Search Terms as Oracle

One of the beauties of Statcounter is that it shows you the search terms that people use to find your blog. I sometimes view these search terms as fodder for fiction. Other times, I see them as symbolic of the collective mind. I pay close attention because in the past, the terms have yielded some stunning synchros.

Two years ago, for instance, we noticed that the word phoenix  was prevalent in the search terms and eventually a woman wrote us about an amazing  synchro involving her daughter.  Earlier this year, we noticed a number of searches for Wolfgang Pauli and these searches always came from Toronto. Several weeks later, we got an email from William Shatner’s Weird or What Show and subsequently appeared on it to talk about – Pauli!

In the last month, the most common search terms that have appeared on our blog – other than the terms coincidence or synchronicity are:

Quebec encounter

Desperate housewives logo

Nicholas cage, time traveler

Orange centipede

co-existence bumper sticker

The Quebec encounter posts generated a lot of interest on our blog, including interest from: the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the FBI Criminal Justice Information Systems, the FCC,  Navy Network Information Center (nnic), the Department of Defense Network Information Center, the  Canadian Air Defence, various Air Force Bases, and from Gunter Annex,  the home of the Headquarters 754th Electronic Systems Group (HQ 754th ELSG). The 754th Electronic Systems Group provides and supports secure combat information systems and networks that increase the capabilities of our commanders and leaders of the United States Air Force (USAF), the Department of Defense and other Federal Government Agencies.

And that’s just the tip. My question is simple: why are all these American and Canadian government agencies so interested in anything having to do with UFO encounters, a phenomenon they claim does not exist and has never existed?

The Desperate Housewives logo is kind of funny. It’s an apple. What does the apple represent in certain religions? Well, the apple was the forbidden fruit in Eden, and when Adam and Even partook, they were cast out of paradise. On a synchro note, Apple’s logo is, of course, an apple with a bite taken out of it. Steve Jobs got tempted in paradise!

Cage, the time traveler. This post came about as a result of the similarity between two photos – one of a soldier in some long ago war and the other of Cage today.

Then there’s the orange centipede. The first post we put up that involved an orange centipede came from Renee Prince. Here’s a bit about their life cycle.

The co-existence bumper sticker may be a collective hope.

Now, I can understand the interest in UFO encounters. I can understand the interest in Desperate Housewives, the show, but why the logo??  I can understand the interest in Cage as a possible time traveler. But I mean, really, orange centipedes? If I were using these phrases as a launchpad for a possible idea for a novel, it would go something like this:

Protagonist has encounter with UFO/aliens, possible abduction. He is a religious conservative for whom sin (the apple metaphor)  is real. As a result of his encounter/abduction, he discovers that he can time travel. He travels back in time to the time of his encounter, the parts he can’t remember, and is confronted with aliens who are orange centipedes.  Okay, so it’s not the most original idea.   But maybe it’s a place to start. However, why do the bad guy aliens usually resemble giant insects or worms/snakes with no redeeming qualities?

The larger question is what do these terms tell us, if anything, about the collective mind? You might argue that with 7 billion people on the planet, the terms aren’t that unusual.  All right, I’ll buy that – until the terms show up so often, from so many different geographic locations  that you sense something is going on.

Sometimes it’s personal – and sometimes it isn’t. Not too long ago, we had a number of hits for the term, empath symptoms and shortly afterward, northern Florida experienced some of its worst floods in decades, wildfires in Colorado destroyed homes and hundreds or thousands of acres of land,  and the heat index in northeastern states hit triple digits. Before the Haitian earthquake in 2010, the most common search terms indicated that a massive quake was going to occur somewhere in the Caribbean or in North America.

In fact, an outfit called Half Past Human  supposedly scans the Internet for these linguistic patterns, interprets them, and offers their reports – for a price, of course. Essentially, this company is using the internet as a giant oracle. Their predictions – particularly around the time of the economic meltdown in 2008 – were very accurate. Other times, not so much. You’ll find some interesting predictions here,  where the site owner, George Ure, is connected, in some way, to half past human.

They aren’t the only ones using the Internet as an oracle, a prognosticator of what’s coming up. Bloggers do this daily. They sit down to write something and suddenly find themselves in the synchronicity zone, connecting seeming disparate bits of info into a larger picture. The bloggers listed here are people we’ve been following for quite a while. They each address the changing paradigms in unique ways, according to their talents and interests:

Daz,   Mike Perry,  AdeleGypsy, Nancy Atkinson, Sansego,   Marcus Anthony DJanAdelita, Mike Clelland,  Lauren Raine, acoustic wave, follow the signs…

These blogs are just a fraction of the ones we follow, where we learn something with every visit about the nature of life in all its permutations and wonders and secrets.  Bloggers may very well be the collective voice of what’s here – and what’s headed our way. I’m sure  I’ve neglected to include some blogs and sites: my  apologies.But the bottom line is this:

Fellow bloggers, what are the most popular search terms that bring people to your blog? Maybe if we put our collective heads together, the picture will get much clearer. And is there an app in here somewhere? Some synchro enthusiasts have already created an app were you can report your synchronicity and find out …well, something.

What can we divine from the search terms that bring people to our blogs?


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23 Responses to Search Terms as Oracle

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    It’s now Wednesday. I don’t have the computer savvy to put this on the blog, but yesterday afternoon at 3:30pm EDT, my securtiy system popped up a flag that alerted me to a security “threat”, and I clicked onto my security system. The threat level of the intrusion was listed as “severe” and it had originated from one of the Gunter Field IPs. My security system located and “resolved” the threat. This isn’t new for me, though. I often have “peeks” from various AFBs, including Warner Robins in GA. I don’t worry about them anymore. I figure whatever interests them about me, I am unable to do anything about, so why worry? However, I DO find it compelling just being aware that they have that enormous central server that monitors every single communication device in the country, civilian and otherwise. Most folks don’t have a clue how intensely we are being watched. Sound like paranoia? Yep. Nevertheless, just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t here. They definitely ARE.

  2. lauren raine says:

    I don’t know how to see who visits my blog, but I get about 200-300 hits a day. Here’s the biggest stats for the past month – some of these articles go back two years.

    The Bosnian Pyramid Complex

    Black Tara

    (Black) Butterflies

    Green Caterpillar Synchronicity

    Syncronicity and the Butterfly Man

    Another note on the “Butterfly Man”

    What’s with the “black” and the “butterflies”? And don’t caterpillars become butterflies?


  3. gypsy says:

    have had little ones here all day so haven’t had time to check my stats but i will – one thing i’ve noticed on FB however over the past few days was the number of views several of my poetry pieces have had – aside from my personal FB page i’ve recently set up a new “PAGE” just for my poetry – the page where one “likes” it rather than become “friends” – anyway – my pieces having to do with “the phoenix” have skyrocketed with views as compared to the other poems – like 4-5 times the number –

    trish and rob – perhaps i’ll repost on my blog a couple of the stories of my childhood travels – like to area 51 etc – and see what happens – or better yet, do a post on those photographs my siblings and i saw as children! that one ought to set the standard! 😉 speaking of which, just the other night there was an updated movie version on that subject – the one involving the subject of the photographs we saw – just graphic enough that i could not watch it after it showed scenes to do with what really happened –

    and along similar lines, today while the kids played in the other room i watched the old film china syndrome – just as real and scary today as it was way back when –

  4. Darren B says:

    I don’t know what the common search words are for my blog,but these are my top page-views and stats as of today –

    * “Man’s Face Seen In Clouds Before Death.”
    832 page-views.
    9 Feb 2012, 8 comments

    * ” The Bird that Flew into the Window. ”
    207 page-views.
    2 Mar 2011, 14 comments

    * ” Happy Creatures/Greatest Show/Illuminati Cards Syn… ”
    103 page-views.
    29 May 2012, 6 comments

    * ” Illuminati Card Game.Coincidence ??? ”
    95 page-views.
    1 May 2012, 3 comments

    * ” Dragon” Movie ’93 – Brandon’s Death – Precognitio… ”
    65 page-views.
    15 Jan 2012, 9 comments

    * ” Anne Hathaway or Anne Hathor-way ? ”
    52 page-views.
    23 Jul 2012, 6 comments

    * ” Six Degrees of Separation ? ”
    48 page-views.
    8 May 2011, 4 comments

    * ” Mirror Synchronicity 42/24. ”
    45 page-views.
    12 Jun 2012

    * ” Be Here Now…again. ”
    44 page-views.
    24 May 2011

    * ” After Cleo: Came Jonah. ”
    38 page-views.
    23 Apr 2012, 5 comments

    The big mover is the ” Anne Hathaway or Anne Hathor-way ? ” post at the moment.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Hmmm. That face in the clouds post remains one of my personal faves on your blog.

      • Darren B says:

        Yeah, it’s funny about the
        “Man’s Face Seen In Clouds Before Death”
        post,because it went berserk,as far as hits went,until it reached 8oo hits,then it just died off,getting the odd hit every now and then.

  5. Interesting subject. My five top search keywords for the last month are:
    1. balloon
    2. 67 not out
    3. demodex folliculorum
    4. white feathers
    5. £10 note

    If you have the time Google Insights for Search is something to play around with. For example the “Desperate housewives logo” you mentioned peaked for searches in the middle of May 2012. But don’t know why!

    I think though on blogs the trends seen are relevant to the blog itself as opposed to a worldwide trend. Getting certain images or posts near the top of Google search pages can bring in lots of hits – as with your ‘Phoenix’ where you were the first image for a while if you searched images for the word Phoenix.

    It’s strange about government style organisations visiting the blogs. They must want bloggers to know they are watching otherwise they could do this anonymously.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      What in the world is demodex folliculorum?? I’ll check out google insights. Hadn’t heard of it. Could be that the searches are relevant to the blogs themselves. Hard to tell sometimes, though.

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    Great post and comments, Guys. I don’t have a blog. BUT….I have visitors from many gov’t agencies checking in on my emails. My security system alerts me to these. I often share info about UFOs and aliens, etc, as well as other subjects, via emails with close friends. Seems of tremendous interest to certain agencies. When I was young my family lived in Montgomery, Alabama, in the house my parents built that was located about halfway between Gunter Field and Maxwell AFB. Lived there for many years and caught my school bus across the road from the guarded entrance to Maxwell AFB.
    Curious. Now watch..T & R will have visits momentarily from some agencies.

  7. I had the most government interest – 4 different Department of the Navy computers on my blog at the same time (recording all my posts?) when I blogged about Wingmakers. Since the man behind Wingmakers is said to be from the future – you have to wonder – just what does Naval Intelligence know? (That is the military agency most responsible for UFO research, by the way.) The knowledge from the Wingmaker’s sites are all about teaching us to live from the heart. Which is exactly what I believe to be our next evolutionary phase. Coincidence? I think not.

  8. I just noticed one of mine was “how safe to inject botox during mercury retrograde!” ??

  9. I think it is very interesting, not to mention spooky, that so many government and military agencies were interested in your posts on the Quebec encounter. If it doesn’t exist, why the interest? Obviously, the statements are for the public, but just like our government claims that ESP, psychic ability, remote viewing, and other paranormal stuff is “nonsense”, there is plenty of documented info that our government has used and explored the uses of such phenomenon.

    Lately, the most common search feature that comes up for my blog is on the movie “Shallow Hal.” I have no idea why, but I’ve been getting hits from all around the world on my review of that movie. I have no idea why a decade old movie would get as many hits as it does.

    The post that has the most hits of all time on my blog, though, is the one I wrote about “drugs being the devil’s candy.” I’ve even gotten some nasty comments by people who don’t like my anti-drug viewpoint. I’m sure that if I allowed anonymous comments, I would get far more hateful responses. I have no idea why people take my blogpost so personally. I was merely expressing my opinion about why I believe drugs are destructive and that meditation can get you to the same euphoric bliss a lot quicker, cheaper, and with no negative side effects.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I remember that post, Sansego – about drugs. Weird that it would get so many nasty comments! And shallow hal? How weird is THAT?

      • Darren B says:

        I don’t allow anonymous comments on my blog either,because I believe if you haven’t got the guts to identify yourself,even if just by an avatar,then you don’t deserve the right to comment.
        Anonymous commenters are usually the most gutless commenters,because they hide behind their anonymity.
        And really,who cares what they think,anyway?

        • Rob and Trish says:

          No argument from me. I agree completely.

        • I noticed that all of the nastiest comments on Marcus’ blog about that weightlifter who died were all made by anonymous fans. It was a reminder why I don’t allow anonymous comments. I’m sure I would have gotten a lot more insulting comments about my opinion on drug usage. If you offer your honest opinion about something they don’t agree with, its a license to let loose a torrent of obscenities. I know from real life that people get a lot braver and inconsiderate of their words and actions when they can hide in the crowd or under the cloak of anonymity. It is cowardice, plain and simple.

          I welcome reasoned critiques if people wish to disagree with any opinion of mine on my blog…but anonymous commenters aren’t offering reasoned critiques so I’m glad that I can block them from making insulting and ignorant comments.

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