Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day

Fast food magnate Dan Cathy

I usually end up stopping at Home Depot about once a week to pick up something for the house or yard. But for whatever reason, today was the first time this summer that I stopped there for some grass plugs for the lawn. (Male dog urine kills grass; female dog urine makes the grass turn dark green and sprout like a weed. We have a male dog.)

Anyhow, as I arrived at Home Depot, I noticed my usual entrance was closed. So I went around and found that half of the parking lot was now a Chick-fil-A under construction. The brick walls were up and the roof was on and a crew was busy working on the interior. I’ve never eaten at one of the fast food chicken joints, and even when I saw the new one rising I had no interest in dining there. We do get take chicken pot pies from time to time from C.R. Chicks, but that place seems somehow different from the Chick-fil-A.

I found this addition (or rather subtraction of parking spots) somewhat annoying since it’s usually hard to find parking spots outside our Home Depot and now it will be impossible on weekends. So I did not appreciate Chick-fil-A’s intrusion.

A couple of hours later, I took a break from the tedious grass-plug work and settled behind my computer. One of the first things that popped up was an e-mail sharp-eyed writer friend Ed Gorman had sent about Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.  Huh? I usually keep up on the news, but it turns out that I had completely missed the Chick-fil-A controversy and the far right’s embrace of the fast food emporium for its blatant anti-gay stance. Here’s the article:


Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas and Fox News host, has had enough of what he called the “vicious hate speech and intolgerant bigotry” aimed at Chick-fil-A.

On his Facebook page, Huckabee announced that Aug. 1 will be “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day,” a day on which he is encouraging people to patronize the fast food chain.

The former presidential candidate is upset that the fast food chicken chain has been the target of criticism in the wake of Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy’s saying last week that his company supports “the biblical definition of the family unit.”

The National Organization for Marriage, a group organized to oppose same-sex marriage, called him a “corporatae hero for marriage,” while others were quick to condemn his comments.

Boston Mayor Thomas Menino even went so far as to tell the Boston Herald that “Chick-fil-A doesn’t belong in Boston.”

“You can’t have a business in the city of Boston that discriminates against a population. We’re an open city, we’re a city that’s at the forefront of inclusion.”

And on Friday, the Jim Henson Company, the group behind “The Muppets” and “Fraggle Rock,” released a statment saying it has “notified Chick-fil-A that we do not wish to partner with them on any future endeavors.” Jim Henson’s “Creature Shop” toys are currently available in the company’s kid’s meals.

Huckabee further explained the purpose of his pro-Chick-fil-A campaign on his Facebook page:

The goal is simple: Let’s affirm a business that operates on Christian principles and whose executives are willing to take a stand for the Godly values we espouse by simply showing up and eating at Chick Fil-A on Wednesday, August 1. Too often, those on the left make corporate statements to show support for same sex marriage, abortion, or profanity, but if Christians affirm traditional values, we’re considered homophobic, fundamentalists, hate-mongers, and intolerant.


Notice how the ones boasting about their intolerance feel as if they are the ones being purged for their so-called ‘Christian beliefs.’ Now I know my initial instinct about Chick-fil A intrusion in the H.D. parking lot was on the mark.


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15 Responses to Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Adelita, you are so on the mark. One of the things I like most about the SCIENCE OF MIND religious denomination, (although I’m Wiccan, a retired SOM pastor is a friend
    of mine and I attended the church often because I could relate to the messages there), is that SOM embraces ALL “love based ministries”, excluding NONE that are love-based. My essential issue with Christianity is that it’s a FEAR-based, highly prejudicial religion, and I simply can’t resonate with that kind of mind-set. In the end, it’s LOVE that solves everything.

  2. Adelita says:

    I haven’t read all comments, but as usual, you dig up important terrain. There is a bizarre combo of business/religion/politics in this. Ay, ya, yay. I think it’s really important to focus on the fact, based on experience, that only love creates a solid bond between people, not gender, and only a loving bond can nurture love in a next generation. May it be so.

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    Yes, Mike, as Gypsy noted, it’s against our Constitutional rights to not hire a person based on race, culture, color, creed, religion, etc. But many folks here disregard that and too few challenge those who disregard it. AND, too few Americans actually KNOW their Constitutional rights. The schools are twisting it all out of shape for the kids, so the kids are growing up without knowing their rights. It.s a terribkle catch-22 and getting worse and worse.

    • In the UK there are often discrimination cases brought to court. Must admit I think, at times it has almost gone too far – lawyers at work! Of course, it’s up to individuals to complain – we all have a part to play in making things right, as Gypsy does with her shopping. Every ‘little’ does help.

  4. lauren raine says:

    As a vegetarian who’s been appalled for years at the inhumane treatment of chickens (Kentucky Fried Cruelty, etc.) not to mention fast food, I don’t need much to avoid this chain. These are the same people who are working very hard to eliminate birth control for women, and who have made it so a law to give women equal wages with men can’t get passed. I guess they feel that this is “biblical” too, since “God” is, in their view, a rather unpleasant old man with a lot of rules and very little compassion.

    The real tragedy is that as we try to enter a new age in 2012, and desperately need minds and hearts that can deal with the crisis of our time, these medievil people, mostly old white men, have so much power.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      They are on their way out, Lauren. They don’t recognize the world anymore. What we are seeing is their last ditch effort to hold onto power. They know their time is quickly coming to an end. They”re down to make it tougher to vote, hence limit voting by minorities and young people. Some are now readily admitting their intent, because it’s clear that voter fraud is a fraudulent issue.

  5. Have never heard of Chick-fil-A – sounds like fortunately! I couldn’t believe (in Math comment) that they will not “hire a person to work in either establishment unless that applicant confirms being Christian.” – how they can get away with such discrimination? Aren’t their laws against such things in the US?

    Looking on Google I see that they “partner with neighborhood schools to distribute the Core Essentials and they say “We point kids in the right direction.”

    Core Essentials also advertise, “What’s up this September? – Respect”

    So they are influencing kids with core essentials and respect … that seems a bit scary.

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    Bravo, Gyps! As always, I’m standing right beside you! And Trish and Rob, sending the family to Chick…..sounds like a plan! Loving it! 😉 The deal is, I don’t ever, ever broadcast my spiritual affiliations or preferences, nor do I ever, ever attempt to
    “convert” anyone to my belief construct. And I do my best to respect the belief constructs of others, as much as possible. That is, until they step on mine, as did the clerk in HobbyLobby. Even then, I spoke my rebutaal silently by simply walking out of the store. Here on the blog we can be free to speak our minds without fear of retribution, and what a blessing this has become! We don’t always agree here on every little or big thing, but we DO always air our differences without prejudice or judgment. Cheers to the Mystic Underground! And off to Chick-Fil-A with the evangelical in-laws! Off, I say!! May their little chickens bring them eternal joy!
    A brief ode to chickens: I was raised in a Southern Baptist home, and my mama always, ALWAYS, made fried chicken and all the fixins’ for SUNDAY DINNER! Again….;)

  7. gypsy says:

    well, there is that little thing called TITLE VII of the civil rights act of 1964 – employment discrimination based on religion, national origin, race, gender, or age – but let’s not quibble over such little trivialities as federal laws – the reality is that discrimination exists in every sector of this country – and good ole boys like huckabee – to name only one – have the power and the money to see that their own personal/morality agendas flourish – and chick is not the only one – look at TARGET – they too openly support anti-gay groups – giving huge sums of money to them – many moons ago – in the 70s i began my own little personal boycott of such places – my kids used to laugh [although they no longer do] when i would drive across town for gasoline because i refused to buy from shell oil who supported apartheid in s/africa – or texaco who was known for its racial and gender discrimination – and later exxon for the valdese incident – and of course, more recently BP – and so the list goes – i do not go to chick nor do i any longer shop at target since i learned of their anti-gay rights support – in the grand scheme of things my little weekly fill-up w/gas or my individual purchases from either chick/target will make absolutely no difference to the profit margin of any of these companies – but – it does one thing that money cannot buy – and that is satisfaction – satisfaction that i have done the one thing i CAN do to oppose such practices – and that is to not participate in them by supporting them with my money –

    and you know, that feeling when you pulled into home depot – first instincts are always right…

    neat post –

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    Hooray for this post! Sunday I read the lengthy article in our newspaper about Chick-Fil-A and almost gagged. I know my reaction was a bit overboard, but REALLY. We have one here in our town, and also a HobbyLobby, both closed on Sundays, with the proclamation on their doors about Sunday being God’s day, etc. Argh. Neither CFA or HL will hire a person to work in either establishment unless that applicant confirms being “Christian”. To me, this is discrimination even though the companies do have the right to choose their personnel. But to do so based on a person’s personal spiritual preference is outrageous, in my opinion. I really, really enjoy HobbyLobby and there are items in that store that I would dearly love to own, that can’t be purchased elsewhere. But I choose to not shop in the store because the “Christian” stuff inside, (and it’s a huge store), is stifling, as are the employees. One clerk was very rude to me upon glancing at my small, unobtrusive Wiccan five-point star and told me she found it “offensive”. I didn’t respond; just left my merchandise on the check-out counter and walked out of the store. This week and next week my husband’s GA mountain family, the fundamental evangelical Christians, are in town for their annual vacations.
    One of them is a baptist pastor. Please, Synchro pals, send me strength to behave myself!! 😉

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