Category Archives: car accidents

Nick and the Cars

 This story came from Ray Getzinger, who comments frequently on our blog. It’s about his grandson, Nick, and perhaps it will serve as a warning to all of us to pay attention to synchronistic patterns that unfold in our lives.+++On … Continue reading

Posted in car accidents, patterns | 19 Comments

Dead Man’s Curve

 This photo of a dead man’s curve is in Bolivia, but the  next synchronicity is about similar dangerous curve in Georgia. After reading A Trucker’s Tale, Connie Cannon sent us  the following story. +++ Our friends were “Joan and Dave”, (pseudonyms), … Continue reading

Posted in car accidents, travel | 11 Comments

Allan and Alfred

Years ago, Rob and I ran across a book called Mysteries of the Unexplained. It has a section on synchronicities and that’s where this next story comes from. It’s similar to the synchronicity entitled Annette and the Sweatshirt in that … Continue reading

Posted in car accidents, travel | 2 Comments

Annette and the Sweat Shirt

Clusters of synchronicities can involve just about anything – even a new sweatshirt, as in the following story. Ten years ago, our neighbor, Annette, was on her way home from the hospital, where her father had just undergone an amputation … Continue reading

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