A former prosecutor and current VP running against a convicted felon! It looks like the universe has a sense of humor!
A former prosecutor and current VP running against a convicted felon! It looks like the universe has a sense of humor!
Revisit Trish and Rob’s June 2022 conversation with…
Kenneth Hopkins, author of Earth Transformation. Trish met Kenneth through Linked In, where he’d written: “For most of my life, I had no awareness that I was an abductee. The night experiences I thought were dreams. In these places, I would visit many places and see the same people many nights after I fell asleep. I thought they were dream people. I could smell, touch them, and have all six senses with them. Some places were cold, some places warm, and in other places, I couldn’t seem to get enough oxygen in.…”
Many people who experience synchronicities usually have stories to tell about time and number synchors. But Victoria Rudolph seems to have had more than her share.
She came across one of our books on Whitley Strieber’s site and emailed me about how she experiences a lot of synchros. So I asked her to share some of them. And wow, did she ever!
This one is about 4:44. I was looking on the internet for free stock images and couldn’t find one. Then I glanced at my phone, saw it was 4:43. I waited a minute and snapped this photo.
Here’s what she sent:
I was thinking about you the other day as I had promised to tell you my synchronicity stories.
What I have discovered over the years is that just about when I am to have a synchronistic event, I will look up at the clock and see a double digit time. When this happens I get almost a little energetic nudge like a tingling in my body. It is almost like my metabolism has suddenly sped up.
A few years ago I was heading into a hotel in Glacier National Park when I got a weird feeling that I was going to run into my oldest best childhood friend. I mentioned this to my husband. I had not spoken to this friend for quite some time so I wasn’t sure why he popped into my head.
I got that tingling sensation and I checked my watch 4:44 pm. Sure enough I was waiting in a line for the afternoon tea and my husband tapped me on the shoulder and said Vicki “How do you do this? Look behind you there is Gary.”
This happened a second time a year later when we went to Mexico and there was Gary’s wife as we walked into the entrance of the hotel. Again Gary and I hadn’t spoken for months since the last time we ran into him so we laughed all together about it. Now we tell each other in advance where we are traveling so we can make plans to meet up.
I’ll be posting more of hers in the next few days.
Precognition is the least understood of psychic experiences, but also occurs the most frequently. The greatest misconceptions about precognition are that it isn’t really possible or it’s an ability that’s accessible only to talent psychics. Yet we all experience it – perhaps as a sense of foreboding, a premonition, an impulse or an urge to do something that seems unreasonable or maybe even irrational. But we often dismiss such feelings as random and meaningless. As a result, we fail to benefit from an insight or miss an opportunity.
Have you sensed the future? If so, we’d love to hear about it!
“Conventional wisdom claims tha we can’t tell the future. In this exciting and empowering book, Trish and Rob MacGregor take the conventional wisdom and put it where it belongs – right in the trash!
– Whitley Strieber, author of Communion and The Afterlife Revolution
Available at Amazon.
Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…
Keith Thompson is an author, independent journalist, talk radio host, former TV talk show host, and former U.S. Senate staff member. His book, Angels and Aliens: UFOs and the Mythic Imagination. His latest book is called The UFO Paradox: The Celestial and Symbolic World of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. Keith tells us that Inquiring into what UFOs are requires a willingness to examine who we are, the farther reaches of our nature, and our potential as human beings.
And here’s the you tube link.
Ripley Music Hall, Philadelphia
Carol Bowman sent me this synchronicity, which was experienced by Adam, a pianist and composer. It’s a good one!
From Adam:
This is a post for those interested in synchronicity.
Earlier today I found myself ruminating specifically on the concluding French Horn section-like passage on the Oberheim 4-Voice, from [“Phase Dance”] the 1978 “Pat Metheny Group” album. What might the Lexicon digital reverb or MXR digital delay settings be—to magically enhance—that plethora of sawtooth Oberheim oscillators? I wondered.
Then, I go early to the Settlement Music School in Philadelphia, where I teach in the evening. I’m walking near South Street, with arbitrary music playing in my earbuds. I pass a car, with the back-passenger right-side door open, and there is a man on his knees, working on—it appeared—his car’s stereo system. I did a double-take. The music loudly emanating from his car was the very same concluding Oberheim passage that I had been ruminating on earlier.
When I became conscious of this, the passage was literally just beginning. I’m in The Twilight Zone. After a delightful conversation with the man (I happened to—unusually—be wearing a blue Lyle Mays “Street Dreams” t-shirt), I put the Pat Metheny “Selected Recordings” album on, and went directly to “Phase Dance” (1978). I began walking in South Philly.
By the time I randomly got to the locale that was previously “Ripley Music Hall,” where most of the Metheny Group album “Travels” was recorded, I happened to be up to “Are You Going With Me” on the “Selected Recordings” album, which is the only piece from “Travels” where we know beyond a shadow of a doubt (because Pat said so) that it was recorded at Ripley Music Hall.
So I’m standing feet away where— arguably —the definitive version of the archetypal Metheny tune was recorded; listening to it. Goose bumps. Cosmic! The picture here is of “Ripley Music Hall”— today.
Yes, that’s what this state’s new road signs say.
DeSantis is obviously delusional. In his mind, FREE means a state free of nasty books that his laws have banned, free of anyone who isn’t white, free of anyone who isn’t straight, free of women who aren’t like those in The Handmaid’s Tale, free of anything and everything that didn’t exist in the 1950s. You know, things like abortion, voting for all people, women who don’t need a husband or brother or father (a man) to approve opening a bank account. Buying a car. Getting a credit card.
I’m grateful his campaign for the presidency tanked. This guy has done nothing for Florida, nothing at all. Nothing on the rising cost of home owner’s insurance, nothing on climate change – words he had deleted from all forms of legislation- nothing on the rising cost of living in this state.
From Forbes:
In 2022, Florida had the highest net migration increase of all the states. According to U.S. Census data, 738,969 residents moved into the state, while 489,905 residents moved out, meaning Florida gained a net population of 249,064 people that year. This growth can be attributed to a variety of factors, including Florida’s warm, sunny climate, job opportunities, diversity and more.
What Forbes doesn’t tell us is why 489,905 residents moved out.
Gee, you think maybe they discovered that life here in the alleged freest state in the union just isn’t all that free?
Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…
Matthew McKay, Ph.D. a clinical psychologist, professor of psychology at the Wright Institute, cofounder of Haight Ashbury Psychological Services, founder of the Berkeley CBT Clinic, and cofounder of the Bay Area Trauma Recovery Clinic, which serves low-income clients. He has authored and co-authored over 40 books, including The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook, Seeking Jordan, and his latest book, Lessons from the Afterlife.
Here’s the you tube of the episode.
Today, the paperback edition of Mind-Blowing Synchronicities goes on sale on Amazon. No better day than a new moon day!
Here’s an excerpt from Chapter 7: Weird Travel from Here to There
When we were recently on Kat Hopson’s FATE Magazine show, she asked us for a mind-blowing synchronicity. I had honestly forgotten about this one until Rob mentioned it.
In 1987, we were in Caracas, Venezuela, at the Maiquetia Airport, and were waiting in line to have our personal belongings checked. At the time, the drug trade between Venezuela and Colombia was rampant, and young soldiers – in their late teens- were standing guard with weapons drawn. The atmosphere was tense, fevered.
The man in front of us held just a leather briefcase, wore a three-piece suit and tie, and looked like a businessman on his way home. Or maybe he was a drug runner posing as a businessman? As the guard asked him to open the briefcase, we strained to see what it held. Coke? Weed? Heroin?
But it held just one thing: a paperback book by Alison Drake. For a moment, I just stared at it in shock and disbelief. Alison Drake was one of my pseudonyms. This book was the second in a series and I had used a pseudonym because my editor at Ballantine, Chris Cox, had suggested it. In those days, if you had two different series as an author the publisher often wanted two different names.
We were leaning over to look inside the briefcase and so were the armed guards on the other side and we all saw the title: Fevered. It described the tense atmosphere perfectly. I wanted to tap him on the shoulder and tell him it was my book, but the situation was too uneasy, edgy, and those teens with their guns were too close for comfort. Not only that, but I didn’t have any proof that I was also Alison Drake So I never said anything.
The man continued on out to the tarmac and the plane and once Rob and I got through the line, we hurried along, eager to catch up with him. But we never saw him again.
This whole mind-blower took place in less than five minutes. Even now, 37 years later, the message seems to be that the title of the book was an absolutely accurate description of the situation. But on a deeper level, for me personally, the fact that it was my novel thrilled and awed me. What were the odds that the only thing a man in a South American airport security line carried in his briefcase was a paperback copy of my novel?So this mind-blower worked both collectively and personally.
New moons usher in opportunities according to sign and house and the aspects made to them. The new moon at 14 degrees n Cancer on July 5 has Saturn in Pisces trine to it at 19 degrees. Mars at 19 degrees Taurus sextiles it. So the moon has plenty of support. You can get a copy of your birth chart here. Look here for where Cancer falls in your chart – the symbol of 69. That house is where the new opportunities will show up.Here’s what the houses mean.
If you’d like to know what to expect for your sign, check out the July horoscope here.