The Economics of Happiness

I ran across this fantastic trailer on  threads of the spiderwoman, Lauren Raines’ blog.  The filmmaker certainly nails the issues.

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6 Responses to The Economics of Happiness

  1. gypsy says:

    neat video – we are able to buy locally here by driving 20 or so miles toward the beach where there are a number of farm stands on the highway –

    glad to hear isaac has bypassed you all there and so hoping it will lose some of its strength before hitting the gulf shores – yesterday several people on fb in that area said they were getting ready to be evacuated –

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    If Isaac intensifies over the warm gulf water as expected, poor New Orleans. Glad to hear you are good. We’re getting bands of wind and rain, nothing much so far. When it gets up across from us, the bands will probably be stronger. We’re on the far outer eastern edge right now. But if someone sneezes on the beach, we lose power, so are prepared for that.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      We’re getting a lot of rain and wind now, just constant. Poor Noah hates going outside into the rain to do his biz. We have a mouse somewhere in the kitchen and the animals are waiting for it to emerge. Weird.

  3. Darren B says:

    Looks good to me.
    I always try to buy local,unfortunately I work for an organization that doesn’t ,
    which makes me feel a little guilty.

  4. I’m all for local produce. When I was last in Austria we went into a couple of shops in the village for small food items – mostly to use for packed lunches when out walking in the mountains. If we bought produce picked or made locally (salad, veg., bread, cakes, cheese etc) there was a 10% discount on the bill – over stuff that had travelled distances. This made sense, so we would choose the local options.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Makes sense, buying locally.

      Tropical storm isaac was pretty much a non event here in South Florida. We have had thunderstorms that far surpassed this.

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