Category Archives: synchronicity
2:22 and beyond
Trish and I were both captivated by a movie called 2:22 that came out in 2017 and was only a theatrical release for one week. It earned $422, the lowest of any movie in 2017. Sounds terrible, but it’s not. … Continue reading
Those objects in the sky
We’ve been getting inquiries about what we think about the unidentified objects that the U.S. military has shot down. Three such objects at this writing, plus the Chinese balloon. Those who have contacted us are concerned that they are alien … Continue reading
In the summer of 2011, after Megan had graduated from college, she decided she wanted to get a dog to accompany her on the next leg of her journey, whatever it would be. So we headed over to Big Dog … Continue reading
A Favorite Vonnegut Story/Synchro
Vonnegut self-portrait This one is a repost of Rob’s experience from 2019. Synchronicities can happen anywhere, anytime, even when waiting out a major storm. As Hurricane Matthew approached, we kept the Weather Channel on, listened and occasionally watched the latest … Continue reading
AI on Trickster Synchronicities
Most of the AI sites I’ve found charge monthly or annually to use them. I found one – that can be used for free. So I entered the words: trickster synchronicity and here’s what it returned: In Jungian … Continue reading
Travel Synchros
Travel synchros are among the most interesting. They happen unexpectedly and usually take you by surprise. On a recent trip to Frisco, Texas, Megan and I took Lyfts everywhere we went and learned how diverse this community is … Continue reading
Our 14th Anniversary!
Today February 4, 2023, our blog is 14. We started it on this date in 2009, on blogger. It was called So before we go any farther, here’s our definition of synchronicity: the coming together of … Continue reading
Ah, DeSantis:
For years, New College of Florida in Sarasota, Florida was the honor college in the state university system. It was also a bastion of liberalism and inclusion. The day we toured the campus with our daughter, Megan, our guide was … Continue reading
Wiley, Blue, and a Date: A Mind-Blower.
Wiley Our friends know that Rob and I write about synchronicity and whenever they experience or hear about one, they pass it on to us. This one came initially from my friend Arlene, who heard about it from a … Continue reading
The Mystical Underground: Trish MacGregor: Star Power For February 2023
A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Join Trish for the February 2023 astrological forecast!”