Category Archives: synchronicity
Trish MacGregor: Star Power For May 2024 Join Trish for the May 2024 astrological forecast!
The Stormy Synchro
On April 20, Trump cancelled a rally in North Carolina because of a storm. Last t week, Trump has had to sit in a courtroom while jurors were selected for his hush money trial concerning porn star Stormy Daniels. Monday, … Continue reading
Mercury Retro Over!
On August 25, Mercury retro is over !!! Done!!Pacific time: 5:54 AM. EDT: 8:54 AM. This one has been – well, like most of them. A mess. A computer death. A compromised credit card. Hours spent trying to learn a … Continue reading
Those Mind-Blowers
Our newest synchronicity book will be available in May! Here’s a brief excerpt, from the introduction: Sometimes, synchronicity makes you feel like a character in a Philip K. Dick novel, as if you’ve stumbled into an upside down, inside out … Continue reading
Uranus/Jupiter Conjunction in Taurus
I read an article recently that implied the quake in New Jersey/NY/East coast on April 5 was due to the conjunction of Uranus/Jupiter. That conjunction will be exact 2 days from now, on April 20. Right now, the two planets … Continue reading
Patricia Walls: The Hall Of Records Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with… Patricia Walls is a certified hypnotherapist and author, an intuitive, spiritual mentor and international speaker and workshop leader. Patricia’s specialty is creating practical energy exercises to instantly shift your vibration, allowing … Continue reading
1953 Prediction about Phones
That newspaper article sure qualifies as a precognition! This clipping is from an Associated Press article: We live in the age of the smartphone, which took more than a few of us by surprise. But in all human history, … Continue reading
Solar Eclipse in Aries
Today, April 8, there’s a solar eclipse at 19 degrees Aries. According to articles on the Internet, avid eclipse watchers are flocking to the areas where the eclipse will be fully visible. Astrologically, solar eclipses are like double new moons. … Continue reading
Alex Marcoux: Gods In The Game
Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with… Alex Marcoux is a multi-award-winning author of visionary fiction and spirituality books. She considers herself a truth-seeker as she has always sought truths hidden from humanity and woven them into her work, … Continue reading