Category Archives: serial trickster

The supernatural power of breasts

 You might recall the news item from a couple of weeks ago about the Iranian hard-line cleric who said women who dress promiscuously were to blame for earthquakes. “When promiscuity spreads, earthquakes increase,” Hojatoleslam Kazim Sadeghi said in a video posted … Continue reading

Posted in boobquake, earthquakes, serial trickster | 20 Comments

The Serial Trickster

Archetypes – the trickster, the wise old man or woman,  the hero, the child – are as ancient as the planet. They bubble into the conscious mind from the collective unconscious, a repository of images common to all people. They’re … Continue reading

Posted in serial trickster, trickster | 16 Comments

Trickster and the Burning House

Trickster synchronicities are usually ironic in some way. But sometimes  they seem to be unnecessarily cruel, too, as in this next story, which came from MSNBC. +++Last month, at 10:45 on a Friday night, Mike Bowes, a Massachusetts 911 operator, … Continue reading

Posted in fire, serial trickster | 2 Comments

Word Verification Synchronicities

The word verifications required to post on many blogs are often synchronicities unto themselves.  Many of them seem to be trickster synchronicities. It’s as if we’re being urged to pay closer attention to our posts – the context of what … Continue reading

Posted in serial trickster, word verifications | 17 Comments

Wrong Time, Wrong Place

On August 9, we posted a couple of synchronicites about people who have repeat experiences in the same time and place as their relatives or friends had months or years before. Sometimes, these synchronicities are clearly serial tricksters. But other … Continue reading

Posted in death, families, serial trickster, trucks | 3 Comments