The Subaru Trickster

This synchro comes from Anne Norburn of Lenoir City, Tennessee, which lies about 15 miles from Knoxville.  As you’ll see, it has an element of the trickster to it.


My next door neighbor is very, very unpleasant.  He comes down to my house constantly, complaining about various things, like how I accidentally blew some grass out into the street while mowing, etc.  He says he owns the street in front of his house and he does not want us there.

So today, my daughter Laura and I had gone to the grocery store and had just pulled into the driveway of our house, which is the first one on our street. Laura asked if we could drive up the road and back because, I’m ashamed to say, she really wanted to annoy our unpleasant neighbor. I told her no, we had frozen food in the car.

At precisely that moment, a car EXACTLY like mine, a four-year-old year old silver Subaru Forester, came up the road, went by us, and disappeared out of sight over the hill.  I was so surprised that I ended up standing there with my mouth hanging open for a moment or two.


In addition to the trickster element here, maybe there’s something else woven in, a  car Doppelganger that appeared as wish fulfillment for Laura!

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7 Responses to The Subaru Trickster

  1. Wow, there’s a lot of people with “control issues”! Not to get too political, but my impression of many “teabaggers” is that they also have “control issues.” The inability to live and let live seems to be a problem for quite a few people (such as a guy who thinks he “owns” the portion of street in front of his house and gets angry that some grass gets blown into the street?!?). I feel sorry for these people. They are lacking something within that would give meaning to their lives, instead of harping on what other people are doing. They will always be at the mercy of other people if other people’s habits and actions can set them off on a rant or tirade.

  2. I have one of those neighbors. He recently came over to complain that my dog’s bark scared his dog into going back on the deck of his house instead of going off the deck to do her business. Except that he was wrong. It was my daughter’s dog that barked one time at something else that caused his dog to go back on the deck. She probably didn’t recognize the bark and it scared her (she’s old.) He wanted to call animal control on our dog.

    This was a great synchro – and the lesson to all of us to be careful of what we focus on – this guy could have all sorts of things manifest that bothers him. Grass could be blown from all over the place to land right in front of his house. Mountains of the stuff!

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    That is just so cool! We are so fortunate to have wonderful neighbors. BUT….I’d be a happy camper if we could live in the country the way we lived in GA, with no neighbors within a half-mile or so, and lots of trees and woods. Here, it’s sand dunes and ocean waves. I wonder where those folks live, that the mean old neighbor guy thinks he owns the street in front of his house?? Here, the county owns the property eight feet in from the edge of the road or street, then it becomes the person’s property. Guess each state has different DOT rules….or, that mean old neighbor guy
    is just exactly that….a mean old neighbor guy!! Love the auto doppelganger!

  4. gypsy says:

    talk about wish fulfillment! too funny!

  5. Ha ha, wonder if the neighbour saw the second car as well?

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