Category Archives: nature

Kali the Conure

One day while poking around in blogland, I ran across a wonderful story about mourning doves at maggie’s secret garden. Her story reminded me of the dusky conure we bought in 2000, a few weeks after we had moved into … Continue reading

Posted in birds as messengers, kali, nature | 16 Comments

Easter Lillies: Nature’s Synchros

 About 95 percent of the 11 million Easter lillies sold each year are bought during Easter week. Most are grown in Oregon and California. They’re usually in bloom by Easter Sunday because their bulbs are “forced” in greenhouses, which means … Continue reading

Posted in easter lillies, nature | 12 Comments

Nature’s Synchronicities

 Nature, it seems, propagates its share of synchronicities. But this story is one of the strangest, for sure. According to Buddhist legend, this oddly beautiful and rare flower – known as the Youtan Poluo or Udumbara flower – only blooms … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, flowers, nature | 11 Comments

Electric Avenue

Jim Banholzer sends this one from the San Bernardino newspaper. Instead of blaming the fence, the headline should read: “Lightning jolts six people on Electric Avenue.” *** Lightning jolts six people near fence in San BernardinoBy Andrew EdwardsPosted: 06/03/2009 07:58:16 … Continue reading

Posted in lightning, nature, weather | 5 Comments