Interestingly, the scandal was successfully buried after the address was changed, a synchronicity.

Wikipedia describes the number this way: In modern popular culture, 666 has become one of the most widely recognized symbols for the Antichrist or, alternatively, the devil. The number 666 is purportedly used to invoke Satan. Earnest references to the number occur both among apocalypticist Christian groups and in explicitly anti-Christian subcultures.

The King James version of the New Testament describes the number this way: “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

So there have been lots of interpretations of the number and typically people don’t want to be associated with it. One personal experience  with the number was related to  a startling synchronicity. I (Rob) have written about it here previously. The story involves a drive to the Miami airport with two passengers,  one of whom I’d met on an international trip and was going back to Denmark.

The other was a minister of some obscure New Age sect and so we  got into an intense spiritual discussion  on the drive. My  body seemed to be literally vibrating from the conversation. That’s when I noticed a car passing us with a license that read: ZEN 665. I pointed it out and the minister said, “Wouldn’t it be strange if we now saw ZEN 666 on a passing car?”

Within five minutes, maybe less, a  yellow sports car passed us bearing  that very license: ZEN 666. Mind-blowing!

I bring this up today because of an email I received that the TSA had seized a record number of guns at Florida airports in 2021, many of them loaded. How many? You guessed it: 666 guns.

Considering the number of gun-related deaths in Florida and elsewhere in the country and the craziness that is going on with passengers on commercial airplanes, that figure seems symbolic. It suggests that the easy availability of guns combined with numerous incidents of strange behavior at airports is creating, well, devilish circumstances.







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White Crows


For psychic Mira Morales, it begins when a crazed woman accosts a jogger and demands to know where she can find Mira. In a confrontation, the lunatic is killed by the jogger and turns to stone before she hits the ground.

Mira reads the body and makes a startling discovery. The stone woman is from 2144, where the descendants of climate change survivors—Normals and White Crows—live in a giant dome. Crows represent nature’s rapid evolutionary leap to save humanity by endowing people with extraordinary abilities. Normals outnumber Crows, who keep them enslaved. Now the dome is collapsing, and the Crows’ only hope for the future lies in returning to the past. Hundreds of them are on their way to Mira’s time.

The invasion has begun.

Kindle available for preorder on Amazon.

The idea for this novel was born in 1987, when psychic Renie Wiley progressed Rob, me and our friend Tony Grosso to 2100 and asked what we saw. I saw myself  as a tall, bald woman living in a dome because the world outside was so toxic due to climate change. Two years later, I came across Mass Dreams of the Future by psychologist Helen Wambaugh and Chet Snow. Wambaugh had progressed 2500 Europeans to the year 2100 and asked what they saw. A life in domes was one of the scenariors.

It has haunted me ever since, so I finally decided to explore it in fiction – my therapy for nearly  everything!



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The Mystical Underground: Trish MacGregor: Star Power For March 2022

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Trish MacGregor: Star Power For March 2022”:

Join Trish for the March 2022 astrological forecast!

The written forecast is in  the masthead.

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An eerie trump synchro


We first published this synchro on August 8, 2017. It was weird then, but after 4 years of trump that ended in an insurrection and the current January 6 investigation, it strikes me as particularly strange and precognitive.


Global synchros may be more common than we realize, and often underscore the idea that the universe actually has a sense of humor! This one involves a series of books written by Ingersoll Lockwood in the late 1800s: Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey.

It’s about a wealthy kid, Baron, who lives in Castle Trump. His adventures start with a man named Don, the “Master of all Masters, who convinces him to travel to Russia, where the discovery of a portal enables him to travel to other lands.

Newsweek wrote about the coincidences in the books and noted that with Ingersoll’s final book in the series, The Last President, “the link to Trump are once again abundantly clear. The president’s hometown of New York City is fearing the collapse of the republic in this book, also titled 1900, immediately following the transition of presidential power. Some Americans begin forming a resistance, protesting what was seen as a corrupt and unethical election process.”

What’s especially interesting about this synchro is how it has taken off among internet conspiracy theorists. They believe the portal to other worlds in the books supports a theory that the Trump family has had access to time travel for many years ― through the president’s uncle, engineer John Trump. Apparently John Trump had access to the papers of Nikola Tesla, who was researching time travel, and this knowledge enabled Trump to win the 2016 presidential election.


In retrospect, I find that last paragraph sounds like the QAnon people who gathered in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, in November 2021. They believed JFK and his son would rise from the dead and the son  would run as trump’s VP in 2024. Here’s Rolling Stone’s story on that nutty belief.

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Richard Tarnas


Meet Richard Tarnas- author, astrologer, visionary. His 10 episode documentary – Changing of the Gods – is built loosely on his book Cosmos & Psyche, and highlights the importance of archetypal astrology and synchronicity throughout history and in modern life.

For the next few weeks, this documentary can be seen for free on You Tube.

Here’s a trailer.

Watch both. I think what he’s saying is part of the new paradigm. Interestingly, it premiered  on 2/22/22.



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In 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) demoted Pluto from its position as the ninth planet from the Sun to one of five “dwarf planets.” The IAU probably hadn’t planned on any outrage, anywhere. But astrologers took exception.

Pluto rules what’s hidden from the naked eye, the underworld, the power behind power. It rules life after death, reincarnation, secrecy, permanent transformation, death, the afterlife, spirit communication. You can’t just erase all that by demoting a planet. So yes, astrologers still use it. And this year, the U.S. will experience its first Pluto return.

All planets experience returns – when they return to where they were when you were born. But Pluto, the snail in the zodiac, takes 248 years to circle the zodiac. The birth chart of the USA is cast for 7/4/1776 at 5:10 p.m., Philadelphia. Its natal Pluto is at 27 degrees 33 minutes Capricorn, which began on February 3, the same day that Mercury turned direct. And it perfects today,  Feb 22. This return marks a turning point for us as a country, a nation, a people.

This return sweeps in and challenges everything we thought to be true about democracy, government, the way structures work in this country. This is already happening politically, culturally, and it probably is going to get worse before it gets better. This is when the pillars of democracy are challenged in a way they never have been before, when the norms are fraying, and the usual machinations no longer work.

On January 20, 2024 Pluto enters Aquarius and remains there until September 2, when it retrogrades back into Capricorn until December 20 2024. This is all happening in the U.S. chart’s 2nd house of money, where your money may not be much safer than it was in 1929 or during the 2007/2008 meltdown. If Pluto into Aquarius marks the beginning of a paradigm shift – instead of the dress rehearsal we’ve seen for the last several years- then be prepared.

I’m not even sure what that means. Find an alternate country? Make as much as you can? Go into hiding? Embrace what’s coming? No, forget that last one. What’s coming is a right wing agenda in which the election is stolen by partisan electors appointed by republicans. What’s coming is that if the losing party in a given state doesn’t like the results of an election, it can be easily overturned by some other person who has declared fealty to trump or to some other autocrat.

Supposedly, Pluto entering Aquarius marks the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. As the song Hair described it:

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars

Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind’s true liberation
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius

We’re obviously not there yet. But we can hope, right? We can become activists within our own lives, right? Change begins with one person. Then two. Three. Four….

An interesting interpretation of this date and Pluto’s return is here.



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The Mystical Underground: Gian Quasar – Then Came The Dawn: The Search For Amelia Earhart

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Gian Quasar – Then Came The Dawn: The Search For Amelia Earhart”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Gian Quasar, author of numerous books on mysteries of the unknown. His most recent one is “Then Came the Dawn,” an exploration of the Amelia Earhart mystery.
Rob met Gian nearly twenty years ago at the site of the former Naval Air Station in Fort Lauderdale where there was a commemoration of Flight 19, the mysterious disappearance of five
Navy Avenger torpedo bombers on December 5, 1945, an incident that became the heart of the Bermuda Triangle mystery. Gian and I and my co-author Bruce Gernon were there as part of our research for books on the Bermuda Triangle.

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The Power of Flow & Chris Mackey

Chris Mackey is a clinical psychologist and author in Australia who uses synchronicity and the power of flow in his work and his life. He was recently on our podcast to talk about his terrific book, The Positive Psychology of Synchronicity.








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Mike Perry, who lives in the Cornwall in the UK, was one of our first blogging friends. He has a blog on synchronicity and on the beauty of Cornwall. Shortly after the new year, he emailed a synchronicity that occurred one evening when he and his wife, Karin, had friends over for dinner.


Hello Trish.

We had a coincidence over the Christmas period.

We had some friends at our house for an evening meal. We got talking and the subject came up about Karin’s early life in Germany (she was born in Germany).

Karin told them about the farm her family had and how it is now a hotel.  It was about 10 o’clock in the evening. I got out some photos I had taken, when in Germany,  which showed them what was Karin’s home on the farm.

They asked if she had any  friends still in Germany. Karin answered that there was only one but she had moved away now and she hadn’t heard from her for about three years. I showed our friends a photo of the house where Karin’s friend lived.

At that moment our phone rang. It was Karin’s friend in Germany! She told Karin she was looking through some photos and found a slip of paper with our phone number amongst her photos.

Even though it was quite late she felt compelled to phone the number!

All good wishes for 2022


What’s particularly interesting about this synchronicity is that Karin’s friend in Germany was going through old photos just as Mike and Karin were and found their phone number. It seems there may have been an element of telepathy involved as well.

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I’ve been reading 9 Keys of Synchronicity by Philip Merry, an entrepreneur and synchronicity wise man. Philip’s book is filled with stories about how synchronicity works in daily life. One of the most remarkable stories involved $15,000.

On a hot sticky afternoon in Singapore in November 1995, Philip Merry experienced a mind-blowing synchronicity. It was 3:50 p.m. He was reviewing his company’s finances and realized he needed $15,000 to balance the books that month. He wondered where he going to get the money.

As he wrote in 9 Keys of Synchronicity, “At 4:00 p.m., I received a call from a Dutch colleague, Dr. Fons Trompenaars, who said that he needed a speaker in Beijing the following week. I checked my diary and found I was free. There was a pause, and then Fons said, ‘Philip you will also be pleased because it is a good fee: $15,000.’’”

So within ten minutes of Philip realizing he needed $15,000, an opportunity opened for him to be paid exactly that sum. “How is it that I could wish for funds and ten minutes later the precise amount of money was delivered to me? If I had any influence in this, then this was a part of ‘me’ that I did not know.”

This may be one of the most rapid manifestations we’ve ever heard about. Our immediately reaction is the same as Philip’s was: how’d that happen so quickly? Can it be taught? Can anyone learn how to make a wish and have it answered ten minutes later?

Philip will be a guest on our podcast on February 27. Can’t wait!

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