Cosmos, Psyche, and our Brilliant Future

Our friend, Marcus Anthony, the Australian futurist and talented member of the mystical underground, spoke recently at the TEDx conference at Hong Kong University.

In  this 20-minute presentation, Marcus makes a few predictions about the way he thinks science will shift its views on the nature of mind and intelligence in coming years. He also talks about synchronicity, and about the mysterious Jessica, a talented psychic who put Marcus on his path. Jessica is somewhat like Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan in that she was instrumental in Marcus’ mental and spiritual shift, and also that she has vanished without a trace.

Much of his material was derived from his book, Discover Your Soul Template, published this year by Inner Traditions.



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5 Responses to Cosmos, Psyche, and our Brilliant Future

  1. gypsy says:

    yes, thanks for sharing the video – he’s an exceptional speaker, isn’t he – interesting to see just how science may shift its views in the final analysis –

  2. Excellent video I hadn’t seen – thanks!

  3. Darren B says:

    Thanks for pointing this video out to us Trish.

  4. DJan says:

    Thank you for this! I always know I will find something over here that I’ve never heard of before. You did it again…

  5. lauren raine says:

    Bravo to Marcus Anthony……what a wonderful talk! I loved the humor and simplicity with which he was able to communicate such a complex, and yet paradoxically simple, understanding of how we might perceive the human experience. “Integrated mind”…… I had a bit of an “ah ha” experience listening, as I thought of my own preoccupation for so many years with the native American myth of “Spider Woman”. Within the idea of expanded mind, we really all are the great web of life and consciousness.

    Thank you for sharing…….and wishing Marcus Anthony great success at the publication of his book. Important work.

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