Plasma UFOs

These types of UFOs are called plasma UFOs, and this one is truly strange. I almost get seasick watching the video. The person who took it provides some details about where and when. Check out the comments. Watching this, it seems more like a lifeform of some kind rather than a machine.!

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8 Responses to Plasma UFOs

  1. whoot says:

    years ago the sibling went to a certain school out here…. a teacher (coach at the school),, wound up going to the top of the pyramid,,, he went there with this other guy,, whom back in “07” many synchro’s (timingout the y-y),, this other guy,, after long and distinguished,, although not without drama and negative PR,,, recently decides on a new competetive pursuit (in a similiar line),, there is a name in common,,,, so now (at the end of same week)it is that BOZO decides to drop in to a place he should of visited years ago,,, (and yes as figured the local’s get swept) but this place he visit’s and tortures himself with about 60 lbs. on crazy trial,, has a another trial (had no idea)in the area,,,, wonder as to the commanility…. (hint Nancy P.) just the boy having his fun……. what is that CHIT,, then there was the guy in the area last night

  2. whoot says:

    the fact’s are like this,,,, it be foolish believe that you should live in a universe in which you didn’t see strange things…… just O pin un….. guess that’s a contradication…

  3. There are certainly some strange things out there. This isnt very clear, but reminds me a bit of the ball of energy I saw flying above me in Australia many years ago.

  4. Momwithwings says:

    Strange. It does look like a living organism.

  5. Very weird, not sure what to think.

  6. I’ve heard that they are live beings.

  7. gypsy says:

    wow! reminds me of an energy force field of some sort – great video –

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