Underwater Area 51

We’ve posted several stories about synchronicities involving Rob’s appearance on the History Channel’s UFO Hunters, for an episode involving AUTEC, the Navy’s equivalent of Area 51. The episode that was filmed on Andros Island in the Bahamas in early April involves a book, The Fog, which Rob co-authored with pilot Bruce Gernon, who had an extraordinary experience in the Bermuda Triangle in the early 1970s. The posts are: 3/15, Bermuda Triangle; 3/24, Secret Base; 4/12, Rainbows and Fog; 4/14,Update 2 on AUTEC; 4/16 UFO Synchronicity, 4/16 Secret Base Update

Just this evening, I asked Rob if he’d heard from the people at the History Channel about when the episode would air. He said he’d written the producer the other day, but hadn’t heard back from him. I made some disparaging remark about how they probably didn’t know yet or would forget to notify him. Minutes later, I went into gmail and found this note:

Hey there,

The UFO Hunters A.U.T.E.C. SHOW is scheduled to air Wednesday May 13th at 10pm (9pm Central) on The History Channel.

It’s called: UFO Hunters “Underwater Area 51”

Of course… the air date could change at the last minute… and some cable/satellite providers air it at different times so check your local listings and set your DVR.

Thanks so much for all your help.

Johnathan Walton
Motion Picture Production

And hey, sorry, Jonathan, for doubting you!

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6 Responses to Underwater Area 51

  1. Ray says:

    I just confirmed the time with my local listings on https://www.tvguide.com/
    History Channel 10 PM EDT May 13. Now I have to set my calendar to the time so I don’t forget.


  2. Joyce says:

    Fascinating stuff. Glad you told me about the TV show on May 13th. Fantasting.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi Curt, Dave mentioned you. It should be an interesting episode. AUTEC was not too excited about the UFO Hunters on ‘their’ island. Did Dave tell you the post script? As we flew over the base our navigational equipment blinked out, and all the Bahama islands vanished from the GPS for the entire return trip. The next day, the GPS worked fine. Dave suggested that we were a target of opportunity for an ‘e-bomb.’ Or just a ‘fond farewell.’

  4. Anonymous says:

    I got the same email yesterday.

    I’m really looking forward to seeing your interview.

    My own interview will also be a part of that same show. I was there, along with Dave Malcolm, the day before you arrived on Andros.


    Curt Rowlett,

  5. Anonymous says:

    Setting the TIVO now!

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