The Reality Store

Dream #1, (Rob’s Dreams)

My attention was riveted to a luminous, circular object swirling down from the night sky. I held out my palms as the object descended in slow motion, and settled into my hands. I heard someone speaking in a firm voice. “The door to your future.”

I looked down at the circular object. It was a pie. I stuck my finger in it, tasted it. The voice spoke again: “The door to your future.” I accepted it. It made sense.

A loud buzzing sound pulled me from the dream back into my room. I patted the table twice before I found my travel alarm clock and stopped the buzzing. As I rubbed my eyes, the diaphanous filament connecting me with the dream faded. Before it was too late, I tugged on the thread of the memory. But now it didn’t make any sense. How is a pie the door to my future?

Dream #2

I’m working on a car. I’ve removed the frame and am studying the chassis. I see what’s wrong. I need a small washer-like part for one wheel. I call over a friend and ask him to help me put the frame back on. I tell him about the part I need. He says, “You need to go to the Reality Store. That’s where you’ll find it.”

“The Reality Store, where’s that?”

He gives me directions, mentioning three main roads to get there. I’m confused. I’ve never heard of any of them. The first one is Minority Way. I forget the second one, but the last one is Universe Drive.

Someone else approaches and tells me: “That part you need is going to be hard to find. Look in Division C of the Reality Store.”

Off I go in search of the Reality Store, but wake up before I arrive.


The first dream is from a novel I wrote in 1987 called The Smoking Mirror. I wrote  it shortly before I was assigned to write I.J. & the Last Crusade for LucasFilm.  The second is a recent dream that seems quite metaphorical. The Reality Store was a very big place right over on Universe Drive. I guess you can find anything you desire there, if you know where to look. You might have to ask for help, for guidance.





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9 Responses to The Reality Store

  1. Rob MACGREGOR says:

    Thanks, Adelita. Very interesting.

  2. Adelita says:

    I’d love dreams like these! The first one, if it’s mine, makes me ponder a PI pie and how that might bend the concept of future, circular instead of straight ahead; the second one gives me a fabulous gateway to a place I can return to in my imagination to find, not just the necessary link to getting my motor revved up, but also to find all sorts of other answers to questions I might have. I can return to the Reality Store in any reality, waking imagination or dreaming and discover other secrets; and there are at least three roads to take. Food for future fiction?

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    Yes, me too….the “minority road”….the path less trod. And “Reality Road”…..the longer I live, the more I tend to perceive that reality is different for each of us, which is why we are unique individuals who create a wonderful Whole Pie!! Each single piece adds its special flavor! 🙂

  4. gypsy says:

    shopping at the reality store! oh, so many neat elements here! love the “pie in the sky” – and i agree, the minority way = the path less trod!

  5. I love these dreams. Isn’t that cool that your dream state tells you to look at “reality.” Of course the Tibetans think there is no difference from dream reality to what we call reality when we are awake. Don’t you like it that the pie tasted good? What is “The minority way?” I wonder. Only know that. Hope you tell us when you go down that road in the reality store.

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    What does the old phrase “Pie in the sky” mean to you?

  7. I was under the impression that the Reality Store was on Nowhere Road.

  8. This post reminds me of the story behind the name Beatles (true or not):

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