Category Archives: hidden reality

Vibration and Brian Greene’s The Hidden Reality

Cuban artist Abel Matos The movie Limitless is about a writer who stumbles upon a drug that enables him to use something like 97 percent of his brain. He has been blocked for months on a novel, but when he … Continue reading

Posted in hidden reality, Seth | 23 Comments

A Virtual Twist, Abraham/Hicks

Indra’s Net One of the blogs we frequent regularly is 22C+, Marcus Anthony’s blog. Marcus is the author of several books on synchronicity (Sage of Synchronicity, Extraordinary Minds), and is also exceptionally intuitive. We respect his opinion – as an … Continue reading

Posted in hicks, hidden reality, Uncategorized | 34 Comments

The Hidden Reality

I’ve been anticipating the release of Brian Green’s new book – The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos. If you’re unfamiliar with his work (The Elegant Universe and The Fabric  of the Cosmos), then be … Continue reading

Posted in brian greene, hidden reality, quantum physics | 15 Comments