Category Archives: war

Why Is the U.S. the World Cop?

 Why has this country adopted the role of world cop, embraced it, allowed it to define who and what we are as a collective? Iraq. Afghanistan. Libya. Egypt. Syria. We invaded Iraq under falsehoods about WMD. We invaded Afghanistan because … Continue reading

Posted in synchronicity, war | 20 Comments

War, Neptune, and Hit Counters

NASA’s pic of Neptune +++ Hit counters like sitemeter and statcounter have various categories that provide specific information about the visitors to your blog or website. One of the most intriguing categories is the search term visitors use. Whenever a … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, Neptune, synchronicity, war | 17 Comments

More than 2,000 military vehicles

This train was filmed in southern California, not far from Camp Pendleton. Someone on You Tube commented that the tanks and vehicles may not be headed to the Mideast because they’re green camouflage rather than the color of dirt and … Continue reading

Posted in synchronicity, war | 10 Comments

The $3,000,000,000 War

Fair warning: this is not about synchros. OK, Bin Laden is dead. The alleged mastermind of 9-11, the reason we invaded Afghanistan, is now history, his body buried at sea. So why should we stay in Afghanistan? Bush ordered the … Continue reading

Posted in political, politicians, war | 27 Comments

We’re Doing WHAT in Libya?

  Eight years ago ago today, March 20, the U.S. invaded Iraq. We’re still there. Then we invaded Afghanistan. We’re still there. Yesterday, March 19, 2011, we launched air strikes over Libya. 110 Tomahawk missiles. President Obama claims this will … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized, war | 24 Comments

Climate and War and Secret 7

It’s now official. July is the hottest month on record since data was first collected almost a century ago. And perhaps synchronistically, July was also the deadliest month in Afghanistan in the course of this nine-year-old war. Is there a … Continue reading

Posted in afghanistan, climate change, secret 7, war | 22 Comments

Hitler and Synchronicity

Okay, this one goes to the heart of the question of the deeper roots of synchronicity. Most people agree, of course, that what happened in Nazi Germany was horrific, the gassing of millions of innocents as the epitome of evil. … Continue reading

Posted in global, history, Hitler, war | 7 Comments

Two Teacups

This story from Jim Banholzer originally appeared under the comment section about The Magic Teapots. But it’s such a powerful story, we decided to post it. Dissimilar teacups are a potent metaphor: Several weeks after piloting the atomic bomb that … Continue reading

Posted in bombs, global, peace, war, writers | 3 Comments