Dying to meet you…


The universe works in mysterious ways. Indeed.

The same day that we put up Marcus Anthony’s YouTube video of his talk at the TED conference in Hong Kong, Marcus posted an incredible personal synchronicity on his blog and was about to e-mail us about it when he receive my e-mail alerting him to our post.

As soon as I read his story, I knew we had to spread this story, which is fascinating on a number of levels – from the book itself to Marcus’ own related experience involving multiple synchros.

So we’ll just let Marcus tell his story.


Last week I was out and about with my wife in the IFC Mall, one of Hong Kong’s more pricey shopping establishments. Walking around on the third floor, I stumbled across a book shop and went in. There, right on top of a pile of books on a table near the front of the bookshop was a certain volume which caught my eye: Dying to be Me, by Anita Moorjani. I picked it up and did what I always do when deciding whether or not to buy a book: I stilled myself, bringing my mind fully present, then felt the book. My intuition told me that the book was for me, so I went straight to the counter and bought it.

I wasn’t disappointed. The author, I found out, is a Hong Kong woman of Indian decent. Several years ago she was diagnosed with cancer. The book details her experience with the disease, and her remarkable visit to death’s door. To cut a long story short, Anita describes how her condition gradually deteriorated, until she was admitted to hospital in a coma. Her doctor’s had basically given up on her, and her organs had begun to shut down. One of the doctor’s wrote down that her family should be informed of her true condition, meaning that he was convinced that she was about to die.

The author then describes the miracle that happened next. She had a classic near death experience where she was able to hear not only what was being said by doctors who were treating her, but she could also see into the minds of her close relatives, including a brother who was onĀ  plane, rushing to see her. She saw her current life in a grand spiritual context, witnessed her past lives, and experienced an expanded state of mind which transcended time and space. This is mental state is what I call a classic experience of Integrated Intelligence (INI), as I outline in my book Discover Your Soul Template, INI is the experience of mind which extends out from the body and interacts with other people, places and even other times.

Anita Moorjani shares her wonderful spiritual insights with the reader. The message is clear. We spend too much of our lives denying our own magnificence, living for some future goal, or just believing that we are inadequate. It is these beliefs and attitudes that the author sees as being central to her becoming sick. Her cancer was an expression of a greater dis-ease in her mind.

I love the book. In fact, as I read it I realised that I had a strong connection with its message. Although I have never had a near death experience, I have experienced many non-ordinary states of consciousness and had many spiritual experiences where I received insights that mirror those of Anita Moorjani.

As I was reading the book, I texted one of my good friends in the consciousnesses movement here in Hong Kong, transpersonal psychologist Doug Seiddon, and told him he should read the book. He texted me back saying that he had met Anita two years previously at the Hong Kong Consciousness Festival. He said she was a very nice woman. I felt rather envious.

What I will relate next is actually true, even though it may seem rather incredulous. I was seriously considering contacting the author, as we live in the same city. A scenario kept popping into my head during the first fe days after I purchased the book.

I am sitting in a public space. Suddenly I realise that Anita Moorjani is sitting right beside me. I walk over to her and say “Are you Anita Moorjani?” I point to her book.

In fact this scenario came to me just yesterday when I was travelling on public transport. It was as if I could feel Anita very close to my physically. There definitely felt like a connection.

So, today, Sunday, I went out in the afternoon to the Pacific Coffee place in Discovery Bay, not far from my apartment. I sat down and began to do a little writing on my computer. Suddenly a woman’s voice caught my attention. I looked up to see three people of Indian heritage sitting just a metre away from me at the next table. The woman, whose back was turned away from me, was talking about her publicist. I realised that she must be a writer. The idea immediately came to me that this woman was Anita Moorjani. I couldn’t see her face clearly, but saw a distinguishing facial feature on her right cheek. So I opened my copy of Dying to Be Me (which I had on the table) and turned to the author page. Sure enough, the woman sitting a metre away from me had the same feature in exactly the same spot on her face. I checked her energy intuitively, and saw that she had a soft and very feminine energy, and was very relaxed in her body. It was a perfect match!

I was just thinking about how I might interrupt their conversation, as I am not a natural extrovert, when suddenly the Indian man chatting to the woman got up and walked over to me. “Is that book any good?” he said. He was smiling.

“Yes! Is this Anita?” I asked indicating to the woman. They were all smiling.

Sure enough it was her. I kindly invited myself over for a chat with them! The man was Danny, Anita’s amiable husband. We chatted for about twenty minutes or so, and I was delighted to discover that Anita was as genuine as her book suggested. But the synchronicity didn’t end there. I discovered that the couple live in Discovery Bay too. But even more incredibly, we found out that we had both lived in the same tiny village of a few hundred people in Hong Kong’s New Territories at the same time (2008) – at opposite ends of the village. They knew several of my friends in the village. The odds of that must be astronomical. I honestly can’t remember seeing Anita or Danny there, but I must have seen them at some time, because the village is quite isolated, with only one mini-bus which takes about 25 minutes to get to the nearest train station.

What a wonderful series of synchronicities!

Even better, if you go to Amazon.com you’ll see Anita’s book has become an instant best seller. I have to be honest and say I have read some spiritual best sellers which I would describe as simply awful, and where I intuitively sensed that the author was not capable of walking the talk. Happily with Dying to be Me, this is not the case. I give it five stars out of five.

Anita & Danny….

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16 Responses to Dying to meet you…

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Just want to say I read 80% of her book DYING TO BE ME and agree, in essence, with
    Darren. I think each person will have a different take of Anita’s material, and I am intensely interested in hearing the reviews from others. Again, I agree with Darren, and beyond that, I don’t feel inclined to say more except to hope others will voice their opinions on its content.

  2. What I can say aouut reincarnation and tapping into other people’s minds is this: both are true, from my experience. We do connect with the minds and energies of our ancestors, and collectives of consciousness. If you are Jewish, for example, the fear and trauma of impending annihilation is likely to sit within you. It’s the same for the hinese, due to their traumatic history. I did include this idea in my novel Shadow Light, which is semi-autobiographical. Having said this, I’m quite happy just to live here now. It is very freeing not to become attached to spiritual concepts. it also helps you receive those who have different understandings with acceptance, an open heart and a spirit of generosity.

  3. karen says:

    I went to a youtube link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjLouLHH-_I) of a 2011 interview with Lilu of Juicy Living and Moorjani….I was so blown away by her story that I forgot to get back here…thanks for pointing me in her direction. I also found a class she teaches about her experience at Hayhouse. thank you so very much.

  4. Darren tells me I must read this book! Remarkable synchros in your post. People used to say we should follow our nose, but now it’s more like we should follow our synchros.

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    T & R, sorry for the blooper on my email this a.m. to you. Ordered DYING TO BE ME. I quoted the title wrong but did order it from Amazon yesterday and am anxious to read it. I’ve heard this explanation for reincarnation many times, but have a problem with it as it doesn’t jive with certain other aspects of life. And my own personal belief is that our soul determines its inspection of our acts and non-acts….karmic commission or omission, if you will….and decides what, if anything, shall de done about these. Because we’ve lost the physical presence in the last twelve months or so of many close friends and family who have each died in separate incidents, my thoughts are very often lately on the Afterlife and what it entails, even though I’ve experienced more than one verifiable NDE. I’ve even wondered if anything actually exists post-death, although I have no doubt it does. Just the way my mind is meandering these days and following lots of schools of thought. As a born medium, I have absolute conviction that there is life beyond the physical and it isn’t the “heaven or hell” the Christians preach! Am nevertheless questioning the various ideas that are out there on these subjects that affect all of us. Am really looking forward to seeing how this author’s experiences differed from mine.

  6. Thanks for sharing this Rob and Trish. What happened the next morning was just as astounding. I had a strong premonition of a traffic surge on my blog, which came true. I won’t repeat it here. It’s the second post down – I think – on my blog if interested. I haven’t updated the blog for a while – I’m holidaying on an island in Thailand. Marcus

  7. Well, when you visit Amazon, you can see clearly that she is far from an obscure author. It looks to me like a phenomenon slightly different from synchronicity or more like its different manifestation. I experience these things quite a lot when it’s like time and decisions (friends, neighbors, conversations, activities…) moving back and forth, causes and effects moving in two directions. The book “Godel, Escher, Bach” is in this vein, but the author wasn’t willing to, instead of insisting that causal computers should somehow contain “strange loops”, accept that self-awareness is only possible in time with two (or no) direction. It happens for instance when a band has more than one equally competent songwriter or when Bill Gates and Paul Allen share the same room as students. Just like “usual” synchronicity, it seems to me that the future will influence the past (with the whole life looking like one huge synchronicity) much more if you expect these things to happen.

  8. Darren B says:

    Here’s a sync,I was over a Mike Perry’s site
    writing a comment about this book…which I have just finished,and was writing about how Marcus coincidentally bumped into the author in Hong Kong,the same way Marcus and I bumped into each other last year,and I come here to get the link to Marcus’s blog and see that you have just posted this story that I was telling Mike about.

    Having read the book,I can say it is a must read,but unlike Marcus I only gave it
    4 stars because there are a few things Anita says that I don’t agree on.
    But overall it is definitely worth a read.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      What did you disagree with, Daz? Just curious!

      • Darren B says:

        The part about reincarnation and judgement.
        Anita thought reincarnation might just be other people’s lives whose memories we have access to.
        And she said there was no judgement in the afterlife for the life just lived…this I don’t believe in my heart.
        I’m not saying there is punishment,but I do believe the life lived is judged…even if it is only ourselves that judge it.
        I think the danger with these NDE books is that people think anyone who experiences an NDE has all the answers about the afterlife.It would be like me visiting America talking to someone about the country and coming back to Oz and telling everyone here how I think America runs. A glimpse of something doesn’t give you all the answers.
        It’s a good book from the NDE and cancer angle,but I can’t say I agree with her theories about reincarnation and karma.
        But that’s just my thoughts on the subject,her theories just don’t feel right to me when it comes to those topics.

        • Rob and Trish says:

          Funny, but I had a feeling it might be something like that. I agree with you, Daz. I think there’s a judgment that comes from our higher selves – not some religious judgment. And I definitely don’t think reincarnation is simply access
          to other people’s memories

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