The Koi Pond Synchro


When 7 Secrets of Synchronicity was published, we gave a copy to our neighbor, Annette, who had never heard the term, but knew what a coincidence was. Once she and her twin had read the book, they both dropped by one evening to tell us how many synchronicities they had experienced over the years. As identical twins, a lot of their synchros involved telepathy and precognition, but also other things.  We wrote up a couple of these, including their experience with a ghost during a cruise.

As a result of their reading the book, they began to notice synchronicities occurring more frequently and whenever one happened, Annette or Janette would say, “Synchronicity!” Annette’s kids, Dawson, now 11, and Maddie, now 9, heard the word so frequently that they grasped the meaning without anyone explaining it to them.

So this evening, Annette drops by, excited about a synchro she and her kids experienced.


“So, okay, Dawson has been talking about how much he would like to have a Koi pond. He was bugging me about it today, and I told him that when his Poppa (grandfather) comes to visit, it’s something the two of them can work on together.

“About an hour later, our garbage disposal died and we had to go to Loew’s to buy a new one. There, at the end of a counter, was a Koi kit, one of those do-it-yourself build a Koi pond. Dawson spots it and says, ‘Mom, it’s a synchronicity. It means we should get the Koi pond.

“Well, we were there to buy a garbage disposal, not a  Koi kit, and I again told him that when his Poppa arrived, it was something they could do together.

“After we got home, Dawson, Maddie and their friend Zack left with a fishing net and headed over to the nearby canal to see what they could catch – fish, lizards, armadillos. About twenty minutes later, I walk outside and see a Koi pond in our driveway. A Koi pond, that’s three Koi things in about two hours.”

“That’s a cluster,” I said, and asked where the pond had come from.

“The house that’s in foreclosure,” Annette replied.

This house, which bit the dust during the financial meltdown in or around 2008,  is creepy. It looks like something out of a Stephen King novel. The yard is horribly overgrown, the screen door on the front porch hangs by a single rusted hinge, the windows are covered with dirt and grime, and the wooden fence lists to one side. It turns out that the Koi pond pictured in the photo above was just sitting in the driveway. It was not there yesterday, when Rob and I biked down to our neighborhood park with Noah.  We figure it was dumped there, as other  items have been since the place went into foreclosure.

So Dawson (on the right), Maddie (the only girl),  and Zack hauled it back to Annette’s driveway, piece by piece, stone by stone, and posed for this photo, the three of them covered with dirt and ready to install the Koi pond in the their backyard.

“Pretty cool, isn’t it, Ms. Trish?” Dawson calls as he’s hauling stones. “Our synchronicity.”

“She says it’s a cluster, Dawson,” Annette tells him.

There’s something very gratifying about a couple of young kids experiencing and recognizing synchronicity. It’s also amusing that Dawson, who really wanted the Koi pond, not only recognized the synchro, but tried to use it to convince his mother that they absolutely had to buy the Koi kit.


By the end of the day, the Koi pond was finished!

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11 Responses to The Koi Pond Synchro

  1. Great story. Just imagine if synchronicity was taught in schools!

  2. Like everyone else – love this story.

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    Love this story! Along with everyone else, can’t wait to see the Koi pond when up and running! 🙂

  4. Darren B says:

    I did a post on Koi and Dragons in January this year;

  5. gypsy says:

    well, how neat is that! the kids are not only smart and aware but very resourceful – good for them!!!

  6. DJan says:

    That is a pretty cool synchro. I do hope you get a chance to show what it looks like once it’s installed!

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