The Bridge and a Global Synchro


Planet earth with some clouds. America’s view.

On January 28, just hours before President Biden visited Pittsburgh to talk about the $1 trillion infrastructure bill he signed  into law last year, the Gainey bridge  in that city collapsed.

“We have been so far behind on infrastructure for so many years it’s just mind-boggling,”  Biden told a group of elected officials and first responders during a visit to the collapse site. “…We used to be number one in the world.”

Earlier, Mayor Ed Gainey told reporters the collapse highlights the need for the federal funding.

This is one of those odd global synchronicities we wrote about in 7 Secrets of Synchronicity. What are the odds of it happening just hours before Biden’s arrival to talk about his infrastructure bill?

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Rats & the Trickster



My daughter feels that some synchronicities should stay in the family because they’re too weird or gross to share. The gross category usually involves some undesirable critter, like a rat. I find this “keep in the family’ stuff intriguing since synchronicities tend to be all inclusive.

But what does it mean when you keep a synchronicity within the family? What do you do with it? Does it become an intimate part of the family lore, repeated at reunions, weddings, in bedrooms? Does it become like the family’s black secret? So here’s ours.

This evening, Megan went next door to see our neighbor, Annette, who watches our  cats when we’re out of town. Recently when we were in Orlando, Annette came over here without her glasses on and picked up something off the floor and put it on the table. When she put her glasses on, she saw a rat’s head – one of the cats had found and killed it. As Megan told us this story, we were about to watch Blood Red Sky and the name of the production company appeared on screen: Rat Pack Filmproduction.

So, what’s the message? Esoterically, rats symbolize resourcefulness and never giving up. There’s a trickster element, too, with these creatures. This synchronicity occurred as Megan is preparing to buy her first home and going through all the financial stuff you have to endure these days to obtain a mortgage – and doing it during a Mercury retrograde.  I’m delighted it was just a story/word synchronicity story – and not the actual dead rat!

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The Breakers



When we went to Cuba in February 2017, one of the places we visited in Havana was the Palacio de los Capitanes Generales. Palacio means palace in English. And this one was the former official residence of the governors of Havana. It captured the wealth that belonged to Cuba’s 1%, the decadence of an autocratic country where the other 99% lived in abject poverty.

Last fall,  we met my nephew and his family at the Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach. We’ve visited the hotel before,but only for lunch, so we didn’t have access to the same areas as paying guests. And this visit was long before we went to Cuba. The similarities between the two place struck me.

The Breakers, like the Palacio. was intended for the uber wealthy and powerful. It opened to universal claim on February 1, 1904, a colonial style building with 425 rooms and suites, where rooms started at – get this!- four bucks a day and that included 3 meals a day. The guest register included Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, Astors. European nobility and U.S. presidents frequented the place. So did J.P. Morgan, William Randolph Hearst, J.C. Penney, Andrew Carnegie.

Today, it still stands on the shores of the Atlantic. To get onto the property, you have to pass through the guard gate where you’re asked for photo I.D. and are given a handout about Covid and mask requirements. If you’re vaxxed, no need to wear a mask. You’re on your honor. We know how well that works. In fact, during the hours we were there, I saw that all servers wore masks but I only spotted three guests wearing masks.

The Breakers isn’t just a hotel. It’s also a country club where an annual membership buys you a fabulous beach, a kid swimming pool, 10  different restaurants, delicious meals, all those other delightful amenities. I Googled membership fees for The Breakers for 2021, but couldn’t find anything direct. I got different kinds of membership fees- for the summer, just for golf, for Breakers West in various cities.

At any rate, we ate lunch on a back patio with a view of the ocean, the weather was good, not thickly humid as it has been for the last week. Afterward, we walked over to the beach.

The people we passed fit the archetype of the privileged, a broad yet inclusive category. The women often wear decorative hats that shade their faces well. They usually wear skimpy bathing suits that reveal the kind of skin that makes you an IG Influencer. They strut, they tease. On the beach, in the water, they languish. The men in this group are wearing shorts, tee-shirts, sandals. They are there, with particular women, to be seen. Those were my first impressions.

We had fun, it was a great place for a reunion, and a great place for kids, especially. Lots of activities for them. Impeccable service. Good food. And the grounds are beautiful, the beaches ideal, the water clear.

But still. This weird feeling lingered, just as it had when we toured the Palacio in Havana. In both places, you can feel the ghosts of a particular kind of royalty whose lineage is great wealth. The membership people who frequent The Breakers aren’t like most of us. They’re the ones about whom F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote, “Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. They possess and enjoy early, and it does something to them, makes them soft where we are hard, and cynical where we are trustful, in a way that, unless you were born rich, it is very difficult to understand.”

Fitzgerald was talking about the Long Island wealthy in the 1920s. But it fits The Breakers. And it also fit the Palacio as it once was in Cuba’s past.


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The Mystical Underground: Candice Sanderson: The Reluctant Messenger

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Candice Sanderson: The Reluctant Messenger”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Candice M. Sanderson lives in Naples, Florida. Her life changed in a ten-minute period in August 2013 when she began to receive information from messengers from other-worldly sources. When her training as a psychologist failed to explain these events, she reluctantly followed the breadcrumbs down a path which resulted in extraordinary adventures into the unknown. psychologist and The Reluctant Messenger Returns chronicle her expedition across a vast expanse of universal consciousness that led to new truths about life that she thought she had known so well.

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A Name Synchro


Name synchronicities are outliers. When they happen, they’re often startling, like this one.

I was talking with Carol Bowman, telling her about a man we know, Kevin, who has fallen down the rabbit hole of conspiracy. She was sitting at her desk as we talked, and suddenly laughed. “You’re not going to believe this one, Trish. I just turned to face my computer and this is what’s on my screen.”

The words pretty much sum up our argument with Kevin every time he digs up a new conspiracy.



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13th Anniversary for Synchro Secrets


On February 4, 2009, we started this blog on synchronicity. Originally, it was on blogger. But in 2011, a visitor who got angry about something we’d written, hacked the blog and took it over. He pretended to be Rob and wrote himself an apology. He also destroyed three of our computers.

We knew he was a computer guy in a town around Boston, knew his name, so we called the police  department in his town to report him. Turned out that he’d already reported us to the department. If I remember correctly, he claimed that we’d hacked our own blog and blamed him. We also reported the hack to our local cops.A cop stopped by the house, we explained what had happened.

The cop told us there wasn’t much they could do about this. So we transferred the blog to Word Press. And that’s where we’ve been ever since.

At any rate, our first post is below. At the top of the post are some of the book that have grown out of this blog


Most of us have experienced them – odd coincidences that seem like weird little hiccups in the cosmos.They usually grab our attention. But what, exactly, do they mean?

While we were writing our outline for a book on synchronicity, we stopped at our favorite cafe for a hit of morning Joe. As we sat outside, an elderly man approached us and handed us his card. It explained that he was deaf and was selling key chains. We bought one and on the back of the card found illustrations for sign language. On the way home, following the cue from the deaf man,we talked about synchronicity as a language of signs. Then we passed the local high school, where the digital sign at the entrance was announcing a class in sign language. This sign about sign language added a deeper layer to the synchronicity.

Initially, its meaning seemed to be that we were on the right track with our concept – approaching synchronicity as a language of signs. The next day, a writer friend e-mailed a synchronicity she’d experienced while working on her current novel. She said she had invited readers of her blog to submit any synchronicities they would like to share for inclusion in the book. So we decided to start this blog, a kind of digital sign announcing that we would love to hear your stories!



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New Moon in Aquarius



On January 31 at 9:46 a.m. PT and on February 1 at 12:46 a.m., we have a new moon in Aquarius. New moons are about new opportunities and these will surface in the area of your chart where you have Aquarius. This one is conjunct Saturn, an indication that at least one of these opportunities will have a long-term impact.

Another plus with this new moon -a beautiful trine between Venus in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus. This one suggests there may be sudden and unexpected news related to romance, the arts, and/or money.

For the full forecast for your sign, click on the Star Power forecast in the masthead.




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The Mystical Underground: Trish MacGregor: Star Power For February 2022

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Trish MacGregor: Star Power For February 2022”:

Join Trish for the February 2022 astrological forecast!

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Snaufus from Mercury’s Retrograde


Sometimes when I mention Mercury retrograde – and describe its effects – I get odd looks that scream, Yeah, sure. So here are some examples of the kinds of snafus the trickster planet has stirred up. Unfortunately, we’ve experienced most of them when we didn’t follow the advice for these retrogrades:

– Don’t start anything new. Instead, revise, reconsider, review.

– Don’t sign a contract.

Don’t submit anything – ideas, products, a manuscript or screenplay, a query or synopsis.

Don’t buy a car or anything else with moving parts – including computers and electronics.

Don’t make irrevocable decisions.

Don’t have surgery.

Don’t take anything for granted – appointments, guarantees. Communicate clearly.

Don’t make travel plans during a retrograde unless you don’t mind changing the plans later.

If you travel somewhere during a Mercury retrograde, it’s likely that you’ll return to that place.

Old friends show up.

Here are some examples.

A friend told me her husband was due to have cataract surgery. When she told me the date – during a retrograde – I advised her against it. “If he has the surgery then, he may have to have it redone.” But his date was set and he didn’t want to change it. Sure enough, something got botched and the surgery had to be redone.

When Rob and I were writing the Sydney Omarr series of astrology books, I signed a contract during a Mercury retrograde – a big no-no since Mercury rules contracts. Sure enough, everything that could go wrong, did go wrong for the year that contract was in effect. The project started with one editor, then she was replaced with another and by the end of the contract, we were on our third editor. Payments got screwed up. Galleys were filled with errors.

We once bought a used car during a Mercury retrograde. One of the Do Nots for these retros is not to buy anything with moving parts – a car, computer, a merry-go-round! You get the idea. This car was a disaster right from the beginning, a lemon with multiple mechanical problems. I sometimes felt like I was driving Christine, you know, from the Stephen King book by the same name. It seemed to have a consciousness all its own. We got rid of it less than a year later.

Recently, a friend’s dog – Abby, an American bulldog- was limping and Lloyd took her to the vet. Turned out she had an ACL tear and surgery was recommended to repair it. The surgery was scheduled a week or so before the retrograde but was postponed when several of the vets were out with Covid. It was rescheduled for the day before Mercury turned retro. That made me uneasy. But later that day, Lloyd texted and said she’d come through the surgery fine. Then, the next day, with Mercury now retro, Lloyd texted to say the surgeon had operated on the wrong leg.

Our daughter, Megan, is buying a house and it’s supposed to close during this current Mercury retro. The woman who owned the house where she was living was unwilling to extend her contracts by two weeks so she could move directly into the new place when she closed. Instead, we moved her out of her place the weekend Mercury turned retro and she’ll be staying with us. The move was a nightmare. Now we’re in a Mercury retro holding pattern, waiting to find out if her loan has been approved.

Some years ago, Phyllis Vega, my co-author for Power Tarot, and I attended a book festival in northern Florida where our book was going to be featured. Mercury was retrograde. Shortly after we checked into our room, a bee stung Phyllis on the hand and we knew it meant we were going to get stung. Sure enough, copies of our book hadn’t arrived and never showed up during the entire book festival. It meant no signings, no PR, no sales.
Mercury is a trickster even under the best conditions. But when it’s retro, the trickster has a blast and delights in messing up things that should otherwise be simple and straightforward.

Don’t take my word for it, though. If you’re skeptical, test it on your own. The next Mercury retro beings on May 10 7:47 a.m.ET and 4:47 a.m PT. It ends on June 3 at 4 a.m. EST and 1 a.m. PT. Let me know how your little experiment unfolds!


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Close up of Asian women with hi tech digital technology screen over the eye.


This intriguing spirit contact story comes from a long-time blogging friend, Judi Hertling. I think she was one of the first people who commented on our blog on synchronicity when it began in February 2009. She had worked with Robert Moss in his dreaming studies and has used synchronicity in her life for years.

A couple weeks into the new year, I received this email from her:

Hi Trish,

Hope you’re well and happy, and surviving these crazy times.

I’m sad to write that my sister, Jean, whom I was very close to, passed away in August. The reason I tell you this is a week after her funeral, her husband had a visitation from my sister – he said he saw her very clearly standing in their bedroom next to the bed and she was dressed all in red. Weeks later, he saw her again and this time she was dressed all in white.

His daughter-in-law, who knew nothing of this, told him a few weeks before Christmas that after my sister died she had seen her. My brother-in-law asked what she had been wearing and was told that she saw Jean dressed all in red.

I’ve researched and can find nothing in regard to seeing a spirit dressed in red and then appearing later in white. Have you come across this at all? On a synchro level Jean was taken into hospital unexpectedly on our Mom’s birthday, and passed on our Dad’s birthday a few weeks later at home. As an aside, red was one of my sisters least favorite colours.


I told her that I didn’t know of any spirit contact where the spirit was dressed in red. In fact, in most the experiences we’ve researched, mention of clothing and its color is rare. ,Even if red wasn’t Jean’s favorite color, maybe she used that color to attract the attention of the people to whom she was appearing. It’s hard to ignore a red.

I also said that the synchronicities involved in her sister’s death are stunning: she was taken unexpectedly to the hospital on their mother’s birthday and passed on their dad’s birthday. The odds?

The tragic and all too common element in her sister’s death during this pandemic, was that she Judi lives in Canada and her sister lived in the UK and Judi couldn’t travel there. As Judi said, “…not seeing my sister was awful and left me feeling helpless and emotionally raw. But then so many people have lost loved ones to Covid without getting to see their loved ones, so I have compassion and understanding for those families. My sister had cancer, it was very aggressive and very fast from diagnosis to her passing was only a few weeks. So unexpected.

“But in regard to the visitation and the color red. Have you read the book Mary Magdalene Revealed by Meggan Watterson? She is a Theologian and has a Master of Divinity from Harvard and Columbia. Is it possible do you think that with my sisters deep religious faith that the two could be connected?

“Okay, I’m probably grasping here right? What do you think? And yes you can post – it may bring comfort to others who may have lost a family member.”

When we attempt to decipher the meaning of a synchronicity or spirit contact experience, we look into and consider every possibility. It’s all fair game.

Your sister in red? Sure, why not? The last time I “saw” my parents, my mother was laughing and directing people into a local theater. There was no sign of the Alzheimer’s that she’d had the last 8-10 years of her life. She’d died at 83 of pneumonia, a complication from the disintegration of her left hip and her dementia.  In my vision was looked to be in her late 30s or early 40s, in the full beauty of her life. At one point in that vision, she waved at someone and my dad joined her. He had Parkinson’s in the last years of his life, was in a wheelchair, and died about a month short of his 92 birthday. But in this vision, he was young and vibrant – no walker or wheelchair this  time – and looked happy.

When they realized I could see them, they faded away.

A skeptic would tell me I imagined it. A skeptic would tell Judi and her relatives that it was all imagined. But I’ve come to realize that skeptics are telling us to deny the reality of our own experiences, to deny that emotional gut punch you feel when this happens. And  so often, that gut feeling is what we know to be true.

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