Bermuda Triangle Redux

A torpedo retriever boat

Since Mercury is retrograde until Aug. 8, it’s a good time to review matters from the past, which is preferable to starting something new or signing contracts. So, with that in mind, I decided to work on another chapter of Aliens in the Backyard, our impending UFO abduction tome. But instead of writing something completely new, I turned my focus to a chapter that deals with the Bermuda Triangle and, in part, involves material related to my book, The Fog, which I co-authored with pilot Bruce Gernon.

Part of the chapter deals with AUTEC, the secret navy base on Andros Island, which was the starting point for Gernon’s mysterious time-bending flight through the B.T. We’ve written here about our adventure on the island with the History Channel crew that was filming an episode for UFO Hunters. In fact, we were with Bill Birnes, the lead UFO hunter, and the film crew when they approached the AUTEC gate. Birnes explained to the audience that repeated requests for interviews and a tour had been met with a wall of silence. The powers-that-be at AUTEC didn’t say no; they said nothing.

So, as we approached the gate, the reaction was quite startling. A helicopter lifted from the base and hovered over the gate. Was it an attempt to intimidate the crew, and possibly block out any audio with the noise from the chopper? We kept approaching and then a cop car pulled up to the gate and stopped. It didn’t go inside. It just blocked the gate. At that point, Birnes decided it was time to back off. Whether intentional or not, all the activity seemed to be  clear signs that we were not welcome.

Ironically, and synchronistically, four month later while visiting our daughter in Sarasota, we shared a high-top table in a crowded bar with a couple we didn’t know. But they weren’t strangers for long. The man turned out to be the recently retired commander of AUTEC. A bit tipsy from his raspberry martinis, he talked quite openly about the secret base, but denied there were any UFOs hidden there. We should’ve asked about USOs–unidentified submerged objects. But we were a bit tipsy ourselves and even lost his e-mail address, which Trish had requested.

The same day we were turned away from the gate, Bruce and I were interviewed by the three UFO hunters, though my hour-long interview ended up on the cutting room floor. The reason was that, as a writer, I was playing a secondary role, whereas my co-author was the one who had the first-hand experience. Also, the producers had found a couple of former AUTEC employees who were willing to talk and had flown them to Andros. So their interviews took precedence.

One of the ex-AUTEC engineers, Dave Malcolm, later e-mailed me and told me about a synchronicity that happened to him while he was in his hotel room on Andros waiting to be interviewed. He turned on the television and was surprised that to see a UFO documentary airing. The moderator was describing an area in Scotland called The Falkirk Triangle, and the witness who was interviewed was named Craig Malcolm. “Needless to say I nearly jumped out of my skin,” Dave Malcolm recalled.

I remembered that Dave told an interesting story to the UFO hunters that dated back to the winter of ’72-’73, and I wanted to include it in the chapter.  But I realized I needed more details. I found the episode of ‘The Underwater Area 51’ on You Tube and started watching. The video clip ended less than nine minutes into the program,   right at the point where Dave had just started to describe his sighting.  An annoying little trickster synchronicity. So I decided to get in contact with him again.

We’d been out of touch for a couple of years, but when I e-mailed Dave he was happy to help me out. Apparently, he rarely gets an opportunity to talk about what he saw, and when he does mention it, people usually give him a strange look that tells him it’s not worth continuing the story. (I’m always puzzled about why some people just close down when confronted with a mystery of the unknown. Maybe they don’t want to hear anything that might disrupt their view of what is real.)

At the time of his sighting, Dave was working on a torpedo retriever boat. The one pictured above is TRB-82, which Dave thinks might be the boat he was on that day. At the time of the incident, the boat was stopped and the crew was recovering a torpedo. Dave was standing on the ramp, a platform that extends from the boat and sinks into the water. His feet and lower legs were probably covered in water, he wrote.

That’s when he saw a huge object come up almost directly under the back of the boat. Visibility in that water was good, but the day was a little gray and the water a bit rough. “But I clearly saw what at first appeared to me to be a pipeline and remember thinking: What’s a pipeline doing in the middle of the water? I quickly realized it was not a pipeline as it rose closer to the surface.”

The object never broke the surface and he couldn’t tell how far down it extended or how wide it was. It was much thicker than a torpedo and much more narrow than a submarine, two objects he was quite familiar with seeing in the water. It seemed to hover for a few moments and then slowly retreated, sinking until it was out of sight.

No one else was on the ramp so he was the only one who saw the object. He intentionally avoided mentioning it. “This was during a time when a top secret clearance was taken very seriously and it was hammered into us that we would never discuss what we did or saw. I still have the security manual that describes the term in federal prison for violating the need to know.”

Dave had never seen anything like it and had no idea what it was. He thought at the time that it might be a secret experimental craft, but over the years his doubts have grown. Secret crafts, he noted, usually become public knowledge after a time and after all these years he has not seen or heard about anything similar to what he witnessed that day.

Considering its cylindrical shape, extending perpendicular across the stern of the boat, I can imagine that Dave was looking at the outer edge of a UFO or rather USO, a saucer-shaped vessel that was rising vertically. In other words, most of the craft was below the surface, out of sight.  He only saw the rim. It detected the boat and retreated into the depths.

There’s one more curious little event this story. When I told Dave about how his interview was cut off at the end of the video clip, he sent me a longer version. Then, one day later, he e-mailed me with this: “Rob, the autec show is on the history channel right now.”

Interesting synchro, especially considering the episode was three years old and UFO Hunters has been off the air for two years.

And here’s one more synchro. A couple days after I wrote the above, I was working on the Bermuda Triangle chapter, describing Bruce Gernon’s mysterious flight from Andros, when I got a call from him. I haven’t seen or talked to Bruce for several weeks. He told me that a French film crew was at his house interviewing him for a new Bermuda Triangle  documentary and they thought I was going to be there for an interview. It was news to me, and I told him that I would pass and let him tell the story.

Finally, just last night when I stopped work for the day on the chapter, it was 11:11 PM and then I looked at the word count: 4,444 words.






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18 Responses to Bermuda Triangle Redux

  1. Rob MACGREGOR says:

    The script for the fifth Indiana Jones movie was leaked, and supposedly it is: Indiana Jones and the Bermuda Triangle. Or at least that is the topic.

  2. Very interesting. I’ve always been fascinated by the BT.

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    Edgar Cayce’s readings provide a treasure trove of information about Atlantis, and especially the giant crystal that, according to Cayce, was a “guiding device” emitting a force field energy that allowed craft to enter and leave the dimension of Atlantis. Considering the mysterious and inexplicable events that have occurred in the region of the BT over decades, I tend to believe these elements of Cayce’s “sleeping prophesies” to be entirely plausible, and I’ve read Rob’s and Bruce’s book THE FOG several times. He, (Cayce), also mentioned a similar inter/intra dimensional portal (portals) beneath the Sphinx and Great Pyramid at Giza. My OWN experiences support that particular hypothesis, and I personally have every expectation of going there when my soul departs this physical body at its transition. Yesterday, in fact, I had a trancey experience to that effect…..was sitting in my Egyptian Sanctuary, fell spontaneously into a deep altered state while reading a totally unrelated fiction book, and the thoughts simply flowed, unbidden, into my mind, “This is the gateway to my Home. This is where my journey leads. This is where I will return when I die.” There was nothing gloomy or depressing about this mental message. Contrarily, it was intensely comforting. It was a strange dream-like incident. I was very aware that I was, for all intents and purposes, asleep, and when I tried to wake up, I was aware that I was attempting to awaken, but wasn’t able to awaken. A bit later I of course DID awaken, but the experience was really weird.

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    Rob. back again just to say the only important part of my number analysis of your 11:11 and 4444 is the final two sentences, which sum it up! Gypsy, I, like you, have been interested in the BT for decades and still am. Always wonder if Atlantis and/or Lemuria are under there somewhere. I keep expecting one day to read that a diver or undersea archeologist has found the giant crystal. Wouldn’t that just be the cat’s meow!!! I honestly sense it’s there, buried within the deepest abyss that we haven’t the technological means to explore yet. But someday………

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Manson Valentine, who did much of the research for Berlitz’s Bermuda Triangle books, thought the B.T. was a portal for time travelers entering and leaving Atlantis via UFOs. Skeptics, of course, would dismiss such an idea as nonsense from someone who needed a better grasp of science. But Valentine baffled such folks. He had three PhD degrees from Yale in zoology, paleontology and geology, and he was director of the Miami Museum of Science for years. He was fascinated by Bruce Gernon’s flight through the B.T. phenomenon, and told Bruce that he held the key to the mystery.

  5. gypsy says:

    inCREDible story, rob! aside from ancient egyptian mysteries the triangle was the other thing i first became interested in more moons ago than i want to count – LOVE all the numerical hook-ups – the story itself brought back mental images of the whatever-it-was-thing that i saw at bay bridge/maryland a year or so ago as i was headed back home – i remember jotting down the time and description of it as i drove one-handed and i think i even might have sent it to you all – anyway – just reminded me of it – very neat post – always intriguing stuff here! thanks so much!

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    44 is also a Master Frequency, Rob, but it’s considered to be a “negative” Master Frequency and it is interchangeable with 26. These frequencies, 44 and 26, are indicative of disasters and catastrophes associated with unions, partnerships, contracts, interactions with others, and it’s always better, if possible, to avoid 44 when dealing in these matters. I have seen this to be a fundamental truth. Although 44 is 8, and 8 has some very positive attributes, 7+1 and 5+3 are much more favorable attributes of the root 8. 44 brings difficult lessons when it falls in a person’s significant
    influences. Like you, I see a lot of 44s in recent years, and this makes sense to me, considering the direction our world is taking, pareticularly in our country. In one of my side studies, I used the names of every assassinated president or famous person in history, and the names of the assassins, and without exception, 44 and/or 26 appears in all of them. Seeing it often now isn’t a surprise because there is so much happening that is shifting the paradigms…..sometimes we must walk through the burning coals to reach the cool refreshing water of renewal and rebirth to a higher energy. BTW, those numbers of yours aren’t really convoluted. The explanation just makes them seem that way. They’re actually really simple.

  7. Fascinating stuff. “I’m always puzzled about why some people just close down when confronted with a mystery of the unknown” – that’s an interesting point, it’s almost as if many have been programmed to do so … surely not.

    Also many think of UFOs as being from other planets, when they could be USOs or from other dimensions or time periods and so on.

    Great final synchro with 11:11 and 4444.

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    Rob: Since we never reduce a Master Frequency to its root number, and 11 is a Master Frequency, we don’t take it down to 2, especially when it appears as the archetype 11:11. In this situation we add 11+11=22. 22 is also a Master Frequency and therefore not reduced, but of course if we did, its root would be 4. Interestingly, the frequency of ANDROS ISLAND resonates to 22. No surprise there, huh. (Vowels are 17; consonants are 5. 17+5=22.) Now here’s where it gets REALLY intriguing, at least for me as a metaphysical mathematician: Your 4444 is 4+4+4+4= 16.7. ATLANTIC UNDERSEA TEST AND EVALUATION CENTER (AUTEC) resonates to 147/12/3. Breaking this down for you, the whole name of AUTEC is: vowels = 66, consonants = 81. 66+81=147=12-3. Now, because you have two sets of number combinations: 11:11 or 22, and 12/3, we need to add those to each other, which is 34/7. Astrologically, 7 is ruled by Scorpio, and vice-versa, and 7 holds the influences of SECRECY, MYSTERIES, PYSCHIC PHENOMENA, HIDDEN THINGS, etc. So, bottom line, your numbers fall right into alignment with your subject matter, which never fails to be the case. Still, I am always simply awed, even after decades of working in this field, that it holds true! Andros Island is 22 or 4, and the whole name number of the facility is
    12 0r 3. The resulting 7 certainly describes that mysterious space!

  9. lauren raine says:

    Wow, interesting convoluted path………number synchros are interesting. I’ve been noticing a lot of “44”‘s the past few years, for example, the television series “The 4400”, about people who were “taken”.

  10. mathaddict2233 says:

    I agree on that date at the Stones but traditionally, it would be freezing in that part of GA in late December! Too cold for these old Florida bones! BTW, I’ve mentioned often here that all things relative to UFOs/ETs resonate within the freqquency that is measured by the number 15/6, right? Well, I never thought until today, after reading this post, to see what the number frequency of BERMUDA TRIANGLE is. Ta-Da….drum-roll, please…..BERMUDA TRIANGLE resonates to 69/15/6. Need I say more?? I just love it when a plan comes together! (Bermuda is 28/1; Triangle is 41/5) I’ll work the entire name of AUTEC and see what its resonant frequency is.

  11. mathaddict2233 says:

    Fascinating synchros, Rob. Do you recall my sharing with you and Trish a few years ago that several hundred folks on our beach near twilight witnessed “something” coming up out of the ocean on its horizon; it was an enormous “mass of light”, wasn’t fire, and as they all were looking at it, it suddenly divided into three separate colored lights and zoomed in three different directions into the sky, where they disappeared? It was heavily investigated and determined that no ship or boat was there; no plane or aircraft was there; nothing out there to create fireworks or a fire of any kind, or lights of any kind, that could be explained. The following day, the exact same phenomenon occurred off Jacksonville Beach, again with hundreds of witnesses, and the following day off Daytone Beach, ditto. These sightings were investigated thoroughly by the most credible non-UFO experts, and there was never any explanation forthcoming. Front-page news on all three city papers. My middle son saw it. Whatever it was had definitely come up out of the water, lingered for a little while on the surface before splitting into three parts and zooming off. Amazing. BTW, UFO HUNTERS is back on TV now. And speaking of these matters, this week I watched a very compelling hour on the HISTORY channel about the Georgia Guidestones. They covered a lot of material about 2012 possibilities, including solar storms and other astronomical anomalies this year and the Mayan and other culture prophesies, etc. Considering that I received some type of quite profound “healing” after visiting the GA Stones in September of 2011, (and I’d never heard of that happening to anyone, or any healing properties attributed to the Stones, so it wasn’t something I was expecting at all or even thinking about), my hubby and I are going back there in a couple of months and plan to spend much more time on the plateau where the Stones are located. I want to be there at night. In fact, I’m feeling very “pulled” to be there at night, and I pay attention to my intuition. Elbert County has erected sophisticated cameras at the site… prevent, says the County, people who deface the Stones. I believe that, but also would love to have a look-see at some of the films from those cameras. Alas, that isn’t possible.

  12. Dale Dassel says:

    I’ve always enjoyed reading about the Bermuda Triangle (in fact, I have an old hardback library copy of ‘The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved’ on my bookshelf). But given that there are several areas where mysterious phenomena occur in the world: the Bermuda Triangle and Bermuda South, its antipodal counterpoint in Australia (, The Dragon’s Triangle in the Phillipine Sea, the Michigan Triangle and other ‘vile vortices’, the AUTEC base is just the tip of the iceberg, I’ll wager. Could you imagine if a pole shift occurred and these vortices slid over areas of land? Time-bending ‘storms’ where people or possibly even entire cities vanished, shifted into the past, or appeared from nowhere. Or the whole planet could simply be checkered out of existence! That idea is too good for reality, but it would make an awesome movie (or novel). 🙂

    P.S.- Neat synchro with 11:11 and the final word count of your chapter.

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