Noah, Hero


Jenean sent us the following synchro. It’s tragic, heroic, unbearably sad, and illustrates how synchronicity speaks to us during times of major transitions.


This past Saturday night/early Sunday morning (September 1-2), my teenaged grandson, Dylan [Cindy’s youngest child] was at a friend’s house and several of the kids there decided to go over to the apartment of another friend who was having a birthday party.  So Dylan rode over with a friend named Noah.

When they got to the apartment, where 7-8 other friends had gathered, too. Dylan and Noah decided to make a snack run to Walmart just a couple of blocks away.  Upon returning to the apartment, they walked into a dark apartment, with their friends all laying face down on the kitchen floor, being robbed by two masked gunmen.  They were told that if they moved they would be killed.

Apparently Dylan and Noah made it only just inside the door when Noah decided to slip down the hallway to the bedroom and retrieve a gun that he knew was there.   Just as he retrieved the gun, he was confronted by one of the gunman.  A fight ensued and Noah was shot in the head.

The gunmen then left with a couple of electronics and whatever money they got from the kids there. Noah lived just long enough to be able to donate his organs, as he had always wished to do.  A police investigation is underway but so far the gunmen have not been apprehended.

Now, a couple of things about this story, the first of which is Noah’s name.  Noah is the biblical character who built an ark so that others might live.   Our Noah gave his life so that others might live.  Not only did he save 7-8 of his friends, , but according to the doctors, with his organ donations, he gave life and/or a better life to about 40 others altogether.

Noah, rightfully so, is being hailed as a hero by many.  Interestingly, in mythology, “Dylan” was a legionary Welsh hero.

Secondly, what would the story ending have been had Dylan and Noah not made a snack run at that precise time. They would have been put in the kitchen with the others and there would have been no escape route in which to retrieve the gun.

Next, the gun that Noah got was a gun that he had recently bought and had taken over to this friend’s apartment to show him a few days previously. For whatever reason, he hadn’t taken it home with him, therefore it was still there that fateful night.

When Cindy left the police department [after the survivors were all interviewed] downtown, she happened to stop at a convenience store for a cold drink – a store that she had never been to before and that wasn’t near her home or office.   She heard the cashiers say something about someone having been “shot in the head.”

They were discussing the man who had just left the store as Cindy arrived who said his son had just been shot in the head.  It was Noah’s father.  So Noah’s father and Dylan’s mother crossed paths that night, each unaware of the other.


Stories like this prompt me to believe that nothing is random. Dig deeply enough and you’ll find a strange order and organization to events.


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50 Responses to Noah, Hero

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Darren, this may seem irrelevant to you and the 42, but for me, under the circumstances of the foregoing comments, my Dad died when he was 42 years old…….
    another synchro from this end!

  2. Darren B says:

    I just came back here after doing my latest post which involved the number 42 and I read –
    “42 Responses to Noah, Hero” ?!

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    I agree with you 100% on this recent comment, Mike. Any gun owner MUST prove a reasonable, true purpose for having the firearm, such as on a country ranch or farm where dangers lurk, and even those should be thoroughly checked out and approved. The recent Zimmerman case is an example of a cop-wannebe having a gun on his person and he killed a 17-year-old boy with it. Case still pending. They are using the “stand your ground” law, which I think is absolutely deplorable, giving people who shouldn’t own a gun and use it, license to kill. It’s a horrific law. Horrific. Takes us back to Wyatt Earp and Dodge, you know? Just terrible, and senseless in this modern world. If it doesn’t change, I foresee the general public walking around all over the place with guns strapped on their belts like old-time cowboys and current police. Bad bad bad.

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    Mike, I agree with you in theory…your response to Darren. However, as mentioned previously, in practicality there are PLACES where a gun is a necessity. My Dad worked in the wilds, and the gun he carried never put a human in any kind of danger, ever. It stayed locked in a safe in his truck when he came back into town, and it was never taken out except when he got on his horse to work the cattle ranches and farms. So, to outlaw guns in ALL situations is not reasonable nor feasible. To everything there is a purpose, a time, a place. Even guns. Would you like to be riding a horse in the middle of the country and have a huge rattlesnack crawl out of a bush and strike at your horse’s legs? Or worse, be on foot and have that snake rear its head to bite YOU? Dad once had to shoot a Brahma bull that charged him. It would surely have killed his horse and seriously hurt, if not killed, my Dad. He didn’t WANT to shoot the bull, but someone had left the fence gate open and the bull had wandered in with the cows. He was charging towards my Dad before anyone could otherwise catch him and restrain him back into his own pasture. Dad had no choice, but it really disturbed him to have to shoot the bull. Purpose, time, place. Most certainly not as it is now, where guns are rampant everywhere, as is killing. But there are exceptions, and ranching and farming is an exception with the guns, all things considered. (In my opinion and experience.)

    • I actually agree that some guns are perhaps necessary (though I still don’t like the idea personally) : farmers and the like. But even they have to be controlled (as I see it!). I had a neighbour who was licensed to own a rifle but the day he moved in the police were on his doorstep wanting to see where the gun was kept. It had to be securely locked away at all times, when not in proper use. In his case the gun would only be used responsibly – but he, himself, had to be also checked out.

      What I wouldn’t want to see in the UK is where anyone could go out and buy a gun and/or ammunition. Every gun and the owner should have to be properly licensed and have a genuine reason for owning a gun – not just because it makes them feel safe etc.

      Gun crime will no doubt be with us for a long time but the less guns there are on the streets the less unnecessary deaths. Hopefully!

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    Great news, Gypsy! Sometimes our officers of the law do a wonderful job, don’t they!
    And like school teachers, they often go unappreciated. Justice eventually wins, however. If not in the current life, then in another. If I didn’t have that conviction, it would be most difficult to cope with the adversities. Am burning candles for all the loved ones involved with the young man who sacrificed his life to save the lives of so many, due to the donation of his organs! A tragedy attached to blessings and to hope for new lives for others.

  6. gypsy says:

    forgot to mention that this suspect’s last name is LAWS – how fitting, right!

  7. gypsy says:

    UPDATE – POLICE HAVE ARRESTED A SECOND SUSPECT IN NOAH’S DEATH – interestingly, the report also says that police say “additional arrests are expected” – i have an idea what this means but am unable to discuss it here at this time – in any event, good news – many many thanks to the shreveport police department for their diligence and perseverance for justice –

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    It amazes me that all at one time, there are “Noahs” appearing in the lives of so many of us here in the Synchosecrets ‘family’. Something surely is being said by this.
    Noah in the Bible alledgedly escaped the flood by building the ark and saving the animals. In my dream, Noah was a physician saving lives. And J’s experience…..It just goes on nd on with each of us, dots connecting to dots with Noah as the central theme and symbol. Astonishing synchronicity.

  9. Natalie Thomas says:

    So very sorry Jenean. Such a sad story.
    Needless for me to say, our Noah is often the hero in his little Kindy class, and here at home. He is very soulful and protective old soul for 6. In my baby name book…Noah means ‘comfort’.

  10. lauren raine says:

    What a sad story. I have to agree with Mike Perry…..all I can think of is the loss of such a young life, the waste. Its an ongoing insanity that anyone can collect guns in America, as the number of yearly massacres attest, Colorado being the latest. It was good to see our beloved Gabrielle Giffords at the Democratic Convention, but we still lost her voice in Congress, and all the other people who died that day aren’t here either. In “Bowling for Columbine” Michael Moore makes a y good case that Canada, with its limited gun access and very low homicide rate, is not suffering from the lack of guns…………

  11. mathaddict2233 says:

    Darren, there’s yet another astonishing synchro here, this time between you and me! And I sent an email to Trish about what I’d learned when I got back home, before I read your comments just now, so it’s a confirmed synchro. This afternoon I was gone for hours, helping my oldest son move into his condo. I told him about the series of dreams I’ve been having, including the dream about Noah Wyle being in an ER in my dream, and that I looked him up and discovered he played a Doctor John Carter in ER, but that I haven’t seen or heard anything about him in years. My son replied, “Mom, Noah Wyle is playing a central character in a TV series called FALLING SKIES’ It’s about aliens, and he’s an alien fighter”. I almost fell out of the car, Darren. I had never heard of this show, or of Noah Wyle being in it, and as I told Trish, it sheds a new light on the dream I had about him. In the context of my dream, we were in an ER and he was holding a vial of my blood, and he said, “We’ll have to give her lots and lots of antibiotics”. I woke up then. But this connection with Noah Wyle and a show about aliens really hit home with me. I appreciate your input, too. Until my son told me about it earlier today, I had absolutely NO IDEA!!!!! BTW, Noah Wyle name number is 11-11. How weird is all this!! I must watch the FALLING SKIES program and see what it may have to say.

  12. mathaddict2233 says:

    Regarding guns in America, past and present… Dad was a cattleman. He was on horseback during most of his working day, riding on farms and ranches in often pretty wild countrysides as well as pastures, etc., that were bordered by heavily dense forests and woods. There were rattlesnakes, water moccasins, and other venomous creatures; there were wild boars who were not afraid of the horse or of man and would “charge” them when sighted, and occasionally an irate bear. A gun was an essential part of my Dad’s safety measures. His life was in peril from the wilds without such protections. He didn’t like it, but it was a necessary evil. Under such circumstances, a gun becomes necessary. But in cities, in homes, in virtually all other environments where danger doesn’t lurk in the form of wild animals, etc., guns can be evil, and are. My Dad locked his gun, (a side-arm), in a safe inside his worktruck, and didn’t remove it from there to bring it into our house. He only took it out when he was preparing to get onto the horse and ride into unsafe country. There is a time and a place and a reason for all things. Guns and firearms in general in America have become weapons of horrific and senseless destruction. On rural farms and ranches, they are a necessity. It is the person and the reason for the guns, not the guns themselves, that are the issue, in my opinion. And where my Dad was concerned, frequently all he had to do was shoot his gun into the air and that sound would frighten away a boar or a bear. The venomous snakes were something else entirely. They attacked the horse’s legs if not shot. For me, the issue about guns is BALANCE and NEED. Just as an aside, Dad was not a hunter. He despised the killing or harming of deer, birds, and any other creature, and his cattle were not slautered for food. They were dairy cattle, used for milk and other dairy products, not for beef, etc.

  13. Momwithwings says:

    This is such a sad sad story.

    I only mention this because the name Noah is unusual. Over a week ago Russell Crowe got lost Kayaking near where I live. He was almost unrecognizable, heavy, long gray hair pulled back in a pony tail and beard. He is here filming and playing the part of Noah and his Ark.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Now there’s a strange synchro, mom.

    • Darren B says:

      Thanks for tipping me off about this movie MomWW.
      I’m a big fan of Darren Aronofsky who is the director of Noah,
      and I had heard he was going to make a film about Noah,I just didn’t realize he had started filming already.I can’t wait to see this one,even though it’s not going to be released until 2014.
      I found it interesting too that Liev Schreiber was considered for a role but Ray Winstone was cast instead.Liev just played an Aussie shark hunter in a movie called “Mental” which is a movie I won free passes to and saw on Monday night.I’m actually doing a blog post about it now.
      Russell was in a movie called “Proof ”
      in 1991 directed by Jocelyn Moorhouse
      who is married to and has children to the director of “Mental”
      P.J. Hogan
      ,who I was sitting right in front of,three rows back from the other night.
      There is a picture on this post of mine I did the other day as well as a link to the trailer of “Mental” ;
      You may not know this,but Russell owns part of the South Sydney Rabbitohs Rugby League team,who’s mascot and badge is a white rabbit.
      So Russell is following the white rabbit literally in his real life .-)
      Hugo Weaving is also in the movie “Proof ” with Russell.Weaving of course is Mr.Smith from the movie the Matrix,talking about following the white rabbit.
      Also with my comment above about the movie “Donnie Darko”,in that movie Donnie is hounded by a dark rabbit called Frank.
      When Russell got involved with the South Sydney Rabbitohs years ago I think it was his idea to turn the white rabbit into a dark rabbit,so it would look tougher than a white rabbit and sell more football merchandise,which I think caused a bit of an outcry at the time.
      So now the South Sydney Rabbitohs have two football jerseys,one with a white rabbit and one with a black rabbit.
      The white rabbit is called Reggie;but I don’t think the dark rabbit has a name.
      Maybe they could name the dark rabbit Frank ?-)

      • Darren B says:

        Well here is a syncro.
        I went to look for the tragic story about a pregnant lady that was run over on the weekend and killed at the Cleveland showgrounds,
        which is just outside of Brisbane.
        I was going to go to this show on Saturday because I thought Leo Sayer was going to be singing on the night.Then I found out it was Sunday at 1 pm that he was singing
        ,and since my football team (The Sharks) was playing on TV at about the same time he was going to be singing ,I decided to stay home and forget about going. Just as well,because I would probably have been around this area and may have witnessed this tragic event…although maybe if I had of went events would have changed through ripple effects and this would not have happened? Who knows?
        We can only go by what does happen in life,and not what could have happened.

        Anyway,getting back to the syncro. I went to the ABC website to try and find that story to share with you all here,but I couldn’t find it on the ABC website,instead I found this story which more or less just happened –
        “Man shot after police pursuit in Redfern”
        Redfern is the suburb of Sydney that the South Sydney Rabbitohs are based in !!!
        After all the talk here about gun laws,Noah and Russell Crowe and his football team,how weird is this ?

        I was trying to find the pregnant woman story to show that very tragic,painful events do happen,and from where we are on the ground living our lives,they don’t make sense.
        But from a higher perspective,it might make sense.
        That won’t make the people involved in this incident any more comfortable about what happened for the rest of their lives on this earth and doesn’t in any way stop this from being a tragic event,but maybe it will make sense in another sphere in time.

        Also I played soccer for the Redlands United Soccer club between the ages of 10 and 13,and my team mates brother played Rugby League for the Redlands club that played at those showgrounds where the lady was killed on the weekend.
        Their jerseys looked like the South Sydney Rabbitohs jerseys of the day.Most junior rugby teams in those days would just use variations of the Sydney Clubs playing in the National competition at the time.
        I remember his brother saying I should come and play rugby for Redlands,and I told him I wouldn’t like wearing a South Sydney jersey,so forget it.

  14. gypsy says:

    ooops – wylie should be wyle!

  15. gypsy says:

    personally, i more than detest the whole thing of access to weapons in this country – from whence the idea of it all comes is beyond me – i can only think that in part it comes from the very concepts of murder and mahem upon which this country was founded – invaded by the white man who came here destroying an entire civilization in the name of whatever – the “cowboy” mentality – from my own childhood era i remember most little boys being given bb guns at christmas – and cowboy gun sets – and parents with guns in the house – the easy access to guns in this country is astonishing as we all know –

    one of the ironies of this story for me is that the photograph which shows the ray of light coming down in the midst of noah’s friends/family was made as they shot cans or something off the dock as that was apparently something that noah and his friends engaged in for fun – and believe me, it pains me so to even mention this but i believe it to be a relevant part of the whole story of guns in america – so so tragic – so so sad –

    very intriguing your story, cj – but not at all surprising in terms of our many many life overlays and connections – i remember having seen an interview of noah wylie recently now that you mention his name – it might have even been the same day or close to it as i also remember thinking how ironic it was being aired then –

  16. Sorry, but what I found horrific was the access to guns – why do US citizens need guns? It’s beyond my comprehension. I agree that things aren’t random but all I can really think of is Noah’s family, so sad.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      It’s beyond my comprehension, too, Mike. But the NRA is a powerful lobby.

      • Darren B says:

        Mike,we have strict gun laws in Australia after the Port Arther Massacre;
        But nothing has really changed all that much –
        A guy was shot dead up the road from me a few months ago.
        And the next day another young guy was shot dead in a drive by outside the shop I shop at.
        Admittedly these where drug related shootings,but it doesn’t stop innocent bystander’s getting shot when these things happen.
        And over here if it’s not a gun it’s a knife attack.
        Life is a lottery when it comes to these situations and you just have to hope that your number doesn’t come up in this one.

        • Rob and Trish says:

          That’s where synchros come in, Daz. If you’re aware of how synchronicity works in your life – and you are!!- then your number probably won’t come up in this way.

        • Darren: It’s true there will always be gun crimes no matter how tough the licensing – but not necessarily so many if there are less guns in circulation. If I’m not allowed a gun I’m less likely to shoot anyone.

          There’s a lot of ‘ifs’ in life but if Noah hadn’t have had access to a gun he could well still be alive today. With two opposing guns someone will most likely be killed.

          • Darren B says:

            Take the legal gun out of the equation,and it could have quite easily have been a knife or steel bar as the murder weapon…or an illegal gun.
            It’s the mentality of the people that kill people,not the weapons.
            What you’re saying Mike sounds good on paper,but it doesn’t make the crime figures go down all that much (look at Australia).
            If people want to kill people,they will find a way to do it,whether it be a knife,baseball bat,car,sword or bomb.
            Have a look at that link above about 100 shootings in Sydney this year alone,that’s just in Sydney,not the whole of Australia.I’ve had two fatal shootings within a stones throw of me this year in Brisbane alone and we have probably stricter gun laws than Britain.
            I admire where you are coming from Mike,but I can tell you that if people want to kill people they will find a way,whether you try to ban guns or not.
            It’s the same with drugs,banning them won’t stop people doing them unfortunately.
            Look at the prohibition on drinking last century in the States,not really a huge success was it?
            The reality is nothing much will change crime wise whether you put a ban on guns or not.
            You will only make it easier for the criminal to rob Mr.Lawabiding Citizen and his family.

            The only real time there was a dramatic plunge in the crime wave figures in Australia was when home invaders were being shot by home owners defending their homes.Home invasions dropped quite dramatically for a while when criminals were seeing other criminals dying at the scene of their crime on the TV news shows.

            • “The reality is nothing much will change crime wise whether you put a ban on guns or not.
              You will only make it easier for the criminal to rob Mr.Lawabiding Citizen and his family.”
              That sounds like you are almost advocating guns for all – surely not. I could never accept this and stick firmly to the idea that guns must be removed from society. You make some good points though!!

              • Darren B says:

                My point is,whether I want to remove guns from society or not,it is just a utopian dream to think if you make guns laws to ban or restrict guns,society’s problems will be solved on the crime front.
                Look at the drug trade,making drugs illegal hasn’t solved the problem at all.
                And being a Jew and looking back at countries like Cambodia,
                Nazi Germany,East Timor,etc,and seeing how whole populations without guns were picked off by armies that had virtually no resistance. I have to say that while I don’t agree with an open season with guns ,
                I don’t advocate letting potential fascist governments take all the guns away either.
                It’s a hard balancing act for sure,but that’s where I stand,somewhere in the middle.

    • Yes, Mike. My initial reaction exactly. Why are there so many guns in the USA? We got rid of most of them in Australia. Sure, bad guys get guns and use them. But not that many. Just a few scores of gun deaths a year. In the US it’s something like 20 000 I believe. If Noah hadn’t gone for that gun… Still, there’s something to be learned in all of this.

  17. mathaddict2233 says:

    Oh, J! Such a tragedy and yet, simultaneously, such a blessing for forty other needy fellow humans. On the synchro side, (Trish can confirm this), I had a sleeping dream in which the actor NOAH WYLE played the main dream character. The dream location was an emergency room. I never watched the series ER, in which Noah Wyle played the role of a Dr. John Carter. I learned this by reseraching Noah Wyle after my dream, because I’ve not seen nor heard of him in many years, and after watching a few of the initial episodes of ER when it began more than a decade ago, I decided it wasn’t entertaining for me because I worked as an ER Trauma nurse. I’ll go back and look, but that dream was around the same time as your Noah being shot and killed, J. There is such a profound connection between you and me, that I find it utterly believable that my psyche was picking up on that horrific event. I know your grandson is grieving, along with his many friends and with Noah’s family. My thoughts go out to them. But…..what an unexpected and soul-filled gift Noah gave to so many others….the Gift of a new Life. He must have been a glorious Spirit, and I know that is a comfort to his loved ones!

    • Darren B says:

      CJ ,Noah Wyle also played the character Prof. Kenneth Monnitoff in one of my all time favourite films “Donnie Darko”,where Donnie cheats death,but gets a chance to save his girlfriend and others,who would have died if Donnie does live.
      The action takes place in alternate parallel universe as the time needed to correct this glitch in space/time runs down.
      Anyway,the bottom line is that Donnie is given the choice to save his friend’s and family’s lives by sacrificing his own life and excepting his fate of the plane engine falling on top of him while he sleeps.

      Here is a dialogue from the movie between Donnie and Prof. Kenneth Monnitoff (Noah Wyle) –
      Donnie Darko (2001)
      Donnie: [Talking about portals through space-time] Well, could these portals, um… Could these portals just appear anywhere, anytime?
      Prof. Kenneth Monnitoff: I think that’s highly unlikely. No, I think what you’re talking about is an act of God.
      Donnie: Well, if God controls time, then all time is pre-decided.
      Prof. Kenneth Monnitoff: I’m not following you.
      Donnie: Every living thing follows along a set path. And if you could see your path or channel, then you could see into the future, right? Like, uh… It’s a form of time travel.
      Prof. Kenneth Monnitoff: Well, you’re-you’re contradicting yourself there, Donnie. If we were able to see our destinies manifest themselves visually, then we would be given a choice to betray our chosen destinies. And the mere fact that this choice exists would make all preformed destiny, uh, come to an end.
      Donnie: Not if you travel within God’s channel.
      Prof. Kenneth Monnitoff: Um, I’m not going to be able to continue this conversation.
      Donnie: Why?
      Prof. Kenneth Monnitoff: I could lose my job.
      Donnie: Okay.

      Patrick Swayze was also in this movie,and he was also in the movie “Ghost” where he tries to save his living partner from the evil men around her.

      Wyle was also in the movie “Scenes From A Crime” which was also made in 2001,the same year as “Donnie Darko”.

  18. gypsy says:


    first, the police have now arrested one of the men suspected of being one of the gunmen – the other man remains at large – but we are all grateful for the arrest of a man named Shannon Collins – with the arrest of one, surely the other will follow –

    let me backtrack a bit now – several weeks ago [before this incident] i mentioned in one of my comments here that the numbers 1 and 3 had been following me for a while, with sometimes the number 2 rearing its head – and then, i made a discovery involving these numbers and the recently released book of trish’s [ghost key] – but that’s another story – the point here is that my life was filled with the numbers 1 and 3 and sometimes 2 –

    in regards to noah’s story, the news stories report that the man arrested lives in the 100 block of a street – the number of the apartment where this all took place is 1003

    the following are excerpts of my notes to trish relative to updates etc since my original communication to her about noah’s story:

    1. my oldest grandson…..posted something on fb about noah and said that in elementary school, noah was the best friend of his own best friend – weird, that thing of degrees of separation

    2. i was thinking about the name of the one man who has been arrested – his name is shannon – which is gaelic and means … little owl – and there you have the owl not just the symbol of death but the carrier of death – i decided to go to the best authority and went over to my bookshelves and picked up that great book of yours – animal totems – and as i sat down opened it up – guess where – to page 224 – the story of the one-legged OWL –

    3. there is a photo of a group of family/friends taken down by a lake at the get together held after the funeral service – straight down from the sky into the group of people on the dock is a ray of light – clearly visible – noah’s mother…..left a comment that the picture shows “that noah’s light and spirit will always be where his friends are gathered”…..

    4. and there was another comment from noah’s sister saying that their father had told her that on the night noah was killed, the light in his [noah’s] room had burned out…

    bottom line – we are all so grateful to noah for giving us the gift of life for our beloved dylan – and for the gift of life to the others there and to so many others with his final gift of organs – noah will always be our hero –

    please join me in sending caring and healing thoughts to his family who miss him so –
    thank you –

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Thank you for adding all these details, Gypsy.

    • Darren B says:

      Then I was researching Noah Wyle after reading about CJ’s dream in the comment below,I came across a show he stars in called “Falling Skies”
      “Survivors of an alien attack on earth gather together to fight for their lives and fight back”.
      If you look at the poster for the show –
      You see Noah standing with a gun in his hand watching over his son,who is in the field playing with a paper plane.
      The poster reads ;
      “I was outside playing when they came,
      I thought that they wanted to be friends,
      but they didn’t want to be friends.
      Not at all.”

      When I went back to the main page to read about this TV show
      There is a section called “People who liked this also liked…”
      And the first DVD suggested is one called “Tera Nova” and the blurb says –
      “Centers on the
      an ordinary family from 2149 when the planet is dying who are transported back 85 million years to prehistoric Earth where they join Terra Nova, a colony of humans with a second chance to build a civilization”.

      Also if you look down the list of actors names that appear in “Falling Skies”,not only is there a Noah (Noah Wyle),there is also a Dylan
      (Dylan Authors)

  19. Shadow says:

    don’t have to dig deeply for find order… my life is made up of moments like these. things happen for others to follow from, etc etc etc and the wheel does not stop turning. it’s like a long culmination of events, pre-planned, pre-written, destined???

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