Category Archives: hicks


Part of Megan’s graduation present was a virtual Hicks workshop, which she watched in its entirety on May 28, with Rob and I popping in now and then  to catch glimpses of it. Last night and this evening, – May … Continue reading

Posted in hicks | 28 Comments

A Virtual Twist, Abraham/Hicks

Indra’s Net One of the blogs we frequent regularly is 22C+, Marcus Anthony’s blog. Marcus is the author of several books on synchronicity (Sage of Synchronicity, Extraordinary Minds), and is also exceptionally intuitive. We respect his opinion – as an … Continue reading

Posted in hicks, hidden reality, Uncategorized | 34 Comments

The Vortex Workshop, part 2

This image illustrates how Megan and I felt when we left the Abraham/Hicks workshop.  We were soaring. When Rob and I talked about two posts on the Hicks workshop, he asked, “Where’s the synchronicity?”As I explained in part 1, the … Continue reading

Posted in abraham, hicks, Seth | 20 Comments

The Vortex Workshop, Part 1

Once upon a time, I stayed away from books that claimed to be channeled. Too many of them were supposedly channeled by space brothers on Pluto or Zeta Reticuli and were unreadable. Then in the 1970s, Seth Speaks by Jane … Continue reading

Posted in abraham, hicks, Seth | 14 Comments