Number Synchros and Movies

Sharlie West is one of the planetary empaths who drops us an email from time to time about a dream she has had, a synchronicity she has experienced, some gut feeling about something that is about to occur. We have posted some of her stories in the past.

This evening, we received an unusual sequence of synchros from her. I don’t recall ever having heard of anything quite like this before.


An unusual synchronicity today. While my husband Jim was in the hospital I was watching old movies to distract my mind.

In the first movie, Animal House, I noticed a clock on the wall in the movie said 11:00 am and it was exactly 11:00 am on my clock.

In the second movie, Blessing, the clock in the movie said 1:28 pm and it was 1:28 pm on my clock.

In the third movie, Metamorphosis, a clock in the movie said three minutes to six, a character in the movie said it out loud, and it was three minutes to six (5:57) on my clock.

I’ve never had this happen. I don’t remember synchronicities about time but maybe I can find it in your book. A bit spooky…


I wrote Sharlie back and asked if we could post this and asked what sort of problem Jim is having.

“They are doing tests on Jim, who is having a heart problem. I’ll know more soon, I hope. Tests are so vague and open to interpretation.”


My sense is that the movies – and their titles – may be as important as the time synchros. Anyone have any ideas/interpretations?







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13 Responses to Number Synchros and Movies

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Am glad there will be no surgery at the moment! And even if it’s required in the future, now they can replace a defective valve without open heart….just with a much less invasive procedure using three very small incisions. We have four heart valves: pulmonary, tricuspid, mitral, and aortic. As I was cooking dinner the other night it suddenly occurred to me that of those four valves, it is either his mitral or aortic that is affected…..possibly both, but one barely perceptible and the other one moderately regurgitating and creating electrical issues such as atrial fibrillation, (usually treatable with meds), and premature contractions. PCs aren’t dangerous, generally speaking, but can bring discomfort to the patient. As said, I’m so glad no surgery is not necessary at this time and hope he’s feeling relieved and better by now!

  2. That’s an unusual set of synchros, never heard anything like this before. I wouldn’t want to attempt an interpretation.

  3. Sharlie West says:

    Thanks to all of you who responded. After we get the tests results, I’ll possibly
    know more about how they fit and I’ll let you know.

  4. gypsy says:

    great synchro story – little to add in terms of numbers as cj has as usual said it all – and quite thoroughly! – love number stories! very neat post and comments!

  5. All that discussion about numbers is fascinating.

    I have a little personal syncro that just has to do with the clock face image you posted. I have a love for clocks and for a while I was making some real ones with origami and also digital clocks for sale on CafePress. They were I Ching clocks and yoga based clock designs. I quit CafePress so lost my ability to make those digital clocks. Recently I saw that the Zazzle site, a competitor of CafePress, is now making it possible to do clocks. Yea! On the top of my ToDo list this morning I put, “Clocks.” So when I tuned into your site here seeing that big clock face my immediate thought was, “well I guess this my message to get cracking with the clocks.”

    First I have to see a doctor to check out a bug bite to make sure it isn’t Lyme’s. After reading all about numbers and ailments I can’t help wondering about what would signify Lyme’s disease.

  6. lauren raine says:

    Fascinating series of syncros…………”Animal House” to me is the body. We are animals, no less than any other creature, and our “animal bodies” house our ineffable spirits. “Blessing” and “Metamorphosis” could mean change, and can mean that blessings are present………….

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    OOPS! I forgot to address that #3, which is 11 11 5:57 = 21/3. The number of the word “disease” is 21/3. A fact most folks don’t recognize is that virtually everything pertaining to a certain subject carries the same frequency. Just as an example, anything relative to UFOs and ETs resonates to the frequency number 15/6. I did a lengthy side study, among so many side studies, of diseases and their relative numbers, and it’s pretty mind-boggling because when I then work the frequency numbers of an individual, any ailment or condition that individual may have is present in the person’s numbers. It’s very similar to the potential for certain ailments under the influences of the planets in our astro charts…..Pisces rules feet, Capricorn rules knees, Leo rules heart, etc….all of this you know. It’s the same with numbers. The frequency number 7 is the vibration of “heart” and when I see it in a person’s name and.or birth data, I know the person will have an issue with the heart, as my Leo son (whose name number is 7) came into the world with and who had to have open heart surgery at age 32. 11 is the number of diabetes…my hubby’s name number is 11 and he’s brittle diabetic. It goes on and on and is a great guide for a person to know what to watch for in terms of potential illness. It doesn’t mean the ailment will always manifest, only that there is a strong potential for it to manifest and therefore the person can be vigilant in that area and often prevent it.

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    This is an educated interpretion and should be taken ONLY as possibilities. First, Sharlie rec’d three numbers: 11, 11, and 8. Those numbers total 12/3. Keep 3, but also keep each of the numbers as well: 11,11, 8. ANIMAL HOUSE is 46/1. Consuming animal products increases cholesterol, which can cause coronary artery disease, especially in men, the LAD, or left anterior descending (LAD=8). The word “coronary” is also 46/1. As an aside, the word “by-pass” is 1. BLESSING is 33/6. Artery is 33/6, but I have an intuitive feel here that “BLESSING” may very well indicate the tests will find and prevent what could have been a potential catastrophic event. METAMORPHOSIS is 18/9 and of course that word means “change” from on thing or state of being to another thing or state of being…in this case, a possible replacement of a heart valve. The word “VALVE” is 18/9. Valves can be replaced with either artifical valves or pig valves (animal). 5:57 is 17/8. Open Heart Surgery is 17/8. Looking at and connecting the entire series of movie names and the numbers of everything here, I would make the POSSIBLE but NOT definitive interpretation: Sharlie’s husband may have coronary(46/1 as in Animal House) artery (33 as in Blessing) issues and may require open heart surgery (17/8 as in 5:57). The coronary artery issue may be accompanied by a regurgitating valve that needs to be replaced (Metamorphosis….changing the valve probably to a pig valve). All of this FEELS as if a very postive outcome will be the result if such surgery is the diagnosis and treatment for Sharlie’s husband. We can’t ignore the fact that “Electrical” is 18/9, which is, again, the number of Metamorphosis, so electrical issues also are probable and would be corrected. The prognosis FEELS very positive, all things considered, and I think this is being loudly proclaimed by the movie BLESSING, which underlies the entire set of circumstances….that he got to it in time to breeze thru whatever may follow and thus prevent what could otherwise have been touch and go. Please keep us posted on the outcome, would you? And let Sharlie know she and her husband are being held in thoughts and Light!

  9. Portia says:

    The synopsis for Animal House on its IMDB page – “At a 1962 College, Dean Vernon Wormer is determined to expel the entire Delta Tau Chi Fraternity, but those troublemakers have other plans for him.” The word expel stood out to me. I feel that it is a message that Sharlie’s husband’s body (phew!) is trying to expel something toxic from itself. It may be something that is no longer aligned with true heart’s desires, hence the heart problem.

    The movie title, Blessing, seems to be an assurance that this is a good thing happening although a heart problem seems worrying.

    The movie title, Metamorphisis, seems to be an indication that the expelling of this toxic element will be a success and a positive transformation.

    The time synchronicities seem to be there mainly to bring your attention to these three messages.

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