The Eagle Feather Synchros

I once tried to left-brain analyze who reads my fiction, and the nonfiction Rob and I write,  the kind of people they are, what they’re looking for in a story, what kinds of questions they have about life, the universe and well, you know, everything else. My sense is that Judi Hertling fits the bill pretty closely.

Judi and I have never met. And yet, on some level, we have not only met, we are good friends. Our  commonality lies in the Seth books, that’s the foundation. It’s true with all of my closest friends. It isn’t just that Seth readers have the same psychic  interests; it’s deeper than that. It means you share the sane psychically, spiritually, intellectually.

We used one of Judi’s synchros in 7 Secrets of Synchronicity,  and we may have used one in Synchronicity and the Other Side. At any rate, she has a solid grasp of synchronicity and recognizes it when it happens to her.

This synchro involves eagle feathers and a pending move.


In March, my husband and I sold our house with the intention of moving to the Okanagan Valley, which is in the interior of British Columbia. We had been talking about relocating for about a year, and in our minds everything was decided. The house was sold and we had until the end of September to find another house and move. The only fly in the ointment was that while we said one thing, the Universe appeared to have different plans for us.

We knew the type of house we wanted, we just couldn’t find it and didn’t realize at the time that we were looking in the wrong place. One afternoon a few weeks back we went for a casual drive to look at some newly built homes which was about a thirty-minute drive from where we live now, thinking it would give us an idea of what we were looking for. The houses were not quite right for our taste, however Jamie the realtor did know of a house that was for sale but not yet listed.

We made an appointment for the following day and after viewing the home we unexpectedly and rather hastily made an offer, thinking that all was well because  my husband went back to his work rotation away from home, and I was to view the house a second time prior to committing. Although happy that we’d found a house we liked, something nagged at me when I went back a few days later with the realtor. I felt like I was waiting for something, that although it was a great home, it wasn’t The One.

Going by instinct and much to the surprise of us all, I withdrew our offer and again we appeared stuck and time was running out – we were now just into August. I had checked and re-checked the new listing daily for weeks, but decided to give it one more try – just in case. And then when I had about given up the search, I saw it… the one. It had been on the market only a few days.

We made an appointment, saw the house the next day and I fell in love. We went home excited at the prospect of unexpectedly finding the listing. Just when we were talking about doing a second viewing just to be sure, we received a call saying that an offer had already been made and the house was being sold as we spoke.

I was crushed. My house was going to someone else.

The next afternoon we received another call saying that for some reason the couple pulled out of negotiations and we could now make an offer. We did. It was accepted, and we will move into our beautiful home at the end of September.

The synchro. The first house we built on Vancouver Island was in Eagleridge. In the past couple of years I have asked for an eagle feather to be shown as a sign for any major decision that I have been unsure of. I now have three that have shown up out of the blue, one I found on my doorstep the morning after I had asked for a sign.

Our new home is in Eaglecrest.

One more twist to the story. The realtor whom we met at the new show homes was the brother of the designer of the home we have purchased, and the builder was the same builder who had built our home in Eagleridge.

Here’s the house:


Pretty cool.

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5 Responses to The Eagle Feather Synchros

  1. What a great synchro and what a beautiful house.

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    What a lovely post! And the trees and lawns…so beautiful. My sister is an artist, a good one, and many years ago she did a large painting in oils of a “log cabin” type home that she pictured in her mind as their perfect home….hers and her hubby’s. The oil painting hung on the wall in their house. Eventually, when they went house-hunting, they found EXACTLY the log cabin home that Kay had painted, surrounded by the EXACT same woods. Everything in her painting was there. She had sent me a photo of her painting when she finished it, so I had it, and then she sent me a photo of the actual home in the woods. Mind-boggling. Of course they moved to their cabin in the woods and lived happily there for many years. I wonder….do we CREATE our dreams and wishes, or do we somehow KNOW in advance that they already exist and are waiting for us to find them??? Maybe both???

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Probably a little of both!

    • I recently was watching something where a man cut a picture of a house out of a magazine and put it on his Intention Board. Then he moved and had it in storage for five years. He actually forgot about it. Then he bought his current house and had it remodeled. When he unpacked the board he realized he had bought the exact house! Not one that looked like the house – the exact house in the picture.

  3. Funny! I was just thinking of resuming my Seth Speaks posts today – and you post about Seth. We’re on the same wavelength!

    Love the synchro – hope it works that way for us. We are currently in a small place that has always been a retreat for us but not something we ever felt was our ‘forever home.’ Now, I am looking for pictures of the perfect home and putting them on my Intention Board, hoping it will surface when the time is right. It needs to be Old Tahoe style – not huge, more cabin-like, on the Lake, with a small stream that runs behind the back deck. I guess I better get busy on that book.

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