The 5 of Cups

Someone emailed me a clip from Fox News- where the host is talking  with a psychic.You’ll see it on this clip.

“I’d like you to draw a card on President Trump,” says host Jesse Watters.

So Paula Roberts does.  It’s the 5 of cups, the image at the beginning of this post. “Uh-oh,” she says.

Watters sort of laughs and asks for her interpretation. Listen to it.

But here’s the thing. Her initial reaction, Uh-oh is absolutely correct. This card is about LOSS. In Power Tarot, my co-author, Phyllis Vega, and I wrote:

“There’s no way around it. This card is about disappointment, regret, and loss. It sometimes refers to an individual who has trouble releasing the past  or has experienced an emotional loss that led to complete absorption in sorrow

“There may be an obsession over past wrongs. The bottom line is that it’s time to pick up the pieces and go forward.”

Sounds like Trump, doesn’t it?





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