Electric Avenue

Jim Banholzer sends this one from the San Bernardino newspaper. Instead of blaming the fence, the headline should read: “Lightning jolts six people on Electric Avenue.”

Lightning jolts six people near fence in San Bernardino
By Andrew Edwards
Posted: 06/03/2009 07:58:16 PM PDT

Six people received a jolt after lightning struck a metal fence they were leaning against in a north San Bernardino neighborhood.

Emergency personnel responded to the call about 6 p.m. today near Electric Avenue and 40th Street.

Witness Aaron Sallis said he and the others were hanging out when the lightning bolt hit.

Sallis said all six young men seemed to have experienced electrical burns, but were conscious.

Firefighters treated four people at a nearby convenience store, and Sallis said the other two left the area.

Additional details from the San Bernardino City Fire Department were not immediately available.

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5 Responses to Electric Avenue

  1. gypsywoman says:

    oh, and love the image! i finally remembered i'd not responded to your question about my images and posted a response at my place today – anyway – beautiful visual!!!! jenean

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good point about the metal fence. You have to wonder, though, what the long term repercussions might be. Dannion Brinkley allegedly was struck twice in his lifetime, died after one of the strikes, and came back with tales of the afterworld.

  3. gypsywoman says:

    geeee….love the electric avenue/lightning aspect – and yes, nancy, don't know about the metal fence in an electrical storm – i don't even like being in my car! great story, macgregors!

  4. Lover of Life/ Nancy says:

    May not want to be leaning on metal during an electrical storm. But all six at once, on Electric Avenue? Strange.

  5. Anonymous says:

    All six at once? How strange.

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