Our friend, Judi Hertling of British Colombia, sent us this link. It may be one of the most emotionally raw videos I’ve ever seen.



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6 Responses to WOW

  1. gypsy says:

    yes – what CAN be said?

    thank you for sharing this magnificent spirit…

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    Through tears, I’m so moved and touched I really have little to say. After such an experience…not a performance, but an experience….what can be said? A most holy sharing from an obviously extraordinary soul.

  3. Natalie says:

    Proud to be Aussie. Such a beautiful moment. ♥

  4. Phew! And exactly the right song choice.

  5. I saw this shortly after the first live performance as my niece auditioned for that season. I’ve known people like him throughout my life, tough stories, large courage, and exceptional talent. I love how they now go “viral” and their energy is suddenly spread around the globe. Amen.

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