This gives me more hope than I’ve felt since election day.
The Whistleblower
My friend Alexa Blye is a whistleblower. About skilled nursing facilities in California. But what she describes may be true of other such facilities countrywide. She was recently on our podcast. Her whistleblowing began with her friend Helen.
After billions of federal Medicare dollars paid to Los Angeles Department of Public Health by the California Department of Public Health, for over 12 years of egregiously misleading, subpar and falsified investigation results, Los Angeles County Public Health Department’s contract is up for renewal next year. Enough is Enough! Do NOT Renew It! PROTECT OUR ELDERS FROM ABUSE AND NEGLECT – and falsified report findings that cover it up. Helen’s wish was that no one else would go through what she went through.
My dear friend Helen, at 100.5 years old, was transferred from her home in independent living, where she had resided for 22 years – the last 10 years as a widow, to the Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) in her Life Plan [aka Continuing Care Retirement (CCRC)] Community.
So many things went wrong for Helen that almost overnight, she went from being vibrant, poised, confident, and self-controlled to terror-stricken, anxious, and distraught. She was treated terribly by the staff, as if she was nothing more than an annoying object. She felt humiliated.
She made me promise to take notes and write about her treatment so that no one else would go through the horror that she was experiencing. This blog-story includes the fulfillment of that promise.
Read the rest of Helen’s story here.
And here’s the link for the rest of Alexa’s powerful blog:
Ah, Pluto – & 2025!
2025 is going to be a year of major transitions. Perhaps the biggest transition will be from a democracy with challenges to an autocracy under trump that aspires to become the rule of one: a king, a czar, a Putin, Pinochet, Maduro, Castro, Orbán…you know, all the dictators on the planet now.
If you voted for trump, then it’s best if you study the history of autocracies, how they come to be, what their playbook is, and how trump is using it already, before he even assumes office. If he initiates “the biggest deportation in history” it will undoubtedly be a heartbreaking shit show. Think of a Dystopian presence so huge and ugly and cruel that it defies The Hunger Games, 1984, The Handmaid’s Tale.
This is Pluto doing its thing – first, it destroys everything, then it rebuilds on the ashes. But we, the people who DID NOT vote for trump, scoop up handfuls of those ashes and build something better, stronger, more powerful than authoritarian rule. We do this as a community of rebels, of revolutionaries, who organize at the local levels and become a collective with a positive, upbeat message that speaks to the soul of all people who desire freedom.
Pluto represents death, rebirth, change. It darted in and out of Aquarius since January 2024, but finally enters it for good on Nov 20 and will be there for the next 20 years. Aquarius is the sign of the equalizer, the humanitarian, the visionary, the innovator. Every Aquarian I’ve known has represented these qualities.
Pluto is now transiting somewhere in your birth chart. That’s the place where you will experience the most transformative change in the next two decades.
Alexa Blye: Behind The Gardens Wall
Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…
Alexa Blye is the author of The Good Sister and Her Flying Monkeys – inspired by a true story about a malignant narcissist. Alexa is also a retired compliance consultant for federally funded programs and a semi-retired mental health professional in private practice in Southern California. Alexa currently lives in a life-plan retirement community. When her 100-year-old friend, Helen, entered the facility nursing home, she stumbled across the underbelly of skilled nursing facilities. She believes everyone should know about it if considering or requiring skilled nursing for yourself or a loved one, no matter what state you live in.
The Death of Democracy
On November 5, democracy died. As with the death of any loved one, you have choices. You can stay in bed and mourn for the rest of your life or you can get up and move on with the rest of your life.
My mourning is done. I won’t be watching any news because seeing the orange man’s face or hearing his voice nauseates me. If he manages to implement even some of the draconian stuff from Project 2025, then perhaps this country’s karma is to live under an autocracy so that democracy can be appreciated.
Unfortunately, those of us us who already appreciate democracy will also be living under this autocracy. So if that’s where you are, then you have some choices to make. If you have friends who voted for trump and his autocracy, can those friendships persist and endure?
Trump has demeaned women, blacks, latinos, LGBQTs, Jews, Muslims, and everyone else who isn’t a white male christian. He will pass a national abortion ban, says he will deport 12 million immigrants, plans to abolish a number of government agencies, will place tariffs on imported goods – which will raise the price of everything. If he implements even a portion of Project 2025, we won’t recognize this country by the end of his term. And that’s if his term even ends. As he said, “You’ll never have to vote in another election.”
So ask yourself, can you maintain friendships with people who voted for trump? Or is the difference in fundamental values too vast and deep?
Yes for the first woman president in this country ever! 250 years!
Narinder Sheena: From Pain To Power
Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…
Narinder Sheena is a Chronic Pain and Mindset Coach. She is a passionate advocate for individuals suffering from chronic pain and offers coaching support to those who feel anxious, frustrated, and fearful about their ongoing pain. Narinder has authored a book called From Pain to Power. It’s about her journey out of chronic pain but mostly about what people can do to heal themselves.
To My…
Jewish friends, black friends, Latino friends, & female friends: Trump has expressed disdain for all of you. “Hitler did some great things” Yeah? Like what?
Why would you vote for this racist, misogynist orange man whose message is so dark, gloomy and divisive? Who describes other countries as garbage dumps?
Oh, the economy, you say? Huh?
The economy under Biden/Harris, according to the Wall Street Journal, is the best ever. Under trump, we lost jobs, we were schooled in injecting bleach to get rid of Covid, and we had trump with a black sharpie drawing the probable path of a hurricane that deviated from what the National Hurricane Center – the experts – had predicted.
The horrors at the border? Yeah? You’ve been there? Witnessed what Fox News describes?
C’mon, ladies! Your daughters and granddaughters are growing up with fewer rights than we had! You want to return to the 50s when a woman had to get a man’s permission to open a bank account? Dad, husband, brother, uncle, some guy.
But, oh, you know, Trump promises to protect all of us to the point where we’ll never have to vote again. He claims he’ll protect all women – whether they like it or not. Meaning what, exactly? More horrors from The Handmaid’s Tale?
Republicans claim to care about the unborn. But the truth is that once you’re born, you’re on your own. No guaranteed health or child care, no guaranteed three meals a day. In fact, you’ve got no guarantees in the Republican world.
Snap out it, people. Trump – and his VP Vance – have their eyes on dictatorship. This is the guy who calls Democrats the Fascists. A bit of projections there, huh?
The Piscean age is over. We’re in the age of Aquarius now, when equality is the norm, when women claim and express their power.
So here’s the inside of trump’s head on Halloween. Or maybe every day of the week.
And Then…
Every day, I receive text messages and emails from people who are as terrified as I am about a trump win. They’re as bewildered as I am about why this guy has any supporters at all. Trump is a convicted felon – that alone should disqualify him from running for president – a perpetual liar, a sex offender who has been ordered to pay E Jean Carrol millions.
He’s also a grifter who has tried at various times to sell a trump bible (printed in China), golden sneakers with his name blazed across the sides, trump watches. And those are just the items that caught my attention. Google it. There were more grifter trump items.
My first intro to this guy was some years ago, when a yoga student of Rob’s invited us over to her place to have a bite of supper and find out about a new kind of phone. It was a a new type of video phone popularized by ACN, a marketing company that paid trump millions to promote.
I remember watching this stupid video and thinking, Huh? Who is this jerk? I’d never lived in NY or watched The Apprentice so this trump dude was new to me.
Then he became president, but only because he won the electoral college, which seems to be the main way that republicans win the presidency. And he’s still up to the same grifter stuff. Buy this, buy that, my stuff, my treasures can also be yours. Sure, gold sneakers with his name on the side for 300 bucks. A trump bible printed in China: yeah, sign me up.
I’m so bewildered by why anyone at any point in time supports this guy. I’m particularly interested in why Cubans seem to support him. They fled a brutal dictatorship under Castro, but are pro trump? Why? Project 2025 offers the same dictatorship, Trump himself disparages Latinos from every country – and apparently really pissed off Puerto Ricans with the latest display in Madison Square Gardens.
I taught English to Marielitos in the late 1980s. I heard their horror stories. I got to know many of them. They hated Castro. But now…are these supporters the children of those Marielitos? The grandchildren? If you speak Spanish, if you are brown or black or anything other than white, trump trashes you.
And then there’s women- brown women, black women, white women, every woman- whose right to make decisions about her own body was stripped from her with the overturn of Roe v. Wade. It means our daughter and granddaughters will be growing up with fewer rights than we had. So take note, people. If trump wins, he’s going to have the most extreme and hateful VP candidate in JD Vance as a VP, who probably will step into prez power at some point in the next four years.
And then we are really fucked.
Trish MacGregor: Star Power for Novenber 2024
Join Trish for the November 2024 astrological forecast!