Tag Archives: synchronicity
Ordinary People Who Experience Extraordinary Things
Join us tonight at Darkness Radio with Dave Schraeder, 10 PM EDT, 9 PM central When ordinary people experience something extraordinary that defies what we are told is possible and true, something beyond strange, what’s actually going on? What’s the … Continue reading
Synchronicity, Abraham-Hicks, & the Rock
Megan and I attended an Abraham-Hicks workshop today (April 1) at the Marriott on Delray Beach, Christmas gifts that we had given each other. These events are always fun and enlightening. Part of what makes them that way is the … Continue reading
Synchronicity, even when it doesn’t entail spirit communication, is a kind of kind of alchemy that transforms us or a decision we’re making in an essential way. The alchemy occurs because of what the synchronicity says to you, its impact … Continue reading
What’s Afoot
Recently, I’ve been inundated with email from friends, acquaintances, even strangers, who are experiencing synchronicity in a variety of ways, usually because they are in the midst of pivotal life events. One friend lost her husband to cancer. Another friend’s … Continue reading
Is the Future Fixed?
One of the central questions in our book on precognition, Sensing the Future, is whether the future you experience in a precognition can be changed. The book begins with this story: A few years ago, we were driving on a … Continue reading
Meditation and Synchronicity
I recently read an article in an on-line journal called Waking Times by Dr. Robert Puff, PhD that linked synchronicity and meditation. He writes: “Because meditation is such a powerful force for change, and helpful in countless ways, I wonder … Continue reading
49 Birds!
Jane Clifford of Wales first alerted me to this on Facebook, then I Googled it and found that CNN had covered it. It’s certainly a powerful synchronicity and illustrates how mass events – global events – nearly always have … Continue reading
Annette and the Sweat Shirt
Clusters of synchronicities can involve just about anything – even a new sweatshirt, as in the following story. Ten years ago, our neighbor, Annette, was on her way home from the hospital, where her father had just undergone an amputation … Continue reading