A Little Grrrr

Hmm. Life in TV world. Rob’s 90 minute-interview ended up on the cutting room floor. But, in all fairness, we got a free trip to Andros, terrific pics of AUTEC, met some cool people, had some weird experiences, made some great contacts. What’s there to complain about?

– Trish

PS And to the guy at the watering hole whose wife works at AUTEC. Were they sweating bullets tonight because of the comparisons to Area 51?

Look here: Secret Base
And here: Secret Base Update
Another: Filming
Yet another:Bermuda Triangle

PPS To the lady at the airport who had been an AUTEC employee: many thanks for speaking so freely about your experiences there, particularly when I asked you about the “dome.”

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5 Responses to A Little Grrrr

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Ray, we’ll check this out!

  2. Ray says:

    I was struck by the fact that Greg and Laura from A.R.E. were interviewed. A.R.E. is here in Virginia Beach. My wife and daughter have bought crystals at the enlightenment center. I get their catalog online with daily updates of current events as well as a print catalog on a regular basis.

    In 1989 I was in Exuma Sound in the Bahamas, not far from Andros Island on a T-Agos surveillance ship. Since we were testing our equipment I wonder if AUTEC had something to do with our data stream. Our captain told me he was not allowed to tell us what the ship was capable of, but that even though it was highly classified the information was in the Washington Post. Here is a link to some info on the T-AGOS ships. Some of them now used for drug interdiction rather than the original ASW mission. https://tinyurl.com/pc3el5


  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Dave and Curt, the former AUTEC employees who have posted here, had great stories on UFO Hunter. Good going, guys!

    May, the five W’s of course are the basics of journalism and all types of investigations.

  4. May says:

    After looking up the four posts listed, I noticed this Synchronicity:Re : Bermuda Triangle– 5 Navy Avenger torpedo bombers that disappeared.Re: Frogs and more frogs– mention of 5 frogs on your window the other night.Re: Fogs and Rainbows– Bruce sees 5 rainbows on way to airport.This brings to mind the synchronicity of the 5 question words: WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY– all beginning with “WH” (predominantly “QU” in Spanish and French question words).So, what to make of this????? 

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Now I know what it means when Mercury is retrograde in my sign, Taurus!

    Strangely, a couple of weeks ago, I got an e-mail from someone unconnected to the History Channel or UFO Hunters, who said he saw the episode and my interview was cut.

    I told him he must’ve seen the wrong episode, even though he knew I’d gone to Andros Island. He never wrote back. Mistaken or not, he was right. – Rob

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