The I Ching meets a dream…

Here’s another one from Adele, a quite dramatic sequence of inner activity that took place at a time of considerable change in her life. Interestingly, the dream world and the I Ching, the Chinese divination system, come together in this one. She has another synchronicity called Astro-Yoga.

This synchronicity occurred within a dream, and related to a question posed to the I Ching. It left me feeling certain of the validity of both realms of symbolic meaning.

Years back, shortly after separating from my husband I wanted to get in touch with an old friend whom I’d heard had also recently divorced. I didn’t know how to reach him, but my desire was strong.

I had a dream where I saw a white horse with wings flying in the sky. I had no idea what this dream meant, but loved the imagery and felt it was a strong message of something truly extraordinary.

I asked the I Ching to give me some insight into the meaning of the dream. The response I got was Hexagram 22, Grace, with the 4th line changing. The Wilhelm translation for this changing line is:

/”Grace or Simplicity?
A white horse comes as if on wings.
He is not a robber,
He will woo at the right time.”/

I had goose flesh when I read that. Not only did the I Ching reflect my dream with eerie accuracy, but the next day the person I wanted to see called me.

This event happened years ago and the dream held broad ramifications for me. The synchronicity of the white horse in the dream and the I Ching and the ensuing connection with the person I had in mind was just the beginning of a series of life-changing events.

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