Lest we forget….

In honor of the rain-delayed Republican National Convention, we’re presenting a couple of visual synchronicities (or pseudo-synchros) involving George W. Bush, the last Republican president. We feel it’s important to remind everyone of what happened the last time the Repugs held the White House – two long and costly wars, taking the nation from a surplus to a huge debt, to say nothing of the creation of big government Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, extensive wiring tapping of citizens, and water-boarding prisoners in defiance of international law.

The visual synchros: above, President Bush as commander-in-chief  ‘views’ the Korean DMZ. But the caps are on the binoculars. Moving ahead with blinders, the pic seems to say. In the lower one, not only was Bush reading A Pet Goat after being told about the attack on the World Trade Center, but the book is apparently upside down. Much like his presidency.

Well, of course, these pics might be photo-shopped. Other photos show the book right-side up. Maybe he realized his mistake after a few seconds and turned it around. Same with the binocs. We’ve all probably done that. But for Bush with the photographers on hand, he was caught looking silly. Whether actual photos or photo-shopped, they are symbolically close to the truth about the Bush years.

Of course, today’s Republicans are against big spending – except for defense, where they offered the Pentagon even more billions than they requested. While they boast that they are all about cutting the national debt, they want to add $5 trillion to it by keeping the Bush tax cuts for the rich and giving the wealthiest Americans even more tax breaks. Go figure.

So how will the Repugs honor their last president and veep? They won’t. Neither Bush nor Cheney will be present at the convention. For shame, dishonoring their own past, while at the same time planning to return to their failed policies, such as de-regulating Wall Street – where greed nearly brought down the nation’s economy in 2008 as W was on his way out.

In the days before the convention, Tampa, Florida was under tropical storm warning, then a hurricane warning, which ultimately postponed the convention by a day. These warnings are looking very symbolic for the future of the U.S. under a Romney-Ryan administration.

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7 Responses to Lest we forget….

  1. Momwithwings says:

    What is happening to America?
    I wish we could get an eraser and start all over.
    Maybe that is what 12/21/12 is about.

    Wow, when I wrote that date I didn’t realize it added up to 9 which resonates to endings, and change that is sometimes forced upon people by death.
    If you add the 20 the number is 11, spirituality.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Hmmm is right. Get math on this one!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      An eraser won’t work with the Repugs. You’ll need an Etch-a-Sketch.

      • Rob and Trish says:

        A funny word synchro: as the formal nomination of Mitt Romney as the GOP candidate for president neared the tipping point, where he would officially become the party’s candidate, Chris Matthews cut off a discussion to turn to the nominating process with these words: “It’s getting pretty historic now.” But the way he slurred the phrase with his Philly accent it sounded like he said: “It’s getting pre-historic now.” We actually both thought that was what he said, until we replayed it. Funny.

  2. Being in the UK anything about Bush reminds me of Tony Blair whose now making millions while his wife is trying to set up something to rival our National Health Service (which just happens to be based overseas, of course). So much for their supposed beliefs.

    Off subject a little but I just read that:

    “In Arizona, women are now legally pregnant two weeks before conception, according to a new law, the Orwellianly-named, ‘Women’s Health and Safety Act,’ signed by Republican Governor Jan Brewer. The scientifically, medically, ethically, and intellectually dishonest legislation is designed to reduce the amount of time a woman is allowed to have a legal abortion, and is one of the most draconian bills to become law in America.”

    If true, seems unbelievable. How can anyone be pregnant prior to conception – perhaps if a woman thinks about sex that’s good enough …

  3. not a whoot says:

    thinking the symbolism is not really understood by some,, many,,, Good/Bad,,,, whose to read into the heart of another things R so oftened not what they seem (figuren),, probably put in a position to handle certain things most all of us CAN’t even Imagine………

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