Tag Archives: health care

Broken Foot Synchro Saga

A couple of weeks ago, we posted about our daughter’s broken foot – a case for universal health care. After a week in a splint, she finally got her cast on June 7. Before the orthopedic surgeon approved the cast, … Continue reading

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Trump: the Ultimate Dystopian Novel

Forget The Hunger Games, 1984, and It Can’t Happen Here. Trump is the ultimate Dystopian novel. In this Dystopian world,  if you’re a fetus, they love you and protect you until you’re born. Then, hey, you’re on your own. If … Continue reading

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Seriously, Dudes?

Today on Huffington Post, I saw a photo and headline that really made me seethe. The headline: Room Full Of Men Decides Fate Of Women’s Health Care. And here are the boys who want it to happen, a photo tweeted … Continue reading

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