Tag Archives: Reiki
Suzanne Cunningham: Conduit for Spirit
Growing through a childhood filled with anomalous experiences, Suzanne Cunningham walked the road her soul chose. After an out-of-body/NDE in her early 20’s, she went on to have a spontaneous Kundalini opening. As is sometimes the case, the experience left … Continue reading
Suzanne’s Mind-Blower
In Western society, we tend to believe that creativity is the exclusive domain of the Lennons, Spielbergs, Rowlings, Kings, Picassos, Streeps, Ophrahs, Harrison Fords. We forget that we are all born creative, that if it weren’t for creativity, we … Continue reading
The Mystical Underground: Suzanne Cunningham: Conduit For Spirit
A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Suzanne Cunningham: Conduit For Spirit”: Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with… Growing through a childhood filled with anomalous experiences, Suzanne Cunningham walked the road her soul chose for her. … Continue reading