9-11 and the Empaths



Eleven years ago today,  our daughter was just twelve, in the sixth grade. In those days, the deal was that Rob, the early riser,  took her to school and I, the night owl and later riser,  picked her up. He’d done his part, I was getting ready to settle in for a little work before hitting the gym, and the phone rang. It was Phyllis Vega, friend and co-author for Power Tarot, telling me to turn on the television: a 747 had just hit the World Trade Center.

Within 15 minutes,  I was en route to Megan’s school and Rob and I had spoken to our siblings, parents, neighbors, everyone we cared about. We believed the country was under attack.

This event, 9-11, defined the U.S. of the 21st century. It brought about an unprecedented expansion in government – Homeland Security and the TSA, organizations about which we actually don’t know much, but which employ millions. Given how incompetent the Bush administration was, it’s amazing how quickly these organizations snapped into being, fully staffed, defined, in place – almost like it was planned well beforehand.

This is the event you can blame when you must remove your silly shoes at the airport, when your expensive shampoo is confiscated because it’s more than 3.5 ounces, when perverts can frisk you without reprisal. This is when the U.S. became Orwell’s vision of the future, 1984, but a lot later in real time.

Let’s be real clear about this event. It happened under Bush’s watch – not Obama’s – and even though there was intel that pointed to it, Bush chose to head to his Texas ranch to cut weeds or whatever.  All flights were grounded. There wasn’t a single flight anywhere in  the U.S. skies for three days – except for a special flight that ushered some Saudi princes out of the country. You’ll find those details in the documentary Loose Change, an updated version of the original film.

9-11 triggered two new wars – Iraq and Afghanistan – awarded new powers to the president, gave us Gitmo, made torture legal, and probably ultimately ushered Obama into office.  It’s when everything about democracy changed. It’s when we became a people who could no longer recognize what we have become.

The World Trade Center disaster was a major mass event – and not just for Americans. Millions watched the tragedy unfold on television as it was happening, and for weeks and months afterward, it dominated worldwide media coverage. In the aftermath of the attack, thousands of personal synchronicities were recorded about the events.  But even more pertinent, this event reverberated through time.

Back in the early 1990s, Vicki D lived in the suburbs of Philadelphia and attended a day-long spiritual retreated with author and past-life regressionist Carol Bowman. During a guided meditation into the future, Vicki saw the twin towers on fire and crumbling to the ground. She had no idea when this would happen, but felt certain she wouldn’t be there when it happened. For years, she tried to figure out the timing and asked every psychic she knew. But none of them had any inkling of anything like this.

In 1997, she and her husband moved to Long Island and Vicki really began to worry about what she’d seen in Carol’s workshop. But once again, her guides continued to reassure her she would be fine. Her husband was employed in the oil business and his traders worked in the World Trade Center. He had a meeting in the WTC on the 11th and he and Vicki were supposed to have dinner that evening in the Windows on the World restaurant atop the World Trade Center. But Vicki, who has a fear of heights, felt uneasy about it.

Then, a week before 9-11, her husband told her his meeting had been moved to the 12th. “If the original meeting hadn’t been changed, my husband would have been there.”

Mathmajick had some dramatic planetary empath symptoms that we’ve written about before. My apologies to Math – I can’t find those entries now, so I hope you’ll include them here.

The dramatic impact of the WTC disaster became a natural target for a scientific study aimed at monitoring what author and physician Dean Radin calls the ‘global mind.’ The Global Consciousness Project, based at Princeton University and co-sponsored by the Institute of Noetic Sciences, is an Internet-based experiment started by Princeton’s Dr. Roger Nelson. Since 1998, it has been monitoring the movements of this global mind.  Radin, writing in the May 2003 issue of Ions Noetic Sciences Review, described the project as “an ocean of individual minds…that explores the mind-matter relationship” by using a random number generator – RNG.

Today’s network consists of 70 sites worldwide that generate random numbers. Once a minute, these numbers are downloaded and analyzed to find out how consistent they are. As explained at Conscious Project Dot website:  “The theory is that the Global Consciousness of all the people of the world affect these random numbers…”

Radin noted that the events of 9-11 provided a tragic but edifying test for the project, due to the nature of the events and the heightened 24/7 media coverage. On 9-11, 37 of the random number generators were active.  The fluctuations in the bell curve analysis indicated that anomalies began two hours before the first plane hit the WTC, odds of 20 to 1, Radin noted. The results that day were the fifteenth largest out of nearly 1,400 days. “That means that on that fateful day, the GCP’s ‘bells’ collectively rang out around the world with an unusually pure tone.”

So what, exactly, is this global mind? It’s the combined consciousness of every soul on the planet.  “Consciousness has a creative, productive, generative role in the world such that what we wish for is more likely to be than if we hadn’t wished for it,” Nelson wrote. “What we envision together will manifest in the world in a subtle way.” Nelson, the project’s innovator, believes there’s a higher level of consciousness, that we’re participating in it already, and that it might already be self-aware.

The GCP website runs real-time data analysis of the project that, at one time, could be viewed by anyone with a colored coded dot. But back in 2011, the dot was discontinued (lack of funding, a service deemed unnecessary?) The purpose of the GCP dot was that it illustrated in real time  how the global consciousness impacted these random numbers. About twelve hours before the quake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown in Japan, in March 2011, the GCP dot turned a deep, cheery red. According to the website, red “suggests broadly shared coherence of thought and emotion” and a significant deviation from the norm. In other words, the global consciousness was tuned in to what was about to happen in Japan.

Could it be that these empaths are the human equivalent of the random number generators that register deviations in patterns in the global mind? Do they represent the emergence of a new creative ability that will ultimately enable us to fine tune our technology? Are they, in a sense, an interface between humanity and technology?

If you have experienced any of these symptoms, we would love to hear from you. Get in touch with us through our website: www.synchrosecrets.com or through our blog, blog.synchrosecrets.com.





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16 Responses to 9-11 and the Empaths

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Of course although the entire airspace was quickly shut down, the president’s Air Force One was in the air, excorted by the fighters, to wherever his “safe place” was. Same for Cheney, who was sent somewhere else. THEN they closed the airspace to all air traffic. I suspect Wubya was temporarily secured in the deep, city-sized mountain base in Montana. My nephew was stationed in that base during his AF years, and even after all these decades since he was active military and then Nat’l Guard, he still isn’t allowed to speak anything about the place, except where it is, which is common knowledge.

  2. gypsy says:

    on that fateful day 11 years ago i was in alexandria virginia at my daughter lisa’s home – the month before i had come here from my own home in louisiana – anyway for some reason during the few weeks right before i kept telling lisa that we needed to stock up on bottled water – i mean, it was like a major stress thing that we stock up on water – and i had no idea why i was doing it except i knew we “had” to – i even put bottled water in the trunk of my car – something i’d never done before – every time i went out i bought bottled water – lisa had been to the wtc before for meetings with the company she worked for [including just a couple of weeks previously] and there was another conference scheduled for the week of 9/10 – at the last minute this meeting got rescheduled so lisa was not there on 9/11 as she would have been had the conference not been cancelled – lisa’s sister who also lived here on the coast was en route to another city 75 miles north and we were unable to reach her by phone – my plan was to get my girls and go inland – away from the coast – i was unable to reach lisa by phone as well so i got in my car and headed down duke street to her office – the sky was brilliant blue and not a cloud to be seen – except to my left there was a large plume of smoke filling the sky – the pentagon burning – people were walking and driving about totally oblivious to what had just happened – i remember thinking how surreal everything was – maybe it was really just a dream and not happening – when i got almost to her office, the fighter jets began swooping in overhead – and then i got a cell call from lisa – her building was being closed and she was headed home – she said the fighter jets were so low that she could look out her window and they were at eye level – right before i’d left the apartment to go get her a report on local news had come in that the state building had been bombed/hit – there were live shots of people running across key bridge to safety – it was like a patchwork quilt – a patch of chaos and terror here – and there, a patch of people walking their dogs in the sunshine – then cell service went out again and we had just intermittent seconds of usage – my other daughter could not be reached and i had no idea if she was safe – she was headed to a job interview in a large governmental agency so my concern for her was very great – it was more than 5 hours before we heard from her that she was ok but not home yet – all i wanted to do was get both my girls and go west, away from it all –

  3. The week prior to 9/11, a good friend of mine who is a USAF officer on his way to Saudi Arabia, sent a cryptic email that his flight was being delayed. I didn’t think anything of it until 9/11. Then, about 2003 or 2004, I started reading all the 9/11 conspiracy theories and came to the conclusion that it was a false flag event. One report that I had heard in the days or weeks after 9/11 was that John Ashcroft was warned not to fly commercial airlines around that time. People in our government knew. There was also information that the week of 9/11, Time or Newsweek magazine had a cover story they were going to run which indicated that Gore had won the Florida vote and thus should have been president. Of course, 9/11 made any other news irrelevant that week. I wonder what would have happened to the Bush administration if 9/11 never happened and that cover story ran. Possibly impeachment?

  4. Momwithwings says:

    I’ve wondered about today’s energies, but I’m still having symptoms.

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    I feel it, too, MomWith Wings. It’s pretty debilitating. The new symptoms began Sunday morning with full-body tremors, as I’ve mentioned earlier. They were inside my body and outside my body, and weren’t chills. They were tremors. I couldn’t hold anything in my hands, and my legs didn’t want to hold me up. I’ve become able to recognize what are planetary empathies and what are my own body’s dysfunctions. These were absolutely PE symptoms. I’m still not right, and I know whatever it is is in process of developing. I even have wondered if these curent symptoms that began Sunday might be relative to the mass consciousness memories of the events of 9-11, or perhaps connecting to the souls of some of the lost from that day.

  6. Momwithwings says:

    Math like you, the day of 9/11 I felt great. I also had the feeling that everyone who was there somehow chose to be there.
    I had had a lot of dizziness and nausea before the Japan earthquake and Tsunami. I had even kidded with my family just days before, by singing “I feel the earth move under my feet”, the Carol King song. When the quake hit all of my symptoms were gone. I actually feel guilty sometimes when an event happens and I then feel great.
    I still cannot make direct connections with my symptoms and what the impending event will be.
    Recently,I have had a lot of dizziness ( and there have been a LOT of earthquakes worldwide ), again today I’ve been dizzy and tired. I too “feel” like something is going to happen but I have no idea what. It feels like “something is coming “.
    I miss that dot, it was so interesting.

  7. mathaddict2233 says:

    The words the unknown woman actually said to me in my mind were, “Now my job is finished. Now my work is done. Now I can go Home”. On the following Tuesday morning when I recognized that I had “lived another woman’s death” prior to it’s happening 72 hours later, I became convinced, and am still convinced, that on some level, perhaps within our souls, perhaps within our Higher Selves, she and I connected, and HER soul knew in advance, as we all do, that she would be leaving. It was HER Soul speaking to MY Soul, in the awarenbess that her transition out of the body was imminent and that her Soul was ready, on its highest level, to go Home. That brings me comfort. She knew that her work here was complete. Not overtly, certainly. But in its allknowingness, it knew, and that transferred to me. It is the same with the planetary empathies. We KNOW. We just aren’t yet advanced sufficiently to know the details, yet we receive the messages.

  8. Though living outside of the USA I’ll never forget 9/11. My mother was still alive and was staying with us. She was watching television and came out to tell us what had happened. I felt straight away that this could change our world and initially thought it would be the start of a worldwide war. Later in England we had 7/7 and, like with 9/11, there are many doubts as to who really instigated this.

  9. Nancy says:

    With my husband staying 500 feet from the WTC on that morning – 911 will forever be frozen in my memory as a time when I could have become a widow. What was so very strange was that I had absolutely no understanding of what had just happened even though I had a call from him stating he was being evacuated because “a small plane had hit the WTC.” I think we were too stunned to understand how something like the attack could happen in the middle of NYC. After listening to Dr. Judy Wood yesterday on Veritas, I think I now have a clear understanding how it happened and exactly why it happened. You have listed the reasons in this post – TSA, Homeland Security, drones over our cities, NDAA, torture, an unending war on terrorism – the ultimate war machine because you will never get all the terrorists, NSA buildings 1,000,000 square feet in size to sift through every email, blog post, text message, and phone call.

    I think we’ve been had.

  10. mathaddict2233 says:

    Before clicking over here to the blog, Trish, I emailed you a message about a sleeping dream I had last night that awakened me at 3:30am. The dream stunned me, and as I lay there wide awake, thinking about its possible meanings, I realized today is the 11th anniversary of 9-11. I couldn’t connect this anniversary to the dream, but it may be.

    Here is my experience prior to the events of that day: On Saturday, September 8, 2001, my middle son and his fiance’ had a very beautiful, formal outdoor wedding at one of our forested preserves near here. The ceremony was exquisite, and it was one of the happiest days of my own life. Just after the ceremony, as the photographer was taking photos of the bride and groom over by the river, I was standing on the wrap-around porch of the plantation home, talking with our close family friend who had officiated. I felt wonderful. Was not sick. Suddenly, I felt as if a blow-torch was aimed directly into my throat, and all the life-force energy flowed down and out of my body through the soles of my feet. I had to grab my friend to keep from falling. In my mind, a woman’s voice said, “NOW MY JOB IS FINISHED. NOW I CAN GO HOME.”

    My throat was burning so horribly that I could barely breathe or speak, and I could hardly keep standing. Another friend went to get my husband, and although I was supposed to drive the bride and groom to the reception in my SUV, I was not able. I told my husband he must take me home. He put me into his truck and drove me home. I had no fever, no symptoms of any kind except the blow-torch burning my throat and no life-force energy. I crawled into my bed, and there I remained until Tuesday morning. I had no idea what was wrong with me. I felt as if I were dead, but I was breathing. I simply couldn’t get up or function. On Tuesday morning, the TV was on, and within a few brief moments after the first plane hit the first tower, I was perfectly normal again….fully alert, fully restored, no blow-torch in my throat.

    I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs, then phoned my children, my three boys, and made sure each of them was safe. Like Trish and Rob and all of America, I believed we were at war. My oldest son worked for the Historical Society and when I called his cell, he was up at the top of the Lighthouse here and didn’t know about the event. I almost screamed at him to get down and find a safe place. I realized, later, that 72 hours prior to 9-11, I had experienced the death of a woman who would be dying in the first Tower. It wasn’t until her actual death occurred that I became alive again. There is a strange synchronicity here as well: two of my daughter-in-law’s bridesmaids were from New York, and both of them worked in the upper floors of the first Tower. They were too tired from their visit here, and the wedding celebrations, and their travels, to go to work on 9-11. If they had, they would both have died. I don’t know why I experienced the death throes of a woman in that Tower. I know she burned; the blow-torch in my throat at the wedding was the fire in her throat, and it was her final thoughts that had come into my mind 72 hours before she thought them. I prayed she passed quickly without suffering or great fear, and I honestly believe that she did, based on my sudden complete loss of life-force energy at the wedding. When an event manifests, generally my empathies cease. I’ve been having symptoms now for several days that are new, and they haven’t ceased. I don’t know what, or where, or how, or exactly when “whatever” is being birthed. I only know it is.

  11. DJan says:

    We were having a five-year review of our program at work on 9/11/01. I got up that morning to make my tea, as usual, and accidentally burned up my teapot that I had used for years. Completely gone! That was just a few hours before the attacks. I remember the feeling I had when I saw what had happened to the kettle: a sense of foreboding.

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