2024 Is…


2024 is a year of revelations and abundance. Its numbers add up to 8, one of my favorites. It looks like the sign for infinity and means abundance and prosperity.

From Google: In numerology, the number 8 is associated with power, strength, ambition, efficiency, discipline, reality, money, finances, truth, integrity, abundance and prosperity. In Chinese culture, the number 8 is the luckiest number.

Along with this, we have a couple of major transits this year that bode well, I think, and support #8. On Jan 20, Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time in 248 years and on May 25, Jupiter enters Gemini, where it will be for about a year. These two transits impact everyone, but both are air signs. Aquarius, Gemini, Libra. These 3 signs will feel the transits most strongly. Pluto urges us to delve deeply and is transformative. Jupiter is all about luck, expansion, and synchronicity.

As I was writing this post,  I walked out into the kitchen to get some wtater and noticed the AARP bulletin on the table . As you can see, this issue is all about money. What a weird synchronicity!


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2 Responses to 2024 Is…

  1. lauren raine says:

    I do hope you are right, we could use some collective ease and expansion.

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