Word Verification Synchronicities

The word verifications required to post on many blogs are often synchronicities unto themselves.  Many of them seem to be trickster synchronicities. It’s as if we’re being urged to pay closer attention to our posts – the context of what we’re writing as well as the context of what we’re commenting on. Several people have remarked about these little oddities, but we weren’t collecting them then. Now we are!

Gypsywoman sent us two of them, with screen shots, musing egret had a good one without a screen shot, and Trish learned to capture a screen shot when posting on buttternut squash’s blog. If anyone else has experiences like this with screen shots, please send them along.There may be something we can all learn from these little blips in our daily blogging experience.
Gypsy was posting on making/drinking tea and her last line in the post was: “I salute her and her cup of tea.” The verification? FOOD U

In the next one, she was commenting on our post about kissing the limitless. She wrote: “….FEEL it….” Her verification word was EMPIN = PIN ME. “I guess that would be “feeling” it, alright!”

musingegret mentioned in a comment to the post about Soupy Sales that she was making a grocery list for ingredients to make sausage/shrimp gumbo for supper. The verification word was ‘beria’ and Iberia is Spain – where ‘sopa de ajo’ originated.

 In a comment under this post, Jenean speculated that it would be fun to try to make word verification synchronicities happen. The word she had to type in? Chalk!

I (Trish) was posting to butternut squash’s blog, about some cute pictures of her kids in Halloween costumes and remarked that some of my fondest memories of our daughter’s childhood centered around Halloween. The word verification made me laugh – materr – matter! Pumpkins and kids and Halloween matter.

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17 Responses to Word Verification Synchronicities

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi Ray – where've you been?? I've wondered the same thing, but intentional implies someone is doing them. So who's pulling these strings? That's the puzzling thing.

  2. Ray says:

    I have often wondered if the word verification synchronicities were intentional. They happen too often to me to be random.


  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nope, that was Rob, Gypsy.

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    TOO TOO FUNNY, trish!!! i think i'd listen to that one! 🙂

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Someone wrote me on Facebook today asking for contributions of synchronicities for a book. I gave her our blog address and told her we have new ones everyday.

    When I posted, the verification words were:


  6. simple simon says:

    yeah did notice that strange little phenom, that i did.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi Michael – we would love to use your story for a post. Will check out the youtube vid. Thanks!

  8. Michael R. MacDonald says:

    Mike MacDonald here. What Mike Clelland says is true. It did happen to us. I have a youtube video of our visit to Ackerman's grave


    The verification code incident happened a couple of hours later. Wish I took a picture of it.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Very freaky, that!

  10. Mike Clelland! says:

    I have a friend who posted a similar sychronicity…

    here's a link:


    Here's my edited version from PARANORMAL MUSINGS:

    This is a pretty weird story. This is no joke. Today Ian and I went to Forrest Lawn Cemetery to pay our respects to Forry Ackerman [famed chronicler of Hollywood monsters], who died Dec. 4. 2008 …

    Next we took a ride on Mulholland Drive, before finally arriving at our hotel. When I sat down and logged into the computer, Facebook required the typical security typographical entry before letting me see my mail. To my total astonishment, the words I was prompted to type were, "Ackerman 000" I kid you not. I wish I took a picture, but I was sort of stunned by it, typed it in, and hit the enter key.

    Almost directly afterward, when Ian and I were discussing the possible meaning of the message, his computer responded to my word "Dead", with "Oh my Gosh! No Way!" in a weird childlike voice. There was no rhyme or reason for his or my computers to speak to us in that very Forry-like manner. The chances are billions to one.

    I guess Forry's telling us that he believes in the afterlife now. That was just plain creepy! But in a nice sort of way.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i just sent trish a photo of the verification for my comment above to "make a particular verification happen" – it was CHALK! too funny!! so here's the chalk to write it out, make it happen! 🙂

  12. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    too funny, these comments! i have to start keeping my cell phone here at the computer – i get several a day – absolutely LOVE reading them from everyone – not sure about parts of text being taken for the verifications, though, like natalie thought because sometimes they are just a nonsensical jumble of letters –

    neat fun post – and thought-provoking – i mean, wouldn't it be fun to see if we could "make" a particular verification happen?

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Vomit!? Wow. You have to wonder about that one!

  14. Natalie says:

    Ok that one was Innuinf. I knew info! ha!

  15. Natalie says:

    Lakeviewer was talking yesterday about snatching Autumn walks along the beach with her hub before the winter came. The word verification was 'blessers'.

    Lori x five was talking about her wedding anniversary and their weekend away, and wv was Vomit!
    I am fairly sure that they take parts of your text and mix it up…but still, it is fun. 😀

  16. therese says:

    "spagnat" was the last one. I guess we'll have spaghetti for dinner tomorrow. LOL!

  17. terripatrick says:

    I've seen this synchronicity in word verifications so many times I am waiting to see what it might be. What fun is that?

    so this was "sesem" and now "ravsimeg" and now I have to assume I've had enough wine and it's time to go to bed.

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