Another Group Healing with Ken Lloyd


We’ve written about Ken before.We’ve had him on our podcast. He’s a psychic healer who is actually the real deal. If you’d like to see for yourself, join us for a group healing on Monday, 11/20/23, 7 PM, Zoom. Here’s the link to sign  up:



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This evening Rob & I were watching Chris Hayes on MSNBC. He glanced down at his phone and the photo at the top had come up. Five years ago today (October 3)Megan and her friend Julie met Hayes. He was in downtown Orlando doing a show.

So what kind of synchronicity is that?

I’m not sure.


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Julia Gordon-Bramer: Tarot Life Lessons

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Julia Gordon-Bramer is a professional Tarot card reader, Sylvia Plath scholar, award-winning writer and poet, and former professor for the Graduate Writing Program at Lindenwood University. She has written extensively on the life of the poet and novelist Sylvia Plath, and her new book is called: Tarot Life Lessons – Living Wisdom from the Major Arcana.

Tarot Life Lessons is a collection of real-life stories lifted from the journals of a professional tarot card reader. The living meaning of one of the 22 major arcana cards of the tarot is explored within each story, based on the author’s more than 44 years of experience as a tarot card. The book peeks into client readings to show how each card tells a story and how it only takes a small amount of familiarity to decipher a world full of meaning in the cards. Finally, it shows how to use the tarot to grow your strengths, identify weaknesses, conquer problems, and move on from painful situations.

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#137, Jung, Pauli & the DNA of LIght

We first published this post in 2011. But the #137 has come up again recently so it seems appropriate to repost.
In 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, we mentioned number 137.  It came up again during Trish’s interview with Anne Strieber and a listener wrote to her about his synchronicity with the number. A little background first:

A prime number can be divided only by 1 and by itself. Or, put another way, a prime number is a positive integer that can’t equal the product of two smaller numbers. That makes 137 a prime number and a particularly baffling one. In Deciphering the Cosmic Number: The Strange Friendship of Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung, Arthur I. Miller refers to this number as the “DNA of light.”

The number is also associated with the Kabbalah. Miller explains that in ancient Hebrew, numbers were written with letters and each letter had a number associated with it. “Adepts of the philosophical system known as the Gematria add the numbers in Hebrew words and thus find hidden meanings in them,” Miller wrote.

In Hebrew, the word Kabbalah has four letters that add up to 137. Not surprisingly, physicists began referring to 137 as a mystical number. Wolfgang Pauli, a Nobel laureate and one of the early supports of Jung’s theories about synchronicity, wrestled with the  implications of 137 for most of his life. When he was admitted to the hospital at age 58 and learned he would be in room 137, he supposedly said, “I will never get out of here.” He was right. He died shortly afterward.

Physicist F. David Peat had his own experience with 137 when he visited the Jung Institute in Bollingen, Switzerland. In an email to us, he explained he was invited to give a lecture to celebrate the institute’s fiftieth year. Upon arrival at the hotel next to the institute, he was given a key and told his room was on the second floor of the annex.  He walked down to the lake first to “get something of the spirit of Jung.” But after half an hour, nothing happened, so Peat decided to return to the hotel. “I took the elevator to the second floor, removed the key from my pocket and it was 137! I realized I was there to talk about Pauli, not Jung.”

So, during Trish’s interview with Anne Strieber one evening, they talked about this mysterious number. The next day, Walter Hughes of California clicked on the interview and left the room for a couple of minutes.  “When I returned, I heard them discussing the quantum, mysterious number of time; 137.  My birth date is 7/1/37! The synchronicity was embedded in my very listening to the program!  The mystery is so eternal; so wonderful.”

Where 137 for Pauli was an archetype of death, for Walter Hughes it’s an archetype of life, mystery, and synchronicity.

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The Mystical Underground: Suzette Foster


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Dark Trickster


The trickster is usually intriguing and sort of plays with us, makes us look silly or naive or ill informed. But it has a counterpart in what I think of us as The Dark Trickster. It does basically the same thing as its sibling, but in a way you’re not likely to forget.

For instance:

Our friend Evan, a physical therapist, has been really careful during this pandemic. For awhile he worked on the road, going masked to homes for PT sessions. Then he changed jobs and went to work for one of Orlando’s hospitals, always masked. He has been vexed and boosted, but recently came down with Covid. His symptoms were mild but persistent. Finally, he went back to work and was assigned to – the Covid wing! He says this was unintentional. In my mind, that qualifies it as a dark trickster.

Here’s another example. Before the pandemic, daughter Megan came home one night from a movie with friend Denise and they found her beautiful cat, Piper, dead on the living room floor. Megan, hysterical, thought one of the dogs she was watching had killed her. But a veterinarian who arrived shortly afterward to pick up her dog, saw that Megan was distraught and examined Piper. She said there were no bite marks, that it was likely Piper died of a heart attack, that her heart was congenitally weak in some way.

Now here’re the strange synchros. Denise, who had given Piper to Megan, was with her when she got back from the movie. Denise actually spotted Piper’s body first and stayed with Megan for a long time in the aftermath. The next day, October 29, National Cat Day, Megan buried Piper and Denise called her, hysterical because she’d found the cat she’d rescued dead on her porch. The cat had been hit by a driver who had left her a note of apology and placed her cat on the porch. Megan went over to Denise’s to comfort and console her and to bury her cat. While she was doing that, she found out that another friend had to put down his cat. All of this on National Cat Day. Dark Trickster.

Rob experienced one of these on a trip to Minneapolis. He stayed with a friend who is a chain smoker and didn’t sleep well that night because to the smoke. So he decided to get a motel room. Turns out they had only one room left – in the a smoking room. “It smelled just like the apartment I’d left,” he said.

I’m not sure what the purpose is of this type of synchronicity. We certainly take notice of these Dark Tricksters, we tell other people about them, talk about them. Maybe they happen just to remind us that the universe is a strangely conscious place, after all

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Psychic Detective George Hardy


Back in the mid-‘80s, we were gathering material for a magazine article on  psychic detectives when our friend Renie Wiley, a psychic detective herself, said we should talk to a man named George Hardy.

George was living in Davie, Florida, a suburb of Fort Lauderdale, when we visited him one evening. He told us a disturbing story about his involvement with the Boston Strangler case. I’ve never forgotten what he said, and I have no reason to believe that he was making up the story.

When we asked why him how he’d gotten involved in working with the police, he said that the faces of killers haunted his thoughts when he heard about a crime. If he was watching television or listening to the radio and a story came  on about a missing person or an unsolved murder case, he would suddenly know things he shouldn’t know, and see how things happened.

In the aftermath of a south Florida murder case in 1971, Hardy showed up at a police station and said he had information about the murder of George and Ino Jo Beck aboard their 57-foot catamaran that was docked in Dania, Florida. Hardy described for Dania police the interior of the ship perfectly and gave a reasonable account of the crime. The murder weapon, he said, was a hammer, wrapped in a curtain ripped from a window on the boat and buried behind the killer’s house.

Then Hardy described the killer as a man living near Griffin Road, who drove a bright yellow car and also owned a blue van. He limped on his left leg. The surprised police chief said he knew the man Hardy was talking about. He worked for the local government. When the man found out the psychic had pinpointed him in the murder, the suspect committed suicide a few days later. The police never found the weapon, though, in spite of digging up the man’s backyard.

Earlier, Hardy had volunteered to help detectives investigating the Boston Strangler murders. In all, 11 women in the Boston area were murdered in the early 1960s. He played a small role in the investigation, but the case changed his life. Hardy told us that he provided accurate details of related crime scenes that only authorities knew about. When he had told them all that he had seen in his visions, the police turned on him. They were baffled by the case and decided to find out if  George Hardy was revealing visions or if he was the Boston Strangler and was telling them about his own deeds.

Hardy was interrogated at length, then given injections of “truth serum.” Sodium Pentothal is the best known drug used, but other psychoactive drugs have also been tested and Hardy thought he might’ve subjected to a drug cocktail of hypnotics and sedatives. In the aftermath, he suffered from a nervous disorder that continued for decades. When we talked him, in the mid-1980s, he was clearly upset about how the Boston police had treated him years earlier, and the physical after-effects.

George died Sept. 21, 2005 at the age of 78.

IN Googling for this info on George, I came across this piece from the Lauderdale newspaper, The Sun Sentinel, written on Feb 10, 1986.

Fingering a murderer is exactly what George Hardy does. Hardy said the faces of killers haunt his thoughts when he hears about a crime.

“I’m watching TV or listening to the radio and the pictures start going. I suddenly know things I shouldn’t know, see how things happened,” said Hardy, a Davie psychic who has worked on many famous criminal cases, including the Boston Strangler case.

Despite Hardy’s contention that he can identify murderers, the most famous local case he worked on ended in disaster. The suspect he named committed suicide and an extensive police search failed to turn up any evidence the man was a killer.

Six months after the sensational Feb. 5, 1971, murder of George and Ino Jo Beck aboard their plush, 57-foot catamaran docked in Dania, Hardy appeared at the city police station. Beck, a cosmetics firm executive, and his fashion model wife had been smothered with a pillow, then repeatedly slashed and beaten in a case that grabbed headlines in South Florida for months.

Hardy described for Dania police the interior of the ship perfectly and gave a reasonable account of the crime. The murder weapon, he said, was a hammer, wrapped in a curtain ripped from a window on the boat and buried behind the killer’s house.

Then Hardy described the killer.

“I told the (Dania police) chief (that) the killer lived off Griffin Road,” recalled Hardy. “I said the guy would drive a bright yellow car. He also had a blue van.

“I knew he would be limping on his left leg and live in a house that was all dark.”

“The chief looked surprised and said, ‘I know who you are talking about.’ “

Hardy claimed he was given the name of Charles Stackhouse by the police. Stackhouse, 55, was a Hollywood building inspector who matched Hardy’s description.

When Hardy heard nothing more from the police, he called the Fort Lauderdale News and shared his visions with a reporter. The reporter went to Stackhouse’s home off Griffin Road and told him about the accusation.

A week after the reporter’s visit, Stackhouse ran a hose from his the exhaust of his car into the vehicle’s window, climbed inside and killed himself.

“It was terrible. This guy took his life, and we had no evidence against him at all, except this psychic’s word,” remembered Capt. Carl Carruthers of the Broward Sheriff’s Office.

Carruthers personally “dug up every inch of that guy’s lawn,” looking for the murder weapon Hardy saw in his mind.

He said he found nothing. “Nothing at all.”





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A Weird Halloween for an Abductee


This evening when we were on The Light Gate podcast, hosted by Preston Dennett and Dolly Saffron,Rob started a story about an abductee we knew back in the early 1990s. It reminded me that the story has a great synchronicity attached to it.

I don’t remember how we met Don Estrella. But I do recall his abduction story. It was a Halloween night back in the early 1970s. Don and a friend had donned costumes- adults pretending to be kids. But at some point, he found himself in a line of others in Halloween costumes, waiting in front of a huge UFO. I remember Don described it as feeling like a dream, yet he knew it wasn’t. That night, Don was abducted.

First synchronicity: Don’s last name, in Spanish, means star.

Don had never been regressed to find out what actually happened that Halloween night. But said he would like to be. All he remembered from that night was the costumes, the UFO, the sense of dread in the pit of his stomach. Rob contacted a psychiatrist who lived up the coast in Vero Beach – Berthold Schwartz -and made an appointment for Don.

Second synchro: His name seemed familiar to me, but I couldn’t place it until Rob mentioned that Schwartz was also an author who had written about the paranormal.

When I was 18, a freshman at Utica College, then part of Syracuse University, one of my close friends was Carolyn “Cookie” Sayre from Montclair, New Jersey. She was interested in the same paranormal weird stuff that I was.

That Thanksgiving, she invited me to her home for Thanksgiving. “Home” was a gorgeous mansion in Montclair. When I first entered this beauty, my attention was drawn immediately to a huge library off to my left. Cookie noticed my interest and nodded toward it. “C’mon, the library. You’ll love it.”

The only other place where I’ve seen such an array of books on the paranormal was in the Skywalker Ranch library, when Rob was writing the novelization of The Last Crusade. But that’s another story. As I drew my finger along the spines of books in the Sayre library, I ran across a book called, A Psychiatrist Looks at ESP by Berthold Schwartz. I asked Cookie if I could read it over Thanksgiving.

“Sure.” She popped it off the shelf and handed it to me. I devoured it in two days.

When we met Schwartz the day we drove Don to Vero Beach for his appointment, I told him about finding his book in the Sayre family library and how it launched my exploration of the paranormal. His reply indicated that he was well versed in Jung and synchronicity: “That kind of thing happens to me a lot. I’m glad it was helpful.”

Schwartz later told us that Don broke down weeping during the regression, that his abduction had been shattering for him. Don  once worked for NASA on the space program and quit after the Challenger exploded on January 28, 1986.

So here’s an example of a synchronicity that came full circle about 30 years after I first came across Schwartz’s book. If he were still alive, he would be a guest on our podcast, The Mystical Underground. It’s where he lived.


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TMU Halloween Special: Rob MacGregor: The Devils Chair

Join Rob for a special Halloween episode as he reads from Trish and Rob’s short story collection “The Outliers”…

“The Devil’s Chair is a story based on an urban legend about a brick chair that faces two gravestones in a cemetery in central Florida, north of Orlando. The cemetery is located outside the spiritualist community of Cassadaga, which offers weekly ghost tours of the town. In this story, the spookiness is enhanced when a reporter looking for a Halloween story visits the cemetery at midnight as he investigates the urban legend.”

*MacGregor, Rob; MacGregor, Trish. The Outliers. Crossroad Press.

Available in print and digitally on Amazon:

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Lunar Eclipse Taurus

The lunar eclipse in Taurus on Saturday, October 28, occurs at 4:24 EDT. Jupiter is widely conjunct and Mercury, Mars and the sun are opposed.

These eclipses are about internal events – emotions, intuitions. This one is going to emotionally  intense and may involve miscommunication on a par with a Mercury retrograde.

To find out how it may impact your sign, check here.

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