Category Archives: synchronicity
Social Security Stuff
Today at the dog park a retired doctor stopped to talk with a group of us. His dog occasionally stops in at our bench area to get water. “You think social security is going to get cancelled?” I … Continue reading
The Fourth Turning – & other stuff
Dr Russell Razzaque is a British Jungian psychiatrist. His YouTube channel is a fascinating collection of short videos with specific themes. This one is about cycles in history that occur every 20 to 80 years. One of my favorites is … Continue reading
Orange man has come up with what he considers to be a brilliant idea: gold cards that immigrants receive when they pay $5 million for it. And that gold card gets you a green card here in the good … Continue reading
Mirabai Devi: Light Transmissions
Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with… Mirabai Devi is a spiritual guide and healer with more than 30 years of experience. She is a conduit of the Devine Feminine, or Divine Mother. Her work includes light transmissions, group … Continue reading
A Past Life: Kent State
For many years, Carol Bowman was a past life researcher and regressionist. She wrote two extraordinary books on the past lives of children – Children’s Past Lives and Return from Heaven. The first was inspired by her son, … Continue reading
Los Desaparecidos of Argentina – and of the US?
From 1974-1976, Isabel Perón was the president of Argentina, the first female president in the world. She was the third wife of populist president Juan Perón. When her husband died in 1974, she was already VP and became president. … Continue reading
Astariea OfLight: Oversoul Evolution
Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with… Astariea is a Creation Level Evolutionary Energetic, Spiritual Healing Practitioner, Multi & Inter-dimensional Channel, and Intuitive who focuses on a Holistic approach to Personal and Spiritual Evolution, Wellness, and Fulfillment of Being. … Continue reading
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Did you hear about this one? Some Minnesota GOP politicians came up with this bill, describing how they think the left – the democrats- look at trump. But actually, when you think about it, this Trump Derangement Syndrome is … Continue reading
Astariea of Light
The Mystical Underground’s intriguing discussion with Astariea of Light Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with… Astariea is a Creation Level Evolutionary Energetic, Spiritual Healing Practitioner, Multi & Inter-dimensional Channel, and Intuitive who focuses on a Holistic approach … Continue reading
Ah, Synchronicity
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