Those three numbers resonate with most of us as a sign of something bad, something evil, something we don’t want to associate with. When Ronald and Nancy Reagan bought a house in California during his eight-year presidency, they didn’t like the fact that the three-digit address number was 666. Being president, he was able to get the address changed. That way he avoided any suggestions of a link with the dark side, in spite of the Iran-Contra affair–a shadow over his presidency. Interestingly, the scandal was successfully buried after the address was changed, a synchronicity.
Wikipedia describes the number this way: In modern popular culture, 666 has become one of the most widely recognized symbols for the Antichrist or, alternatively, the devil. The number 666 is purportedly used to invoke Satan. Earnest references to the number occur both among apocalypticist Christian groups and in explicitly anti-Christian subcultures.
The King James version of the New Testament describes the number this way: “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
So there have been lots of interpretations of the number and typically people don’t want to be associated with it. One personal experience with the number was related to a startling synchronicity. I (Rob) have written about it here previously. The story involves a drive to the Miami airport with two passengers, one of whom I’d met on an international trip and was going back to Denmark.
The other was a minister of some obscure New Age sect and so we got into an intense spiritual discussion on the drive. My body seemed to be literally vibrating from the conversation. That’s when I noticed a car passing us with a license that read: ZEN 665. I pointed it out and the minister said, “Wouldn’t it be strange if we now saw ZEN 666 on a passing car?”
Within five minutes, maybe less, a yellow sports car passed us bearing that very license: ZEN 666. Mind-blowing!
I bring this up today because of an email I received that the TSA had seized a record number of guns at Florida airports in 2021, many of them loaded. How many? You guessed it: 666 guns.
Considering the number of gun-related deaths in Florida and elsewhere in the country and the craziness that is going on with passengers on commercial airplanes, that figure seems symbolic. It suggests that the easy availability of guns combined with numerous incidents of strange behavior at airports is creating, well, devilish circumstances.