The Bench

There’s something truly beautiful about this short film. When I checked it on IMDB, I wasn’t surprised to discover that it had won some impressive awards.


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The Mystical Underground: Rob MacGregor: Staff Of Kings: Episode 1

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Rob MacGregor: Staff Of Kings: Episode 1”:

Join Rob MacGregor, the author of the Indiana Jones prequel novels and the Mystical Underground, as they present the first episode of an audio production of the unpublished novel “Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings.”
Sometimes called “The Lost Indiana Jones novel,” Staff of Kings will come out in six episodes on The Mystical Underground’s podcast feed, beginning August 22. It will continue each month through January of 2022. An extra mystery episode will post in February of 2022.

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Stay tuned!

Tomorrow at 8 PM., Rob will be reading from the “lost” Indiana Jones novel, Staff of Kings.


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Name Synchros


In between ghostwriting projects, I’ve been writing a time travel novel that has been bouncing around inside me for some time now. Whenever I’m stuck for a name, I consult my List for Writers, an app my daughter Megan told me about.

It’s got first names for men and women, A-Z, and last names, too. If I choose one of them, it may change as I start writing the book, but it gives me some place to start.

It’s summer on Tango Key, my fictional island west of Key West, and my protagonist, Lydia Fuentes, is biking to her summer classes one evening. She thinks she’s being followed by a guy on a bike, but maybe he’s just a guy out for a bike ride. So she stops at as convenience store to see what the biker does.

She interacts with the clerk, whom she knows, about the scratch-off lottery ticket she buys, and gets the key to the restroom.As she’s coming out, she’s chloroformed by the man on the bike.

One of the secondary characters In the story is Kia. I found her name in the List for Writers app.

Here’s the synchronicity. This evening, I was talking with author Ken Harris who wanted to know how he could invite a friend, Kia Scherr, to the cafe. She’s the co-founder of One Life Alliance, a charity she set up in response to the 2008 Mumbai attacks that claimed 164 lives, including those of her husband, Alan, and their 13-year-old daughter, Naomi.

First of all, I don’t understand how anyone can survive the kind of grief this woman experienced when she learned that her husband and daughter had died in this attack. I think I would just cave and surrender. At the time this happened, Kia worked with the Synchronicity Foundation in Virginia, but realized she needed to leave and go to Mumbai.

“In Mumbai I realized that my definition of spirituality had been limited. In my spiritual community we had been concentrating on the inner world, choosing to live a more simplified life. When all that got blasted away I realized there was no more inside/outside world. There was just one world,” she wrote on a site called The Forgiveness Project.

She chose to forgive the killer “because forgiveness keeps the heart open. I refuse to be held hostage by the terrorists and let my heart become full of anger, hate and revenge. Through forgiveness I’ve learnt that love doesn’t die. No AK47 can ever kill the love I feel for my family. That love still burns deep within me.”

If I were in her shoes, would I be able to do that? Probably not. You killed the people I love? Well, guess what fuckers. I’m going to find you and even the score. So I’m thinking that my protagonist needs to be Kia – sorry, Lydia.

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Cuban Tree Frog


Over the years, the frog has become my guardian spirit, the symbol that appears as warning and confirmation.

In South Florida, Cuban tree frogs are common. In the humid summer months, they leap onto my office windows, pursuing bugs attracted by the lights. I occasionally see them during our winters, too, which aren’t really winter.

One day some years back, we came in from a trip and found a dead frog in our family room, Within a few hours, Rob received a call from his mother, telling him his dad had suffered a stroke while driving and was now in intensive care, not expected to live. Rob left for Minnesota the next day, and his dad passed shortly afterward.

The tree frog knew.

In March 2003, a tree frog appeared in my office and I was able to pick it up and release it outside. I felt it was a good omen, Two months later, I won the Edgar Allan Poe award for best original paperback, Out of Sight.

Two years later, I was cleaning out the room that had been my dad’s when he was living with us. I found the skeletal remains of a frog. I knew what it might mean. He died several days later.

The thing with the frog is that what its appearance  appears to be tied with the health of the frog and where I find it. At the beginning of the pandemic, I was sitting outside, tossing balls to our dog, Nigel, in the front yard. A frog landed at my feet. It looked young, energetic, and hopped away as soon as I reached for it. I took this to means that good luck of some kind would be landing on our front porch. And it did, through our podcast and ghostwriting.

During hurricane season, frogs often hold messages. In August 2019, Hurricane Dorian threatened the east coast of Florida. On our daughter’s birthday, August 31, Dorian had stalled. Would it move toward Florida or the Bahamas or elsewhere?

I found a small frog at the entrance to our house and moved him/her into the jasmine bushes out front. I took this to mean that Dorian would pass us by. It did, but with some help from a friend.


The Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull Arrives

Now that summer is here again, the frogs are landing at my window!


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Recently, I’ve encountered people who have bought into the big lie. You know: that Trump won the election, that the Covid vaccines will kill you, maim you, turn you into a zombie, that Biden isn’t really president, that trump will be reinstated on some day in August or September or whenever My Pillow Guy declares that it’ll happen.

The news is a circus of absurdity, a shit show that illustrates just how toxic trump was as president – and still is, as the alleged head of the republican party.

Trump and his minions keep talking about the stolen election, the Cyber Ninjas have been conducting an audit of Arizona’s ballots for – what? Six months now? And honestly, the Cyber Ninjas? It’s all like some insane video game. Never mind that there were multiple audits in Arizona and other states where Trump has brought lawsuits, where Republican legislatures are passing laws that make it more difficult to vote.

My Dad was a Republican for years. Ike was his guy. Reagan, not so much. Bush? Not at all. He was living with us in 2000 and voted for Gore. He died in 2005, so he wasn’t around to vote for Obama or Clinton or Biden. He wasn’t around to witness the years under trump when Democracy started crumbling bit by bit. Or when social media existed. Facebook was born the year before he passed. For the most part, he missed the big tech advances.

I wonder, though, what he thinks now, in spirit, about all this. The divisiveness and polarization, the lies and the thrust under trump and now by the republican party toward authoritarianism. In 1937, at the age of 24, he left post-Depression Oklahoma for a job overseas with Standard Oil in Lagunillas, Venezuela. He lived in the country for 26 years. My sister and I were born there.

In the 1950s, Perez Jimenez became president of Venezuela through a coup d’eta that spelled the beginning of his authoritarian regime. It was the classic playbook – take over the media, lie and lie again and again until the people believe the lie, rig the books, the electors, rig everything in your favor. But. Give something to the people – trump’s tax breaks for the one percent, Jimenez’s financial help to the poor, his infrastructure money for roads, bridges, trump’s border cruelties for his base.

When Jimenez fled the country, he had $13 million that he’d stolen from the country’s treasury. He settled in Miami Beach and lived there until 1963, when he was extradited to Venezuela on charges of embezzling $200 million during his presidential tenure.

Upon arrival in Venezuela he was imprisoned until his trial, which did not take place for another five years. Convicted of the charges, his sentence was commuted as he had already spent more time in jail while he awaited trial. He was then exiled to Spain.

In 1968, he was elected to the senate of Venezuela for the Nationalist Civic Crusade, but his election was contested, and he was kept from taking office. A quick law was passed that excluded former prisoners from participating in the governmental process.

On September 20, 2001, he died in Spain at the age of 87. He was never prosecuted for his crimes.

Some of the women I grew up with in Venezuela don’t see trump as a wannabe despot. They see him as a hero who made it okay to be a racist or a white nationalist or a misogynist. They say he did a great job as prez, but when you press them for details, they refuse to engage – I don’t want to argue with you, we’ll never agree – and walk away. I also run into this in other ways.

One morning while I was shopping at Publix, the power went out. I had to use the flashlight on my phone to see goods on the shelves. A young guy, an employee, was shelving stuff, and I asked him what had happened. He had a kind of wild look in his eyes.

“Don’t you know? We’re at the brink of war.”

Huh? We are?

Months later, I was in a line at a convenience store, waiting my turn to buy a Loteria scratch-off. The guy in front of me, a beefy dude who had roared into the the parking lot in a big truck, waa chatting with the clerk and I heard him say, “He’s not my president. Trump is.”

If I were six four and armed, I might have tapped him on the shoulder and set him straight about his facts. But I stood there waiting for him to leave and then bought my scratch-off – which won 30 bucks.

We are a country that lives with at least two sets of facts.

Trump won the 2020 election. Biden won the 2020 election.

Both can’t be true.

We deal with this same problem when it comes to vaccines. They work – or they don’t. They contain microchips developed by Bill Gates and have chips that track us – or  don’t. The vaccine causes you to grow another limb or head – or it doesn’t. It protects you from dying – or it doesn’t. I’m done listening and reading about these conspiracy theories.

Biden is president, the events of January 6 were an insurrection – not some group of rowdy tourists – and vaccines save lives.



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The Mystical Underground: Laurie McDonald: Abduct Me Please!

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Laurie McDonald: Abduct Me Please!”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Laurie McDonald is a board-certified clinical hypnotherapist at True You Hypnotherapy and an extraterrestrial abduction researcher. She is one of 27 regression therapists listed on the MUFON mental health referral list for abduction regression for North America.
She is the Board President for OPUS (Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support) and is the founder of the Sacramento Alien Abduction & Contactee Support Group, one of California’s largest UFO and abduction groups.
Laurie has been the facilitator of several experiencer events and Host at Contact in the Desert. She is a lifelong experiencer.
She was awarded the Global Health and Pharma, GHP Alternative Medicine & Holistic Health Awards in 2018. She has appeared on a number of radio and TV shows including the Discovery Channel and the Travel Channel and is in the final stages of completing her book, Five Steps to Personal Empowerment and Inner Peace
Laurie speaks internationally on using the extraterrestrial experience as a catalyst to an expanded consciousness through contact.

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Governor DeSantis: The Mini-Me-Trump


DeSantis, 43, Governor of Florida. A mini-me trump. Since the pandemic was declared by WHO in March 2020, this guy has done almost nothing to mitigate the impact of Covid in the state he governs.

Florida closed for a sort of lockdown in early April 2020, after spring break brought in the big bucks in March. As you can see in the sort of blurred photo, Florida had 7,773 cases at the time.

Today, Aug 13, take a look at the figures for Florida from Worldometer for yesterday:


2,875, 150 cases total, with more than 40,000 deaths.I’m not sure why DeSantis thinks Florida is doing so great that no mask mandates are needed for public schools or anywhere else. He banned mask mandates in schools through an executive order and threatened to defund schools that went against that mandate. He has even threatened to withhold salaries from education superintendents who issue mask mandates for their school.

But counties and school systems are rebelling. So are businesses and cruise lines.

Norwegian cruise lines, which has 28 ships that sail from Florida, sued to be permitted to ask for vaccine passports or proof of negative Covid tests after  DeSantis banned it. They won.

Disney World has reinstated mask mandates and issued same vaccine mandates. DeSantis can’t do much of anything to them since they are responsible for a huge chunk of tourism in this state. Target, Starbucks, Walmart, and Home Depot have reinstated mask mandates for their employees.  But silly DeSantis comes up with a parent bills of rights that say parents should have the final decision about masks in schools.

What responsible parent would send their unvaccinated – or vaccinated – child off to school without a mask? DeSantis claims his kids don’t wear masks because he wants to see them smile. Well, that’s a cute sentiment, but what dead child can smile, Ron?

We’ve been vaccinated since March. I sleep better. But when I go to a public place, I’m still masked. When we go out to eat, we eat outside. When I go grocery shopping or run errands, I see a few maskless customers, but they’re in a definite minority.If I need a booster in the fall, no problem. I’ll get it.

I’m fed up the unvaccinated. You’re either go with the science or you go with the misinformation -ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine or – hey, how about  bleach?!

Recently, a guy our daughter went to high school with posted a rant on twitter  that held all the conspiracy BS – Bill Gates was involved in these terrible vaccines that contained a tracking chip, that Covid was no worse than a cold, it was all a Dr. Fauci conspiracy, that the Obama administriation had funded the Wuhan lab to develop this virus.


DeSantis is even selling shirts. For 12 bucks, fans can buy a “Don’t Fauci My Florida” drink koozie. For an extra $9, people can purchase the same design on a T-Shirt. Cool, huh?

How did a bozo like this get elected as governor? He stands up at a podium wherever he is and shakes his index finger at the crowd and waxes poetic (sort of) about personal freedoms. Well, sorry, Ron. Personal freedoms in a democracy don’t entail a freedom that threatens others.

Now, please, lose in 2022 and go back to whatever Fox News of News Max or Tucker Carlson corner you crawled out of.

PS Yesterday, August 12, the new cases numbers: 24,869.



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Staff of Kings: The Lost Indiana Jones Novel

Trailer for a surprise on The Mystical Underground

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The Mystical Underground: PMH Atwater: The Forever Angels

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “PMH Atwater: The Forever Angels”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

P. M. H. Atwater, one of the original researchers in the field of near-death studies. She began her work in 1978 after experiencing three near-death experiences herself. She has written eighteen books on the subject.

“Near-Death Experiences: The Rest of the Story” wraps up her early work with nearly 5,000 adult and child experiencers of near-death states, while further exploring her theory about transformations of consciousness.

Her book called “The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences,” was featured in an online version of Newsweek Magazine; and “The New Children and Near-States” along with “The Forever Angels: Near-Death Experiences in Childhood and Their Lifelong Impact,” which we will focus on today== offers a new perspective child experiencers.

PMH has received numerous awards and honors for her work. In 2010, she was awarded the Nancy E. Bush Award for Literary Excellence and the Lifetime Achievement and Special Services Award, both from the International Association For Near-Death Studies.

She became a researcher in the field of near-death studies after hearing a powerful voice urge her on during her third NDE. She has a monthly newsletter that you can sign up for free.

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