Category Archives: synchronicity
Who Was Baron Trump?
We first published this synchronicity on August 8, 2017. It was weird then, but after all these years of years of trump, the insurrection, the January 6 investigation, and all the subsequent indictments against Trump – 91 to date … Continue reading
Trish MacGregor: Star Power For October 2023 Join Trish for the October 2023 astrological forecast!
Astrology & a Bot
Today, Rob was curious what Chat would say about astrology and we decided to ask about Pluto’s entry into Aquarius in January 2024. As you’ll see, it ‘s fairly complete.But will it eventually replace astrologers? I doubt it. +++ … Continue reading
Paradigm Shifts & a Psychic Healer
On Wednesday September 27, from 7-9 pm, psychic healer Ken Lloyd will hold a group healing session on Zoom. It’s $100. We first heard about him through a friend in Sarasota, when he came to her spiritual center for a … Continue reading
Phillip Merry: Synchronicity And The Quantum Mindset
Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with… Philip Merry the author of The 9 Keys of Synchronicity, a book that grew out of his PhD research. Philip is a world leader in the application of the science of synchronicity … Continue reading
Precognition – glimpsing the future – has always fascinated me. My favorite movie about precogniiton is Minority Report, where those three precogs were kept in a pool of water, connected to electronic gizmos that recorded their dreams and visions. … Continue reading
A Jimi Hendrix synchro
About the only time I (Rob) listen to music these days is when I’m in the gym or biking, connecting to Spotify on my phone and earbuds. Often times I listen to mixes that were created by Spotify based on … Continue reading
HERE’S NIGEL! THE GOLDEN AND NIGEL… The tropical storm…. And he’s off chasing Frisbees!
A Synchronicity LIfe Hack from Philip Merry
WHEN THINGS GO WRONG – WHAT DO YOU FEED THE FIELD? When things go wrong it’s so easy to get upset or get angry or go into victim mode. But when you do that, you block the energy that can … Continue reading