Tag Archives: synchronicity
Mirabai Devi: Light Transmissions
Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with… Mirabai Devi is a spiritual guide and healer with more than 30 years of experience. She is a conduit of the Devine Feminine, or Divine Mother. Her work includes light transmissions, group … Continue reading
Astariea of Light
The Mystical Underground’s intriguing discussion with Astariea of Light Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with… Astariea is a Creation Level Evolutionary Energetic, Spiritual Healing Practitioner, Multi & Inter-dimensional Channel, and Intuitive who focuses on a Holistic approach … Continue reading
Ah, Synchronicity
Available at Amazon, here and here
The Ultimate Dark Trickster
Amazon – $2.99 From our book: Mind-Blowing Synchronicities We are now – what? Weeks into trump 2 as prez? And this piece from our most recent synchronicity book, before this past election, seems especially appropriate: The trickster archetype that sneaks … Continue reading
David Starr and Francesca Rose: Your Higher Power
Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with… David Starr is a spiritual mentor and consciousness trainer, who helps people understand the power of their consciousness. He is passionate about helping people heal past trauma and understand more about themselves … Continue reading
The Wind Phone
I (Rob) was riding my bike in the regional park that’s adjacent to the Everglades a few miles from home when I came to the end of one of the paths and saw the Wind Phone. I knew right away … Continue reading
3 Souls Paranormal: Ghost Detectives
Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with… 3 Souls Paranormal is a group of paranormal investigators, specifically ghost hunters or investigators from Pittsburgh. They call themselves 3 Souls Paranormal – though there are actually five investigators, and we have … Continue reading
Whitley Strieber: The Fourth Mind
Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with… Whitley Strieber began his writing career in the early 1980s with two great horror novels – The Wolfen and The Hunger. By the late 1980s, however, Whitley’s career had literally moved into … Continue reading
Her Sister’s Photo
This unusual story was sent to me from my dog park buddy, Paula Bruce. It illustrates spirit communication & also is a great example of how synchronicity connects us all. Ruth’s sister, Becky, passed away suddenly in May 2024 … Continue reading
TMU Time Machine 20220410: Alex Marcoux: Destination New Earth
Revisit Trish and Rob’s April 2022 conversation with… Alex Marcoux writes visionary fiction and spiritual self-help books. She was welcomed into a world few people see, the sacred mysteries and magic of autism. When asked by three nonverbal autists to … Continue reading