The weirdness of synchro stories


On the last Saturday of each month, the Coincidence Cafe meets through Zoom for about an hour and a half. We trade synchro stories. We break into small groups and get to know each other.

Tomorrow’s topic is how to tell a synchronicity story. The answer seems obvious. All stories begin with meeting the hero or heroine. Who is this person? Who are these people? What did the synchronicity involve and where did it happen? Who or what was involved? What was the message?

So here’s an example.

In June 2021, before the huge spike in Covid cases in Florida, we met some dog park friends at Darbster’s, a vegan restaurant in West Palm Beach. It’s named after the owner’s dog, now deceased, so pooches are welcome. We met up with Lloyd, Paula, and her friends, Meryl and Jeff. We got seats outside, on the porch, where there was a nice cross-breeze and plenty of shade.

Our server was a masked young woman, with beautiful dark eyes. She spoke with a slight accent and I pegged her for South American. I  finally asked her, in Spanish, where she came from.

“Venezuela,” she replied.

“Me too!” I exclaimed.

She looked shocked. “Where in Venezuela?”

“Caracas and Maracaibo.”

“Me, too!”

We chatted about dictators Maduro, Chavez, and even farther back, to Perez Jimenez, whose regime I lived under. “At least he built things,” she said,

And that much was true. Jimenez was responsible for building the autopista, the highway from Caracas to the coast. He also embezzled $13 million from the Venezuelan treasury when he fled the country and lived out the rest of his life on Miami Beach.

I left Venezuela was I was nearly 17.

She left when she was 17 and was now 27.

Her family was still there. Mine isn’t. She wanted to surprise her mom on mother’s day, but when she checked flights, she discovered a ticket cost $2500 and the trip took 23 hours. Apparently, any American airline that flies to Venezuela these days is one that goes through Mexico and a bunch of other spots before hitting Maiquetia, the Venezuelan airport.

Before we left the restaurant, I asked the young woman her name. “Me llamo Patricia.”

Honestly, I nearly swallowed my tongue. I go by Trish but Patricia is my birth name.

“Sincronicidad,” I said to her before we left. Synchronicity.

And she nodded and put her arms around me and we hugged.

We traded cell numbers.

So there you have it, the story of a synchronicity that involved 2 people with the same first name, from the same city and country, who left the country at the same age – although decades apart. The camaraderie, the connectedness, is something you feel immediately. Was I meeting a younger version of myself? Was I her future self? What did this synchronicity mean?

The meaning of any synchronicity is also a story that unfolds. And in this story, I feel we both benefited by recognizing the eerie parallels in our lives that hints at a greater, underlying order of things.

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Sometimes a dog…






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trump & Houdini


I love Dystopian fiction. But I don’t like living in Dystopia, and that’s what the four years of trump were. A Dystopian U.S. We had an orange man so vain about his silly hair, so narcissistic, that from 2016 to 2020, it was all about… well, trump.

Sex scandals, alleged pee tapes, injecting bleach as a cure for Covid, separating migrant children from their parents and putting them in what amounted to concentration camps, from building walls to barring Muslims from the U.S, to being impeached twice, to inciting an insurrection…the list is long. And any single thing on this list would have put any other politician in office. But trump, it seems, has never been held accountable for anything he has done.

His technique is slick but it’s an old playbook that authoritarian governments and dictators on both the right and left have used for decades. Tell big lies and tell them often enough so that people begin to believe the lies are truth. Divide people by pitting them against each other, Sow distrust in government, in the media, in established institutions. Create conspiracies. If you’re attacked, be merciless in your counteract (his Twitter mouthpiece). If your followers are loyal, reward them by endorsing them for political office. Play to your base, whatever it is. Convince them that only you can save them.
But trump has been out of office for nearly a year now and the January 6 investigation is closing in on his inner circle, issuing subpoenas for people and documents that he’s trying to block legally. It seems he’s trying to run out the clock until after the elections of 2022 and 2024.

A recent article on CNN online pretty much said it all in the last paragraph:

“Altogether, the picture suggests that the realities of government are catching up to one of the most creative escape artists ever seen in American politics. The truth is out there. It’s coming soon.”

Right now, trump could be that picture of Houdini.. Can I get out of this? Huh? Can I? Yeah, of course I can, I’ve done it before… Houdini, of course, escaped. But this time, maybe just maybe, trump won’t slip away and will be held accountable, finally, for something.


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The Mystical Underground: Meredyth Willits: My Past Life As A Whale

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Meredyth Willits: My Past Life As A Whale”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Meredyth Willits is in a constant search for the why’s of humanity to help move people forward in life. She wants to help change the world, one person at a time, one podcast at a time.

Curious from birth, she has spent her life asking “why,” and is always searching for the layers to an issue for change and growth.
She has made it her life’s work to help people from what she has experienced in life, her interactions with clients, and her strong connection with spirit.

Always two sentences away from telling you to have faith and learn the lesson, so you can move forward and find true happiness.

Meredyth is a wife and mother to four children ages 9-24. She is a psychic medium and life coach who works with CEOs, entrepreneurs, moms, and twenty-somethings, all working to get happy and live their best life once and for all!


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Finding Your Calling

Gregg Levoy, the author of CALLINGS, will be our guest in early December on The Mystical Underground podcast. We’re looking forward to meeting him. His book is beautifully written. Here’s a couple paragraphs from it.

Our lives are measured out in coffee-spoons, wrote T.S. Eliot; not in the grand sweeps, but in the small gestures. The great breakthroughs in our lives generally happen only as a result of the accumulation of innumerable small steps and minor achievements. We’re called to reach out to someone, to pick up an odd book on the library shelf, to sign up for a class even though we’re convinced we don’t have the time or money, to go to our desks each day, to turn left instead of right. These are the fire-drills for our bigger calls.

“I don’t ask for the full ringing of the bell,” wrote the poet Wallace Stevens. “I don’t ask for a clap of thunder that would rend the veil in the temple. A scrawny cry will do, from far off there among the willows and the cattails, from far off there among the galaxies.”

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Episode 3 of Staff of Kings

Stay tuned! November 21…

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The Mystical Underground: TMU Time Machine: Kathy Herman: Cassadaga I

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “TMU Time Machine: Katy Herman: Cassadaga I”:

Join Trish and Rob in the Mystical Underground time machine for a conversation with…

Kathy Herman about the history of Cassadaga, FL, the setting for the TMU Halloween Special and Rob’s short story, “The Devil’s Chair,” from their short story collection “The Outliers.”

*MacGregor, Rob; MacGregor, Trish. The Outliers. Crossroad Press.

Available in print and digitally on Amazon:

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We’ve recently teamed up with writers Glenn Meganck and Jerome Preisler on a ghostwriting venture. All of us have done ghostwriting over the years. We enjoy it. It’s something that pushes you to expand what you write about, to step outside your comfort zone, and deliver a product that pleases the person who hired you. Agents and editors aren’t in this picture. Delays are those you or your client trigger and not the result of a publishing schedule.

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New Moon in Scorpio

New moons typically usher in new opportunities according to their sign and house placement in your birth chart. The new moon in Scorpio on November 4 may hold some surprises, thanks to an exact opposition from Uranus, the planet that usually shakes things up. Uranus, for instance, rules evens like earthquakes, and that may be what things feel like on or around this new moon.

Along with new opportunities, there may be news that comes out of the blue and sweeps something out of your life. You may decide, for instance, to make changes in your professional life, to move, or someone may move into or out of your home. Or, a colleague may suddenly quit and you have to assume additional responsibilities.Or you may decide against taking a trip overseas because of a rise in Covid cases.

Saturn makes a wide but hard aspect to both the new moon and Uranus, which indicates an obstacle of some kind. Whatever it is, work with it or around it but don’t let it discourage you.

To find out how this new moon impacts your sign, click here.


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An Orange Synchro








Not all synchronicities are biggies. Some occur just to remind us we’re in the flow.

I walked out into the kitchen to tell Rob about an article I’d just read and saw the cut fruit he was preparing for a salad. Then I walked outside to get the mail and found this, the cover of Life Extension Magazine:








An image nearly identical to what’s on the cutting board.

The message seems obvious: Get more Vitamin C!

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