Ghost in the Camera

Here’s an incredible story about a teenage boy  who bought an old Polaroid camera at a garage sale because ‘it looked cool’ only to make an amazing discovery inside the camera. (Gabe Carlson alerted us to this story.)


A Kansas teen made a remarkable discovery recently after he’d purchased an old Polaroid camera at a yard sale. He bought the old camera because he thought it looked “cool.”

He paid a $1 for the dated camera, but wound up finding a treasure.

According to The Daily, 13-year-old Addison Logan was browsing yard sales with his grandmother, Lois Logan, last weekend. An old Polaroid caught his eye and he decided to buy it as he thought it looked cool.

“I found this Polaroid camera and it looked pretty old and cool, so I just bought it for a dollar,” Addison told ABC News.

After he got home, he began examining his find, and couldn’t figure out how to take a picture. So he did what any teen these days would likely do, he looked it up on the Internet. In his research, Addison realized older cameras needed film, so he opened the relic up to see how it worked. He found a developed photo inside, of two teens, a boy and a girl.

I opened up the cartridge to see if there was any [film] in it and I saw a full photograph in there,” Addison said.

He brought the snapshot to his grandmother to show her what he’d found. His grandmother was shocked when she saw the image. It was a picture of her deceased son.

“I thought he found it somewhere in the house,” Lois Logan said, reported The Daily. “He had no idea that that was his uncle.”

The picture was an image of Scott Logan, who had died in 1989 in a car accident, long before Addison was born. Lois Logan said the picture was taken about 10 years prior to her son’s death; the photo is estimated to have been taken sometime around 1979. She even recognized the girl in the image; it was Scott’s old girlfriend, Susan Ely.

Addison said he thought when he opened the camera the photo was of random people, and he was “just blown away.”

Blake Logan received a call from his son and he didn’t process the story right away.

“He told me what had happened and I kind of brushed it off and it didn’t really strike me – the significance of it – until I went home,” he told ABC News. “I was kind of in a state of shock.”

The Logans retraced their steps back to the house where Addison bought the camera to see if any clues surfaced, but the individual who sold the camera said he didn’t recall where he’d gotten it, or even how long he’d owned it. The man was not familiar with either person in the 30-year-old photo. In fact, it was said the neighborhood didn’t even exist then, reported the Wichita Eagle.

So how the photo ended up at that place and time where Addison would find it is a complete mystery.

The secrets held by the camera will remain unknown, but the family is amazed with the find. It is even more valuable because not many pictures of Scott remain in existence, the family had lost many of their photos in a flood a few years ago, reported the Los Angeles Times.

“It’s one of those things that it almost touches me the more I see how much it touches other people,” Blake Logan said. “When you have faith, you believe they’re always with you and when you see signs like this, it kind of reaffirms that.”


A good case of synchronicity and spirit contact, it seems, and definitely an example of the underlying reality that exists outside of time and space and cause and effect.

Here’s a link to the story.


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15 Responses to Ghost in the Camera

  1. whoot says:

    Bozo was guessing,,, the way they trigected the weather (east west) across Cuba,, wonder path of least resistence,, would weather act this way,,,(yeah I should get paid for this stuff),,, but Rob what??? I be detecting,, wouldn’t of thought you with a NIMBY attitude,,,, donut devour…..

  2. Momwithwings says:

    This is a fascinating story.
    Math, I’ve never heard of imprinting on film. I would love to see yours.
    The unseen is so fascinating!!

  3. DJan says:

    I just LOVE this story. Although I had seen the article in the paper, I didn’t read all the details until now. It’s amazing to me that this happened, but only because I am always amazed by synchronicity when it happens like this. Some spirit was leading the boy to the camera…

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    Fraid not, Whoot. The water temp off Cuba is a staggering 87 degrees….just 3 degrees under 90. Unheard of, even for there. NOW the forecasters predict a possible CAT3 by the time he makes landfall somewhere along the upper gulf coast….FL, ALA, LA. etc. He is just skimming Cuba but still causing problems there. Already affecting the Keys. The last Nat’l Weather Channel update from the hurricane planes flying into it said the wind and rain fields are almost 500 miles wide. 250 miles on each side. This is a phenomenally huge mess of stuff, and moving slowly so is dumping massive amounts of water in places that are saturated before Isaaac was born. Bad business, this.

  5. whoot says:

    like the dummy says,,, odds are Cuba gobbles up Issac

  6. gypsy says:

    what an incredible story – and an incredibly beautiful story! not to mention how incredibly meaningful! beautiful beautiful story! so glad you posted it – now – off to find my old polaroid camera!!

    on isaac – ya’ll all batten up and hunker down!!! be safe!

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    Didn’t mean to stray so far from the camera story. It is indeed magical. I know it stretches credulity, but I’ve actually caught images of Nature Entities with my old Polaroid when the film was available. Once, in GA, we had a big bonfire going out in a clearing near our woods, and I took a picture of the fire. So OK, time for the skeptics to emerge: there was a very, very clear image of a Fire Spirit gazing out at us from the flames. It wasn’t just a peculiar direction that the flames were taking; it was definitely an entity, crystal clear. Another time, I got a snapshot with my Polaroid of a guardian
    spirit leaning over the back of my youngest child, who was himself leaning much too close to a fire. That entity appeared to have wide wings, and those wings were spread over my son’t entire body. It was crystal clear. I would LOVE to be able to get my hands on some Polaroid film….the old kind. Those photos are priceless. I wonder how Scott Logan imprinted his iamge onto that film. Life is so strange….on all sides of the Veil. I’ve come to understand that they use any means available to them to make their presence known!

  8. This is a magical story: endless possibilities.

  9. mathaddict2233 says:

    The Island we live on has three bridges to the Mainland. Two of them are draw-bridges to allow boats and ships to pass, and the other one is a really high bridge that the boats and ships can move under. Our problem is that the draw-bridges are simple two-lane ones. Only the high one is a four-lane divided bridge, and during evacuations from our Island, the traffic is beyond describing. many parts of our Island are situated below sea level, so folks who have lived here long enough know to leave when the authorities tell us to leave. The crazy tourists who think it’s fun to have what they call “hurricane parties” are often the ones who die. Once the wind reaches 39mph, even during just a bad storm, the bridges are closed on each end and no one goes across in either direction due to the danger to high-profile vehicles. Folks are on their own during hurricanes and tropical storms if they remain when told to go, because the police and other rescue people leave. If a person chooses to remain, they must file a paper giving their SS number and next of kin to the officials, because there’s no assistance available once the bridges close. Good luck, NRC.

  10. mathaddict2233 says:

    Off-topic, back to Isaac: Trish and Rob are now in the “red zone” area, (hurricane WATCH). Keys and up as far as Tampa in the “purple zone” area, (hurricane WARNING). Assume the RNC continues to plan on being there. Stupid people. On the upper east coast here, we’re in the “pink zone” at the moment (expect dangerous winds and flooding rain). Bad weather already hitting south FL. Newest advisories showing Isaac will re-strengthen as it comes across the FL straits warm water, and by Tuesday they now expect it to possibly be a CAT2 istead of a CAT1. Somebody must know something we don’t because The Red Cross has already moved a huge number of its workers into our state, including equipment, as well as 60,000 RTE meals. National Guard has been called in, too. So apprently Isaac is telling them something they may not be sharing, although they do continue to tell us all to be prepared for genuinely bad weather that will last a long time because the system is so huge in its size…..windfield is enormous. Guess it’s time to get ready to hunker down.
    Those poor folks in Haiti. They’ve evacuated 70,000 people there. Yes, that number is correct. 70,000. They don’t know where to put them. These are people still living in tents and outside since the horrific earthquake there two years ago. Just unspeakable.
    When I was four years old my family drove across the seven-mile bridge from Key West to the mainland during the first onslaught of an incoming hurricane, and I still remember it. Zero visibility. My Dad couldn’t see any vehicle in front of or behind us, and couldn’t see the road or the edges of the bridge, and it was daytime. Just a weather black-out from the rain. It was terrifying to a kid. I hid in the floorboard, feeling my Mom’s and Dad’s fears. These storms are nothing to take lightly, even the mild ones.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      We’re still in the tropical storm warning area. The problem with Key West is that it’s connected to the mainland by a bunch of bridges – one road in and one road out.
      I feel bad for the people in haiti. That country has suffered so much.

  11. mathaddict2233 says:

    Amazing. For many years I used one of the old Polaroid cameras to take ghost photographs, because the film was fast…..7000 speed…..was black and white…..and because the Polaroid camera and film couldn’t be what we now call “photoshopped”. What was there was what appeared on the film, and it couldn’t be double-exposed, either. So until the film became unavailable, I used my trusty old Polaroid and got some unbelievable pictures with it. During those years, I read that there were some photographers who were experimenting with film; with trying to see if spirits could impress their images upon the film WITHOUT the use of a camera and without even putting the film into a camera. They did have some success. I tend to think this young man’s relative did that…..impressed his image on the film that was inside the camera. What a shock that surely must have been!! But a good shock. You know we often can see their images in mirrors and other reflective surfaces, as well.
    I think it depends upon the energy that the discarnate has or that he or she can “borrow” from a living person to use to manifest. Our middle son is a professional photographer, and all his life, virtually every picture that has him in it has a lot of “orbs” around him, and often also discarnate faces, etc. He’s a blotter for discarnates, it seems. Great post, guys.

  12. That’s one of those amazingly too weird to believe stories – except that it did happen. Wow!

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