Allan and Alfred

Years ago, Rob and I ran across a book called Mysteries of the Unexplained. It has a section on synchronicities and that’s where this next story comes from. It’s similar to the synchronicity entitled Annette and the Sweatshirt in that both involve accidents that occurred years apart, but with repetitive themes.

In the 1930s, Allan Falby, captain of the El Paso County Highway Patrol, was pursuing a speeding truck. As the truck unexpectedly slowed to turn, Allan slammed into it and the collision ruptured an artery in his leg. Alfred Smith stopped to give Allan first aid and applied a tourniquet to his leg. It stopped the bleeding long enough for an ambulance to arrive and to get Allan to a hospital. Alfred’s actions saved Allan’s life. He was able to return to his job several months afterward.

Five years later, Allan Falby was working the night shift and received a message to assist at the scene of a terrible accident on U.S. 80. Allan arrived at the scene before the ambulance did. A car had smashed into a tree and the driver was unconscious, an artery in his right leg had been severed, and he was bleeding to death. Allan applied a tourniquet to stem the bleeding. The victim was Alfred Smith.

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2 Responses to Allan and Alfred

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    When I was a kid, Twilight Zone was one of my favorite shows! It introduced me to the world of the weird and the strange….I love all that spooky stuff. But synchronicity isn’t spooky at all. It’s magical.

  2. terripatrick says:

    If this story was chosen for the TV show “Twilight Zone” – it would be presented as all spooky and stuff. Gag.

    Thanks for showing, our lives are all intertwined, and living life – true to who we are – creates wonderful synchronicity!

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