
This particular flash mob isn’t so much a mob as an ode to joy.


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12 Responses to Beethoven

  1. lauren raine says:

    Wonderful………..thank you!

  2. Portia says:

    Oh! By the way, I recommended your blog in a comment I posted on his blog. I wonder if Mr Gandy would become a fan of synchronicity? =)

  3. Portia says:

    Hi Trish and Rob, just read an older blog entry by male model, David Gandy about an interesting connection with the Bond franchise. I do believe this counts as synchronicity. Enjoy!

  4. gypsy says:

    INcredible! how wonderful the facial expressions on the audience – especially one little elderly woman and then, the little girl in red who climbed the pole and was directing the group herself! thanks SO MUCH for sharing these moments of joy for us all! 😉

  5. No way can this be called a mob! – wonderful, wonderful! The look on some of the childrens’ faces, just magical. Take music to the people and it could change the way we think and alter our moods.

  6. Wonderful! What’s wrong with me? Every time I see one of these group events I cry. I can’t help it. Happens every time.

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