See that red X at the bottom of the screen? This pic is from the National Hurricane Center’s 8 PM advisory. RED means the system has a 90 % chance of developing within the next 7 days . With both the L and the M storms already named, it means that red X will become When it become a tropical depression, it will be called Nigel.
So this is what popped up on my cell’s screen today just as Rob and I were talking about how our Golden Retriever, Nigel, was ready to hit our neighborhood park.
Nigel. As a tropical depression? A hurricane?
Now, honestly, does THIS Nigel look like either? He’s proud of himself for figuring out how to pick up and carry 2 Frisbees at the same time! So my prediction, based on the name and the direction the hurricane center has for this system, is that it won’t be a threat to Florida.
Tomorrow is September 15 and the Mercury retrograde in Virgo ends at 4:21 p.m. EDT and at 1:21 p.m. Pacific time.
This doesn’t mean that at 4:22 or 1:22 you should submit that manuscript, sign that contract or rush out to buy that car you’ve had your eye on. Wait a day or two. Celebrate in some way. Cultivate a bit of patience.
If you had a falling out with a friend or family member during this retrograde, think about how you might make amends. If an old friend resurfaced during this retrograde, get in touch with the person.
The next retro isn’t until December 12/13 in Capricorn and Sagittarius. It begins at 11:09 p.m. PT on Dec 12 and at 2:09 a.m. ET on Dec 13. It ends on Jan 1, 2024.One thing it means: start your holiday shopping early!
And now, about today’s new moon. It promises to be a beauty. New opportunities, doors opening in spite of the Mercury retro! Read what it means for your sign!
I’ve been editing a true crime story about a woman from a small town in Utah whose mother was murdered in 1970 when she was four years old. Her mother was stabbed multiple times and her throat was slit. Heidi Jones-Asay spent decades trying to solve the case and bring the killer to justice after authorities had given up. But one detective took up the cold case and he would help her obtain the justice she sought.
Along the way she met a psychic, Jo’Anne, who became a friend and a guide in her search. One day they met at the county attorney’s office and Jo’Anne put her hand on a file on the desk in front of the county attorney. She told him that killer is in this file, his name and picture. She saw a number and told him the page number. The skeptical county attorney refused to open the file.
A fter they left the county attorney’s office and Heidi was picked up by her husband, Kevin, Jo’Anne told her sister that she thought Heidi was going to die. But it wasn’t something she was going to tell Heidi…not until much later after Heidi barely escaped death.
Heidi had broken a tooth around that time and her face had begun to swell, and it continued to get worse. Kevin took her that same day to the emergency room in Price, Utah. She spent five days in the hospital and after she was diagnosed with a flesh-eating disease called necrotitis phasiaitus, she was taken to a hospital in Provo where she had five surgeries, three blood transfusions, and flatlined once.
It looked like Jo’Anne’s prediction was about to come true, when a message came through to Heidi that she wasn’t done with work here, that she had to accomplish something for her mother. She woke up and said, “What about my mom?”
She remained for seventeen days in the Provo hospital, then came home. Her neck bears the scar that looks eerily like a slit throat, which Heidi sees as ironic – a meaningful coincidence with her mother’s death. Heidi knew she still had work to do for Mom.
That same month, the killer was arrested. He confessed to the murder and remains imprisoned.
Join Trish and Rob as they revisit their May 2022 conversation with…
Melissa Fordham, a young woman who used to babysit our daughter when she was a kid, wrote Trish about an experience her cousin, Joe Killian, had. She asked Trish if she would talk with Joe through email. So it’s a synchronicity that she happened to be in South Florida this weekend, visiting her parents, and didn’t know we were having Joe on the show.
In January 2019, Joe had an alien encounter that, in his words, turned his life upside down. He’s a retired elementary Physical Education school teacher from Danbury CT, where he taught from January 1973 to June 2009 in public schools.
He also worked in many restaurants to help supplement his income during those years.
That’s why he’s connected to the place and area where his encounter occurred. He has been familiar with restaurant staff, owners, and customers at that restaurant, so he knows many of them and they are still great friends.
Trish met Kenneth through LinkedIn, where he’d written, “For most of my life I had no awareness that I was an abductee. The night experiences I thought were dreams. In these, I would visit many places and see the same people many nights after I fell asleep. I thought they were dream people. I could smell, touch them, and have all six senses with them. Some places were cold, some places warm and in other places, I couldn’t seem to get enough oxygen in.…”
So we invited both men to talk about their experiences and invited Melissa to talk about what Joe initially told her.
After my sister, Mary, died, our friend Evan Cooke sent us a tree of life, a magnolia tree, to memorialize her, and Rob planted it in our yard. As you can see in the photo above, it’s still a little thing, soaking up the sun and rain each day. Now I wonder if there’s a synchronicity connected to this tree. Here’s why.
Three months ago today, September 6, my sister died suddenly and unexpectedly of strep. But two days ago, her middle son, Avery called to let me know that his wife, Krista, is pregnant, about three a half months along, and their son is due in late February 2024. My first thought? Wow, Mary, you’re not waiting long to come back!
I said as much to Avery and Krista and he replied that had occurred to him. I sent him Carol Bowman’s book, Return from Heaven, about reincarnation within the same family. But do souls return this quickly? The timing would be a bit off since Krista is three and a half months pregnant. But years ago I remember reading in one of Jane Roberts’s Seth books that sometimes a soul doesn’t enter a fetus at conception. So who knows?
Maybe the tree of life synchronicity is that Mary’s soul is returning as the son of her middle son and his wife. When I told Carol Bowman about the pregnancy she advised me to look for signs when the boy is born. Poor kid is going to be scrutinized closely!
Jimmy Buffet will be missed – not just in Florida or in the Keys, but all over.
His first hit record, Come Monday, was written over US Labor Day Weekend 1973. He died 50 years later, on Friday September 1st — the beginning of US Labor Day Weekend 2023.
Love this song and all the others he did so beautifully. Keep singing in the afterlife, Jimmy!
Join Trish and Rob as we revisit their May 2023 conversation with…
Alexis Brooks is an award-winning broadcast journalist and host of the podcast Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks. She is the author of Conscious Musings. A veteran of broadcast journalism since 1986, Alexis was simultaneously pursuing a track that would lead her to an intensive study of metaphysical, spiritual, and consciousness-related subjects – areas of inquiry that stemmed from her own extraordinary encounters that began as a child. Alexis has also become recognized for her work within the field of UFOlogy, with emphasis on the ET contact experiencer aspect.
Alexis was a featured guest at Contact In the Desert June 2-4, 2023.
The movie White Noise had a world premier at the 79th Venice International Film Festival on August 31, 2022. It was then released in select cinemas on November 25, 2022, before its streaming release by Netflix on December 30, 2022. It’s based on Don DeLillo’s 1985 novel, which won the National Book Award.
According to Salon, “Shortly after Noah Baumbach adapted and directed a film version of “White Noise,” now streaming on Netflix, starring his partner Greta Gerwig and Adam Driver, a freight train carrying hazardous chemicals derailed in rural Ohio. The story is still developing, and the environmental impact may not be fully known for years, but the tragedy bears an eerie resemblance to many elements of the film.”
This synchronicity falls under the 4th secret, The Creative, in our book 7 Secrets of Synchronicity. “Creativity lies at the heart of synchronicity.” Over the years, we’ve discovered that creatives often foretell the future through their work. This one is classic in that sense. Think about it. A novel written in 1985 presages an event 38 years in the future:
Both the novel and the movie are set in Ohio, in the fictional town of Blacksmith. The movie was filmed almost entirely in Ohio. In the film, a tanker truck loaded with toxic, flammable material crashes into a passing train because of the truck driver’s drunk driving. The train derails in the countryside, the tanker is crushed, and releases a viscous substance. “A fireball erupts. The rest of the film deals with the aftermath of the crash, in both large and small, personal ways.”
The real event involving a rain derailment happened on February 3, 2023 in East Palestine, Ohio, a town near the Pennsylvania border. A Norfolk Southern train – with 20 cars containing hazardous materials – derailed, caught fire, and created a horrendous cloud of toxic material.
In both the film and real life, residents are ordered to evacuate, then to shelter in place. In real life, the derailed and burned cars contained dangerous chemicals including butyl acrylate, ethylhexyl acrylate, isobutylene, and vinyl chloride, a substance that NPR described as “a carcinogen that becomes a gas at room temperature.” Since it breaks down in the sun, it can cause headaches and dizziness.As NPR writes, “People who breathe the chemical over many years may also experience liver damage.”
Here’s another weird facet of this synchronicity: some of the residents of East Palestine were extras in the movie.
When this happens to you, when your creativity delivers an actual scene from the future, you feel like you’ve entered The Twilight Zone.
Today, August 23, the first day of Mercury retro, Rudy Gulliani, once the celebrated mayor of NYC and a prized prosecutor, surrendered at the Fulton County Courthouse.
In his time, Gulliani, prosecuted major mafia figures under the Rico Act, the very thing he was charged with by prosecutor Fanis Willis.
This synchronicity strikes me as a trickster, the universe shaking its finger at ole Rudy, chanting, Ah, you big baby, wah-wah-wah…
Rudy is 79. He would be facing years in prison, the rest of his life. I think the odds are good that he will flip.
C’mon, Rudy. Stop whining and flip… Maybe that’s what the trickster is laughing about.
Then there’s this mug shot, which happened today. An historic event.