Bangers and Mash

Dave Malcolm, a former employee at the secret navy base AUTEC, who will be on the History Channel with Rob this evening, offers this synchronicity about an ethnic meal.

I travel frequently for business but very seldom receive an invitation to have dinner with a co-worker and their family. On my recent trip to Canada in April I was invited to the home of a colleague who was of Iranian heritage, born in India. I was surprised to hear his wife was preparing bangers and mash, a meal of sausage and mashed potatoes. This is a British dish I am familiar with since I’m Scottish. I thought it odd that an Iranian-Indian in Canada would serve this meal, but guessed the British influences in those countries was responsible. I hadn’t heard the name or had the dish bangers and mash in many years and enjoyed it.

Fast forward to last Saturday. While shopping in NJ for a Mother’s Day plant, I ran into one of my uncles, who had just returned from Scotland after attending a family wedding. He described a non-typical wedding feast; the wedding cake was a tower of cup cakes. And the entrée was…bangers and mash.

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