Category Archives: history

Signs for the Wedding

When I ran across this one, it seemed too bizarre to be true. I checked with snopes, and they’ve got it entered as possibly true because they’ve heard about it from a different sources. If true, it’s a wonder the … Continue reading

Posted in history, signs, weddings | 6 Comments

Room With a View

This story first appeared in the Sunday Times in May 1974. It’s another one of the stories which makes you wonder who’s really running the universe!+++During WWI, Arthur Butterworth from Yorkshire was stationed at an army camp on the grounds … Continue reading

Posted in history, time and space | 7 Comments

History of Synchronicity

“The unseen design of things is more harmonious than the seen.” Heraclitus People recognized synchronicity long before Carl Jung coined the term. It was called names such as ostenta, moira, and destiny. There have been theories about what causes these … Continue reading

Posted in Greeks, Heraclitus, history | 12 Comments

Hitler and Synchronicity

Okay, this one goes to the heart of the question of the deeper roots of synchronicity. Most people agree, of course, that what happened in Nazi Germany was horrific, the gassing of millions of innocents as the epitome of evil. … Continue reading

Posted in global, history, Hitler, war | 7 Comments